**Bug fixes:**
* When run on Grid Engine with the default settings, bowtie2 was consuming all available CPU cores
per node while scheduled with Grid to use only 8 cores. On a lightly loaded cluster, this bug made
the pipeline run faster, but when the cluster was full or nearly full, it would cause contention
for available CPU resources and cause jobs to run more slowly. Changed to use only 8 CPU cores
by default.
* The consensus snp caller miscounted the number of reference bases when the pileup record
contained the ^ symbol marking the start of a read segment followed by a dot or comma. In this
situation, the dot or comma should not be counted as reference bases.
**Other Changes:**
* Added support for the Smalt aligner. You can choose either bowtie2 or smalt in the configuration file.
A new parameter in the configuration file, ``SnpPipeline_Aligner``, selects the aligner to use.
Two additional configuration parameters, ``SmaltIndex_ExtraParams`` and ``SmaltAlign_ExtraParams``
can be configured with any Smalt command line options. See :ref:`tool-selection-label`. The
default aligner is still bowtie2.
* Split the create_snp_matrix.py script into two pieces. The new script, call_consensus.py, is a redesigned
consensus caller which is run in parallel to call snps for multiple samples concurrently. The
create_snp_matrix.py script simply merges the consensus calls for all samples into a multi-fasta file.
* The new consensus caller has the following adjustable parameters.
See the :ref:`cmd-ref-call-consensus` command reference.
* ``minBaseQual`` : Mimimum base quality score to count a read.
* ``minConsFreq`` : Minimum consensus frequency.
* ``minConsStrdDpth`` : Minimum consensus-supporting strand depth.
* ``minConsStrdBias``: Strand bias.
* Added the capability to generate VCF files. By default, a file named consensus.vcf is generated
by the consensus caller for each sample, and the merged multi-sample VCF file is called snpma.vcf.
This capability introduces a new dependency on bgzip, tabix, and bcftools. You can disable VCF file
generation by removing the ``--vcfFileName`` option in the configuration file. Also, be aware the
contents of the VCF files may change in future versions of the SNP Pipeline.
* Added configuration parameters ``Torque_StripJobArraySuffix`` and ``GridEngine_StripJobArraySuffix`` to
improve compatibility with some HPC environments where array job id suffix stripping is
incompatible with qsub.
* Renamed the configuration parameter ``PEname`` to ``GridEngine_PEname``.