Fixes - Avoid calling SV in N stretches of certain sizes . - Included genome header in vcf and BND type support.
Fixes - More constrained calling of InvDup. - Increased sensitivity for small indels.
Extension - Parameter introduced: --ignore_std disable the filtering based on std.
Fixes - Seg. fault sometimes occurring at the end of the run - Enhanced resolution for smaller indel in noisy regions - Constrained calling of INVDUP
Extention - Parameter introduced: Min segment length
New features: 1. Automatic distance computation 2. STD computations and filtering of breakpoints to detect artifacts 3. Detection of small translocated elements 4. New SV type 5. Enhanced small indel calling
Bug Fixes: 1. Merging of SVs within the tree
Reduce false calls over using nanopore reads. Changes in the VCF file to support IGV display for translocations.