* Part libraries in SKiDL format are now supported. * Parts can now be created on-the-fly and instantiated or added to libraries. * The parts used in a circuit can be stored in a backup SKiDL library and used if the original libraries are missing. * The KiCad standard part libraries were converted to SKiDL libraries and placed in skidl.libs.
* Nets without pins can now be merged. * Parts and Pins are now sorted when netlists are generated. * For an existing Bus, new bus lines can be inserted at any position or the bus can be extended.
* Use getattr() instead of __class__.__dict__ so that subclasses of SKiDL objects can find attributes named within strings without searching the __mor__.
* skidl_to_netlist now uses templates. * Default operation of search() is now less exacting. * Traceback is now suppressed if show() is passed a part name not in a library.
* Lack of KISYSMOD environment variable no longer causes an exception. * requirements.txt file now references the requirements from setup.py. * Changed setup so it generates a pckg_info file with version, author, email.
* Fixed error caused when trying to find script name when SKiDL is run in interactive mode. * Silenced errors/warnings when loading KiCad part description (.dcm) files.