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<summary><i>Click here to show more.</i></summary>
In this version, we have made the following changes:
1. ✨ **NEW!**: We add a GUI version of `stone` for users who are not familiar with the command line interface.
* You can use the config GUI of `stone` to process the images.
* See more information at [here](use-stone-in-a-gui).
2. ✨ **NEW!**: We add new **patterns** in the `-l` (or `--labels`) option to set the skin tone labels.
* Now, you can use the following patterns to set the skin tone labels:
* **Default value**: the uppercase alphabet list leading by the image type (`C` for `color`; `B`
for `Black&White`).
* Specify the labels directly using _a space_ as delimiters, e.g., `-l A B C D E` or `-l 1 2 3 4 5`.
* Specify the range of labels using _a hyphen_ as delimiters, e.g.,
* `-l A-E` (equivalent to `-l A B C D E`);
* `-l A-E-2` (equivalent to `-l A C E`);
* `-l 1-5` (equivalent to `-l 1 2 3 4 5`);
* `-l 1-10-3` (equivalent to `-l 1 4 7 10`);
* **NB**: The number of skin tone labels should be equal to the number of colors in the palette.