What's Changed
* (v3.3.1) - Sinergym observation normalization improved by AlejandroCN7 in https://github.com/ugr-sail/sinergym/pull/408
* (v3.3.2) - Calibration of observation normalization improvement by AlejandroCN7 in https://github.com/ugr-sail/sinergym/pull/411
* (v3.3.3) - Sinergym extra variables logging by AlejandroCN7 in https://github.com/ugr-sail/sinergym/pull/412
* v(3.3.4) - NormalizeObservation calibration load improvement by AlejandroCN7 in https://github.com/ugr-sail/sinergym/pull/413
* (v3.3.5) - Utils dependency fix by AlejandroCN7 in https://github.com/ugr-sail/sinergym/pull/414
* (v3.3.6) - Sinergym normalization fix for DRL evaluations and new Ubuntu and Python version by AlejandroCN7 in https://github.com/ugr-sail/sinergym/pull/419
* (v3.3.7) - Fix normalization calibration in evaluations by AlejandroCN7 in https://github.com/ugr-sail/sinergym/pull/420
* (v3.3.8) - Observation normalization bug Fix (again), negative values in obs_rms.var by AlejandroCN7 in https://github.com/ugr-sail/sinergym/pull/422
* (v3.4.0) Sinergym parallelism on the same machine by AlejandroCN7 in https://github.com/ugr-sail/sinergym/pull/424
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ugr-sail/sinergym/compare/v3.3.0...v3.4.0