<details markdown="1">
<summary><i>Click here to show more.</i></summary>
In this version, we have made the following changes:
1. ✨ **NEW!**: Now we support skin tone classification for **black and white** images.
* In this case, the app will use different skin tone palettes for color images and black/white images.
* We use a new parameter `-t` or `--image_type` to specify the type of the input image.
It can be `color`, `bw` or `auto`(default).
`auto` will let the app automatically detect whether the input is color or black/white image.
* We use a new parameter `-bw` or `--black_white` to specify whether to convert the input to black/white image.
If so, the app will convert the input to black/white image and then classify the skin tones based on the
black/white palette.
For example:
<div style="display: flex; align-items: center;">
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChenglongMa/SkinToneClassifier/main/docs/demo-1.png" alt="Processing color image" style="display: block; margin: 20px">
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChenglongMa/SkinToneClassifier/main/docs/demo_bw-1.png" alt="Processing black/white image" style="display: block; margin: 20px">
2. ✨ **NEW!**: Now we support **multiprocessing** for processing the images. It will largely speed up the processing.
* The number of processes is set to the number of CPU cores by default.
* You can specify the number of processes by `--n_workers` parameter.
3. 🧬 **CHANGE!**: We add more details in the report image to facilitate the debugging, as shown above.
* We add the face id in the report image.
* We add the effective face or skin area in the report image. In this case, the other areas are blurred.
4. 🧬 **CHANGE!**: Now, we save the report images into different folders based on their `image_type` (color or
black/white) and the number of detected faces.
* For example, if the input image is **color** and there are **2 faces** detected, the report image will be saved
in `./debug/color/faces_2/` folder.
* If the input image is **black/white** and no face has been detected, the report image will be saved
in `./debug/bw/faces_0/` folder.
* You can easily to tune the parameters and rerun the app based on the report images in the corresponding folder.
5. 🐛 **FIX!**: We fix the bug that the app will crash when the input image has dimensionality errors.
* Now, the app won't crash and will report the error message in `./result.csv`.