- add simulator::getPopulation get a copy of population
- add simuOpt to control simuPOP behavior, hide other modules
- add pointMutator
- change the meaning of rate in recombinator, add parameter intensity
- IMPORTANT: population can contain multiple generations.
add: population.pushAndDiscard (CPPONLY), Lots of work.
parameter ancestry for population.__init__
parameter ancestry for dumper
- add SavePopulations and LoadPopulations function.
- add stat(homoFreq and expHetero)
- fix a small bug with end < 0 and step > 1
- add splitSubPop(ByProportion), mergeSubPops member functions, operators
and functions.
- make duringMating oeprators re-order automatically
- add numOffspringsFunc, mode=MATE_NumOffsprings, MATE_GeometricDistribution etc
- add affected sibpair sampling scheme
- export to linkage format (affected sibpair samples)
- export to randfam format
- test parentsTagger, successfully track pedigree info