
Latest version: v2.7.8

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Remove numpy and pandas version limits.
Shapash has shap and xgboost dependencies that have been released. We no longer need to set numpy and xgboost versions.

Fix 451, 457


Hotfix for shapash and shap incompatibility with numpy versions 1.24.0 and above. We limit numpy to a version under 1.24.0.

PR 459 resolves incompatibility between shapash code and numpy.
But Issue 457 remains because of shap incompatibility with numpy.
PR 460 limits numpy versions under 1.24.0.


Hotfix for dash incompatibility with Flask versions 2.3.0 and above. We limit Flask to a version under 2.3.0.


Hotfix for pandas 2.0.0, however, we limit pandas for the moment because some tests do not pass with xgboost.

The main bug on the app with pandas 2.0.0 is fixed
[451]( fix pandas version until xgboost is fixed and fix other code for pandas

Other fixes:
440 Remove data from package
441 scatter plot prediction when not enough data

We have a new tutorial and a new dataset:
443 Feature/tutorial accident


These 2 new features are designed to understand its model just by browsing the Webapp and have all the necessary information

- With additional dataset columns to have other contextual information than the features of the model
- With an Identity card to better see characteristics of a single sample

✨ Features
422 Feature/webapp visuals
424 Feature/id card
425 Feature/additional data
426 Target and error columns in dataset

:arrow_up: Upgrade dependencies and stop support for Python 3.7
418 maximum version for category_encoders and bump version
414 maximum version for sklearn
421 Feature/fix sklearn ce dropping Python 3.7

:bug: Bug fixes
428 Selecting an index via the Index input box for integers on Windows fails
429 Selecting an invalid index via the Index input box logs an error
430 Local explaination plot fails on positive/negative contributions display for specific cases
433 SmartExplainer method init_app fails when no y_pred
431 Errors are not managed when manipulating filters on the Shapash Webapp
432, 434 Update python version for docs


Fix maximum version for category_encoders waiting for change to adapt new version 2.6.x:
418 maximum version for category_encoders

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