- Fixes a bug with required python version for installation
Bug fix : - Fix Shapash installation with python 3.9
- Groups of features compatible with: - Features importance plot (188) - Contribution plot (188) - Local plot (207) - WebApp (203) - SmartPredictor (212) - New tutorial to illustrate how to use groups of features (211) - New plot : correlation plot (210) used in the Shapash report - Added compatibility with python version 3.9
- Standalone report (137) Standalone HTML file that contains the following information : - General information about the project - Dataset description - Model library, parameters, and other specifications - Dataset analysis - Global explainability of the model - Model performance - Digit counter breaks on 0 (156) - Switch from SmartPredictor to SmartExplainer (132)
- **WebApp Features**: Title (118), sort features in mask (117), run app without prediction (135) - **Interaction plot**: Plot (124), calculation of top interactions (120, 122) - **BugFix**: Xgboost (127), Pickle (131, 133)