
Latest version: v2.1.2

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This is the last version of `silx` supporting Python 3.6 and `PySide2`.
Next version will require Python >= 3.7

This is the first version of `silx` supporting `PyQt6` (for `Qt6`).
Please note that `PyQt6` >= v6.3.0 is required.

* `silx view`:

* Improved wildcard support in filename and data path (PR 3663)
* Enabled plot grid by default for curve plots (PR 3667)
* Fixed refresh for content opened as `file.h5::/path` (PR 3665)

* `silx.gui`:

* Added support of `PyQt6` >= 6.3.0 (PR 3655)
* Fixed `matplotlib`>=3.6.0 and `PySide6` support (PR 3639)
* Fixed `PySide6` >=6.2.2 support (PR 3581)
* Fixed Python 3.10 with `PyQt5` support (PR 3591)
* Fixed crashes on exit when deriving `QApplication` (PR 3588)
* Deprecated `PySide2` support (PR 3648)
* Fixed: raise exception early when using a version of `PyQt5` incompatible with Python 3.10 (PR 3694)

* ``:

* Updated: Do not keep aspect ratio in `NXdata` image views when axes `units` are different (PR 3660)
* ``: Updated to edit without clearing previous data (PR 3686)
* ``: Added `selectionChanged` signal (PR 3646)
* ``: Fixed for virtual datasets in the same file (PR 3572)

* `silx.gui.dialog.ColormapDialog`: Updated layout and presentation of the features (PR 3671, 3609)

* `silx.gui.hdf5`: Fixed issue with unsupported hdf5 entity (e.g. datatype) (PR 3643)

* `silx.gui.plot`:

* `silx.gui.plot.items`:

* Added `BandROI` item (PR 3680, 3702, 3707)
* Updated to take errorbars into account for item bounds (PR 3647)
* Fixed `ArcROI` display (PR 3617)
* Fixed error logs for scatter triangle visualisation with aligned points (PR 3644)

* `silx.gui.plot.MaskToolsWidget`: Changed mask load/save default directory (PR 3704)

* `silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget`:

* Fixed time axis with values outside of supported range ]0, 10000[ years (PR 3597)
* Fixed matplotlib backend replot failure under specific conditions (PR 3590)

* `silx.gui.PlotWidget`'s OpenGL backend:

* Added support of LaTex-like math syntax to text display (PR 3600)
* Updated text label background to be less transparent (PR 3593)
* Fixed dashed curve rendering (PR 3596)
* Fixed image rendering of arcsinh colormap for uint8 and uint16 data (PR 3604)
* Fixed rendering on some GPU (PR 3695)
* Fixed empty text support (PR 3701)
* Fixed: Avoid rendering when OpenGL version/extension check fails (PR 3707)

* `silx.gui.plot.PlotWindow`: Fixed management of DockWidgets when showing/hiding the `PlotWindow` (PR 3631)
* `silx.gui.plot.PositionInfo`: Improved picking (PR 3640)
* `silx.gui.plot.StackView`: Updated toolbar implementation (PR 3697)

* `silx.gui.plot.stats`: Fixed warnings when all data is outside the selected stats region (PR 3659)
* ``:

* Added snapping to profile curve (PR 3640)
* Fixed handling of `disconnect` exception (PR 3692)
* Fixed label formatting for 2D profile tool (PR 3698)
* Fixed computation of the slice profile (PR 3708)

* `silx.gui.utils.glutils.isOpenGLAvailable`: Added possibility to check `AA_ShareOpenGLContexts` (PR 3688)
* `silx.gui.widgets.ElidedLabel`: Fixed API inherited from `QLabel` (PR 3650, 3707)

* ``:

* ``:

* Added "info" logs when an entity is not copied to the output HDF5 file `dicttoh5` (PR 3664)
* Added support of `pint` in `dicttoh5` and `dicttonx` (PR 3683)

* ``:

* Updated `get_default` to be more permissive and follow `default` recursively (PR 3662)
* Updated error dataset retrieval (PR 3657, 3672)

* ``:

* Fixed buffer overflow for too long motor or label (PR 3622)
* Fixed missing data if there is a trailing space in the mca array (PR 3612)

* ``: Added retry for generator functions (PR 3679)

* `silx.math`:

* `silx.math.histogram`:

* Added support of `uint16` weights for LUT histogram (PR 3670)
* Fixed `Histogramnd` computation on arrays with more than 2**31-1 samples (PR 3599)

* `silx.math.fft`:

* Added `export_wisdom()` and `import_wisdom()` (PR 3623)
* Fixed normalization modes, notably account for regression in `pyfftw` normalization (PR 3625)
* Fixed avoid creating OpenCL/Cuda contexts when not needed (PR 3587)

* ``: Updated documentation (PR 3582)

* `silx.opencl`: Updated OpenCL profiling, fixed memory leak (PR 3690)

* `silx.utils.ExternalResources`: Stored downloaded data checksum (PR 3580)

* Miscellaneous:

* Added `SILX_INSTALL_REQUIRES_STRIP` build configuration environment variable (PR 3602)
* Added optional use of `sphinx_autodoc_typehints` to generate the documentation (PR 3668)
* Updated build and development tools to remove dependency to `distutils` and `numpy.distutils` (PR 3583, 3585, 3613, 3649, 3651, 3653, 3658, 3661, 3678)
* Updated Windows installer (PR 3642)
* Updated documentation (PR 3699, 3709)
* Updated after 1.0.0 release (PR 3560, 3569)
* Fixed tests and continuous integration (PR 3632, 3637, 3639, 3685)
* Fixed Debian/Ubuntu packaging (PR 3693)
* Cleaned-up Python 2 compatibility code (PR 3673)



This is the first version of `silx` supporting `PySide6` (for `Qt6`) and using `pytest` to run the tests.

* `silx view`:

* Added Windows installer generation (PR 3548)
* Updated 'About' dialog (3547, 3475)
* Fixed: Keep curve legend selection with changing dimensions (PR 3529)
* Fixed: Increase max number of opened file at start-up (PR 3545)

* `silx.gui`:

* Added PySide6 support (PR 3486, 3528, 3479, 3542, 3549, 3478, 3481):
* Removed support of PyQt4 / Pyside (PR 3423, 3424, 3480, 3482)
* `silx.gui.colors`:

* Fixed duplicated logs when colormap vmin/vmax are not valid (PR 3471)

* `silx.gui.plot`:

* `silx.gui.plot.actions`:

* ``:

* Updated behaviour of fitted item auto update (PR 3532)

* `silx.gui.plot.actions.histogram`:

* Enhanced: Allow user to change histogram nbins and range (PR 3514, 3514)
* Updated `PixelIntensitiesHistoAction` to use `PlotWidget.selection` (PR 3408)
* Fixed issue when the whole image is masked (PR 3544)
* Fixed error on macOS 11 with 3D display in `silx view` (PR 3544)

* `silx.gui.plot.CompareImages`:

* Fixed `colormap`: avoid forcing vmin and vmax when not in 'HORIZONTAL_LINE' or 'VERTICAL_LINE' mode (PR 3510)

* `silx.gui.plot.items`:

* Added 'image_aggregated.ImageDataAggregated': item allowing to aggregate image data before display (PR 3503)
* Fixed `ArcROI.setGeometry` (fix 3492)

* `silx.gui.plot.ImageStack`:

* Enhanced management of the `animation thread` (PR 3440, PR 3441)

* `silx.gui.plot.ImageView`:

* Added action to show/hide the side histogram (PR 3488)
* Added 'resetzoom' parameter to 'ImageView.setImage' (PR 3488)
* Added empty array support to 'ImageView.setImage' (PR 3530)
* Added aggregation mode action (PR 3536)
* Added support of RGB and RGBA images (PR 3487)
* Updated 'imageview' example with a '--live' option (PR 3488)
* Fixed profile window, added `setProfileWindowBehavior` method (PR 3457)
* Fixed issue with profile window size (PR 3455)

* `silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget`:

* Fixed update of `Scatter` item binned statistics visualization (PR 3452)
* Fixed OpenGL backend memory leak (PR 3453)
* Enhanced: Optimized scatter when rendered as regular grid with the OpenGL backend (PR 3447)
* Enhanced axis limits management by the OpenGL backend (PR 3504)
* Enhanced control of repaint (PR 3449)
* Enhanced text label background rendering with OpenGL backend (PR 3565)

* `silx.gui.plot.PlotWindow`:

* Fixed returned action from 'getKeepDataAspectRatioAction' (PR 3500)

* `silx.gui.plot3d`:

* Fixed picking on highdpi screen (PR 3550)
* Fixed issue in parameter tree (PR 3550)

* ``:

* Added read support for FIO files (PR 3539) thanks to tifuchs contribution
* ``:

* Fixed missing conversion of the key (PR 3505) thanks to rnwatanabe contribution
* Extract update modes list to a constant global variable (PR 3460) thanks to jpcbertoldo

* ``:

* Enhanced `write_to_h5`: `infile` parameter can now also be a HDF5 file as input (PR 3511)

* ``:

* Added support of `locking` argument from the h5py.File when possible (PR 3554)
* Added log a critical message for unsupported versions of libhdf5 (PR 3533)

* ``:

* Enhanced: Improve robustness (PR 3507, 3463)

* ``:

* Fixed `is_absolute` in the case the `file_path()` returns None (PR 3437)

* ``:

* Added '': provides a visitor of all items including links that works for both `commonh5` and `h5py` (PR 3511)

* `silx.math`:

* `silx.math.colormap`:

* Added `apply_colormap` function (PR 3525)
* Enhanced `cmap` error messages (PR 3522)

* `silx.opencl`:

* Added description of compute capabilities for Ampere generation GPU from Nvidia (PR 3535)
* Added doubleword OpenCL library (PR 3466, PR 3472)

* Miscellaneous:

* Enhanced: Setup the project to use `pytest` (PR 3431, 3516, 3526)
* Enhanced: Minor test clean up (PR 3515, 3508)
* Updated project structure: move `silx` sources in `src/silx` (PR 3412)
* Fixed ' --qt-binding' option (PR 3527)
* Fixed support of numpy 1.21rc1 (PR 3476)
* Removed `six` dependency (PR 3483)



Minor release:

* ``:

* ``: Enhanced robustness for missing positioner values (PR 3477)
* ``: Fixed `DataUrl.is_absolute` (PR 3467)

* `silx.gui`:

* Fixed naming of some loggers (PR 3477)
* Fixed assert on `ImageStack` when length of urls > 0 (PR 3491)
* `silx.gui.plot`: Fixed `ArcROI.setGeometry` (PR 3493)

* `silx.opencl`: Expose the double-word library and include it in tests (PR 3466)
* Misc: Fixed support of `numpy` 1.21rc1 (PR 3477)



Minor release:

* silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget: Fixed `PlotWidget` OpenGL backend memory leak (PR 3448)
* silx.gui.plot.ImageView:

* Fixed profile window default behavior (PR 3458)
* Added `setProfileWindowBehavior` method (PR 3458)



Main new features are the `` module which provides `h5py` concurrency helpers and image mask support by `silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget`'s tools.

* `silx view`:

* Fixed zoom reseting when scrolling a NXdata 3D stack (PR 3351)
* Fixed support of very large 1D datasets in "Raw" table view (PR 3418)

* ``:

* Added `h5py_utils` helper module for concurrent HDF5 reading and writing without SWMR (PR 3368, 3426)
* Enhanced `dictdump` module functions regarding overwriting existing files (PR 3376)

* `silx.gui`:

* Added scale to visible or selected area buttons options to `silx.gui.dialog.ColormapDialog` (PR 3365)
* Fixed and enhanced`silx.gui.utils.glutils.isOpenGLAvailable` (PR 3356, 3385)
* Fixed `silx.gui.widgets.FlowLayout` (PR 3389)
* Enhanced ``: Added support of array clipping if data is too large (PR 3419)

* `silx.gui.plot`:

* Added mask support to Image items and use it in plot tools (histogram, profile, colormap) (PR 3369, 3381)
* Added `ImageStack` methods to configure automatic reset zoom (PR 3373)
* Added some statistic indicators in `PixelIntensitiesHistoAction` action (PR 3391)
* Enhanced `silx.gui.plot.ImageView` integration of ROI profiles in side plots (PR 3380)
* Enhanced `PositionInfo`: snapping to histogram (PR 3405) and information labels layout (PR 3399)
* Fixed `LegendSelector` blinking when updated (PR 3346)
* Fixed profile tool issue when closing profile window after attaced PlotWidget (PR 3375)
* Fixed histogram action (PR 3396)
* Fixed support of histogram plot items in `stats` module (PR 3398, 3407)
* Fixed `ColorBar` when deleting attached PlotWidget (PR 3403)

* `silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget`:

* Added `getValueData` method to image items (PR 3378)
* Added `discardItem` method (PR 3400)
* Added unified `selection()` handler compatible with active item management (PR 3401)
* Fixed `addCurve` documentation (PR 3371)
* Fixed complex image first displayed mode (PR 3364)
* Fixed curve and scatter items support of complex data input (PR 3384)
* Fixed histogram picking (PR 3405)
* Fixed rendering (PR 3416)

* `silx.gui.plot3d`:

* Added `HeightMapData` and `HeightMapRGBA` items (PR 3386, 3397)
* Fixed support for RGB colored points in internal scene graph (PR 3374)
* Fixed `ImageRgba` alpha channel display (PR 3414)

* `silx.image`:

* Added mask support to `bilinear` interpolator (PR 3286)

* `silx.opencl`:

* Added print statics of OpenCL kernel execution time (PR 3395)

* Miscellaneous:

* Removed debian 9 packaging (PR 3383)
* Enhanced test functions: `silx.test.run_tests` (PR 3331), `silx.utils.testutils.TestLogging` (PR 3393)
* Continuous integration: Added github actions and removed travis-ci (PR 3353, 3359), fixed (PR 3361, 3366)
* Updated documentation (PR 3383, 3387, 3409, 3416, 3427)
* Fixed debian packaging (PR 3362)
* Fixed `silx test` application on Windows (PR 3411)



This is a bug-fix version of silx.

* silx.gui.plot: Fixed `PlotWidget` OpenGL backend memory leak (PR 3445)
* silx.gui.utils.glutils: Fixed `isOpenGLAvailable` (PR 3356)

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