**Bug fixes:**
* Changed VCF file generator to not emit multiple alleles when the reference base is lowercase.
**Other Changes:**
* Trap errors, shutdown the pipeline, and prevent execution of subsequent steps when earlier processing
steps fail. A summary of errors is written to the ``error.log`` file.
See :ref:`error-handling-label`.
* Check for the necessary software tools (bowtie, samtools, etc.) on the path at the start of each
pipeline run.
* Check for missing or empty input files at the start of each processing step.
* Added two new parameters, ``GridEngine_QsubExtraParams`` and ``Torque_QsubExtraParams``, to the
configuration file to pass options to qsub when running the SNP Pipeline on an HPC computing cluster.
Among other things, you can control which queue the snp-pipeline will use when executing on an HPC
with multiple queues. See :ref:`configuration-label`.
* Removed the "job." prefix to shorten job names when running on an HPC.
* Changed the vcf file generator to emit reference bases in uppercase. Added the ``vcfPreserveRefCase``
flag to the call_consensus.py script to cause the vcf file generator to emit each reference base in
uppercase/lowercase as it appears in the original reference sequence file. If not specified, the
reference bases are emitted in uppercase. Prior to this release, the behavior was to always preserve the
original case.
* Added support for Python 3.3, 3.4, 3.5.
* Implemented a regression test suite for the bash shell scripts, using the shUnit2 package.