* ADD 204: SMAC now always saves runhistory files as `runhistory.json`.
* MAINT 205: the SMAC repository now uses codecov.io instead of coveralls.io.
* ADD 83: support of ACLIB 2.0 parameter configuration space file.
* FIX 206: instances are now explicitly cast to `str`. In case no instance is
given, a single `None` is used, which is not cast to `str`.
* ADD 200: new convenience function to retrieve an `X`, `y` representation
of the data to feed it to a new fANOVA implementation.
* MAINT 198: improved pSMAC interface.
* FIX 201: improved handling of boolean arguments to SMAC.
* FIX 194: fixes adaptive capping with re-occurring configurations.
* ADD 190: new argument `intensification_percentage`.
* ADD 187: better dependency injection into main SMAC class to avoid
ill-configured SMAC objects.
* ADD 161: log scenario object as a file.
* ADD 186: show the difference between old and new incumbent in case of an
incumbent change.
* MAINT 159: consistent naming of loggers.
* ADD 128: new helper method to get the target algorithm evaluator.
* FIX 165: default value for par = 1.
* MAINT 153: entries in the trajectory logger are now named tuples.
* FIX 155: better handling of SMAC shutdown and crashes if the first
configuration crashes.