* Fix issue https://github.com/sequana/sequana/issues/380 is_sorted property
of the BAM class.
* Fix --no-report option in sequana_coverage and add --clustering (double
threshold option)
* pacbio_qc pipeline is now able to also read old pacbio format
* SARTools rule added and used in the RNAseq pipeline
* add summary module to store summary in json formats.
* simple vcf_filter standalone
* pin kraken version to 1.1 (newest on bioconda)
* MAJOR REFACTORING of bedtools and sequana_coverage standalone. In
particular, change default window size to 20,001 or a fifth of genome
length (for small genome); speed up code; add plot_roi function, uses
multiqc for summary page; add log2 ratio column. See
https://github.com/sequana/sequana/issues/495 for details.
Scan large files by chunk. Add a snakemake that can be used in sequanix.
* remove the sequana_report standalone, which was not finalised and won't be
used in the future. We will use multiqc instead.