* Adds OpenCL management
* Adds isosurface marching cubes
* Adds sift algorithm for image alignement
* Adds octaveh5 module to insure communication between octave and python using HDF5 file
* Adds silx.utils module containing weakref and html-escape
* Adds silx.sx for flat import (helper for interactive shell)
* Adds HDF5 load API (supporting Spec files) to silx.io.utils module
* Adds SpecFile support for multiple MCA headers
* Adds HDF5 TreeView
* Adds FitManager to silx.math.fit and FitWidget to silx.gui.fit
* Adds ThreadPoolPushButton to silx.gui.widgets
* Adds getDataRange function to plot widget
* Adds loadUi, Slot and Property to qt.py
* Adds SVG icons and support
* Adds examples for plot actions, HDF5 widget, helper widgets, converter from Spec to HDF5
* Adds tutorials for plot actions, spech5, spectoh5, sift and fitmanager
* Improves right axis support for plot widget
* Improves mask tool
* Refactors widgets constructor: first argument is now the parent widget
* Changes plot documentation and add missing module to the documentation