- BUG: fix a memory leak bug with LoadPopulation
- BUG: fix a newPopByIndID bug where keepAncestralPops is not respected.
- NEW: nuclearFamilySampler operator and function
- NEW: add MATE_UniformDistribution number of offspring type
- BUG: fix a useAncestralGen bug in largePedigreeSample (Does not affect output).
- BUG: fix a typo in function SaveLinkage, I really need to test these functions as well.
- BUG: fix a SWIG option bug that prevents help messages of member functions to display.
- BUG: fix a memory leak bug with stat operator during allele frequency calculation
- NEW: make sure alleleFreq[x][0] and alleleFreq[x][1] exist, even if there is no
allele 1. This is avoid trouble in binary form. (maybe not a good idea).
- NEW: throw an exception when multiple selectors are applied at the same time.
- NEW: add population::mergePopulation, population::mergePopulationByLoci,
MergePopulations, MergePopulationsByLoci, population::resize
- NEW: add population::insertLoci, population::insertLocus, population::appendLoci,
- NEW: add genoStruTrait::locusByName, genoStruTrait::lociByName
- NEW: swig 1.3.32 compatibility
- NEW: add scripts/loadHapMap.py
- NEW: add pyTagger operator, which can be used to trace trait values.
- NEW: update comments, in preparation for the 0.8.0 release
- NEW: disallow change of genotypic structure of populations in a simulator.
- NEW: add simulator::addInfoField, simulator::addInfoFields, simulator::setAncestralDepth
and related tests and documents.
- BUG: fix a bug when stat() tries to remove non-existings variables
caused by population split.