This is the first version of Energym!
*close 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44*
Patch Notes:
- **Range getter** is developed in *energym/utils/* in order to obtain absolute ranges in a set of Energym outputs. This information is used to normalize observation according to each type of environment.
- Added **normalized observation** to Tensorboard when environment is correctly wrapped.
- Improved **Tensorboard custom callback** code and developed compatibility with *OnPolicy/OffPolicy* algorithms
- Fixed some bug issues.
- More **docstring documentation**.
- Modified **gym action space** in continuous environments. Now is [-1,1] in all environments. Energym has **setpoint_ranges** for each value which will be transformed into Energym simulation action space correctly.
- New gym action space brings some bugs with **Rule Based Controller**. They have been solved.
- Adapted tests to this new repository version.