
Latest version: v2.2.0

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* Added Python 3.7 support again.


* [PiBO]( Augment the acquisition function by multiplying by a pdf given by the user.
The prior then decays over time, allowing for the optimization to carry on as per default.
* The `RunHistory` can now act as a `Mapping` in that you can use the usual methods you
can use on dicts, i.e. `len(rh)`, `rh.items()`, `rh[key]`. Previously this was usually done by
accessing `` which is still possible.

Minor Changes
* Updated the signature of the `ROAR` facade to match with it's parent class `SMAC4AC`.
Anyone relying on the output directory **without** specifying an explicit `run_id` to a `ROAR`
facade should now expect to see the output directory at `run_0` instead of `run_1`. See 827

* Updated and integrated flake8, mypy, black, and isort.

* SMAC uses [automl_sphinx_theme]( now and therefore
the API is displayed nicer.


* Added multi-objective optimization via Mean-Aggregation or Par-EGO (817, 818). Both approaches normalize
the costs objective-wise based on all data in the history.

Major Changes
* Results are instantly saved by default now. That means, runhistory.json is saved every time
a trial is added.
* Determinstic behaviour (defined in scenario) is default now. Calling a function/TAE with the same
seed and configuration is expected to be the same.
* Limit resources behaviour is by default false now. This is particually important because pynisher
does not work on all machines (e.g. Colab, Mac, Windows, ...) properly.
* Renamed scenario object `save_results_instantly` to `save_instantly`.
* Added `multi_objectives` as scenario argument.
* Expanded `cost_for_crash` for multi-objective support.

* Integrated spear_qcp example for commandline.
* Python examples are now executed so that the output in the documentation is shown.
* Added multi-objective example.

* Added runhistory page.

Workflow Clean-up
* Adds PEP 561 compliance (exports types so other packages can be aware of them).
* Allow manual workflow_dispatch on actions that might require it (can manually trigger them from github UI).
* Prevent the double trigger of actions by making push and pull_request and more strict.
* A push to a pull request should no longer cause double the amount of tests to run (along with the other workflows that had on: [push, pull_request].
* Some general cleanup, giving names to some actions, adding some linebreaks to break up things, ...
* Command-line examples are tested again.
* pytest.yaml:
* Now scheduled to auto run everyday instead of every week.
* Clean up the body of the steps and move some things to env var.
* Scaffold for matrix that includes windows and mac testing (currently excluded, see comments).
* Includes tests for Python 3.10.
* Changed the boolean flags in the matrix to just be a categorical, easier to read.

Minor Changes
* Specified that dask should not cache functions/results (803) .
* Handles invalid configuration vectors gracefully (776).
* Specified scenario docs that also SMAC options can be used.
* Docs display init methods now.
* Parameters in the docs are shown first now.
* Successive Halving only warns you once if one worker is used only.
* Statistics are better readable now.
* Sobol sequence does not print warnings anymore.


Minor Changes
* Added comparison between SMAC and similar tools.
* Updated installation guide.
* Added a warning that CLI is only available when installing from GitHub.


* Option to use an own stopping strategy using `IncorporateRunResultCallback`.

Major Changes
* Documentation was updated thoroughly. A new theme with a new structure is provided and all pages
have been updated. Also, the examples revised and up-to-date.
* Changed `scripts/smac` to `scripts/`.

Minor Changes
* `` updated.
* `CITATION.cff` added.
* Made `` consistent with runhistory and tae. (762)
* `minR`, `maxR` and `use_ta_time` can now be initialized by the scenario. (775)
* `ConfigSpace.util.get_one_exchange_neighborhood`'s invalid configurations are ignored. (773)

Bug Fixes
* Fixed an incorrect adaptive capping behaviour. (749)
* Avoid the potential `ValueError` raised by `LocalSearch._do_search`. (773)


Minor Changes
* Added license information to every file.
* Fixed a display bug inside usage recommendation.

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