
Latest version: v0.7.0

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Backwards incompatible changes

Diaspora protocol support added for `comment` and `like` relayable types. On inbound payloads the signature included in the payload will be verified against the sender public key. A failed verification will raise `SignatureVerificationError`. For outbound entities, the author private key will be used to add a signature to the payload.

This introduces some backwards incompatible changes to the way entities are processed. Diaspora entity mappers `get_outbound_entity` and entity utilities `get_full_xml_representation` now requires the author `private_key` as a parameter. This is required to sign outgoing `Comment` and `Reaction` (like) entities.

Additionally, Diaspora entity mappers `message_to_objects` and `element_to_objects` now take an optional `sender_key_fetcher` parameter. This must be a function that when called with the sender handle will return the sender public key. This allows using locally cached public keys instead of fetching them as needed. NOTE! If the function is not given, each processed payload will fetch the public key over the network.

A failed payload signature verification now raises a `SignatureVerificationError` instead of a less specific `AssertionError`.

* Three new attributes added to entities.
* Add protocol name to all entities to attribute `_source_protocol`. This might be useful for applications to know which protocol payload the entity was created from once multiple protocols are implemented.
* Add source payload object to the entity at `_source_object` when processing it.
* Add sender public key to the entity at `_sender_key`, but only if it was used for validating signatures.
* Add support for the new Diaspora payload properties coming in the next protocol version. Old XML payloads are and will be still supported.
* `DiasporaComment` and `DiasporaLike` will get the order of elements in the XML payload as a list in `xml_tags`. For implementers who want to recreate payloads for these relayables, this list should be saved for later use.
* High level `federation.outbound.handle_send` helper function now allows sending entities to a list of recipients without having to deal with payload creation or caring about the protocol (in preparation of being a multi-protocol library).
* The function takes three parameters, `entity` that will be sent, `from_user` that is sending (note, not necessarely authoring, this user will be used to sign the payload for Diaspora for example) and a list of recipients as tuples of recipient handle/domain and optionally protocol. In the future, if protocol is not given, it will be guessed from the recipient handle, and if necessary a network lookup will be made to see what protocols the receiving identity supports.
* Payloads will be delivered to each receiver only once. Currently only public messages are supported through this helper, so multiple recipients on a single domain will cause only one delivery.

* Refactor processing of Diaspora payload XML into entities. Diaspora protocol is dropping the `<XML><post></post></XML>` wrapper for the payloads. Payloads with the wrapper will still be parsed as before.


* Ensure tags are lower cased after collecting them from entity `raw_content`.


- Add support for new Diaspora protocol ISO 8601 timestamp format introduced in protocol version 0.1.6.
- Tests are now executed also against Python 3.6.

- Don't crash `federation.utils.diaspora.retrieve_diaspora_webfinger` if XRD parse raises an `xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError`.


- Made `Profile.raw_content` optional. This fixes validating profiles parsed from Diaspora hCard's.


Backwards incompatible changes
- `Image` no longer has a `text` attribute. It is replaced by `raw_content`, the same attribute as `Post` and `Comment` have. Unlike the latter two, `Image.raw_content` is not mandatory.

- Entities can now have a children. These can be accessed using the `_children` list. Acceptable children depends on the entity. Currently, `Post`, `Comment` and `Profile` can have children of entity type `Image`. Child types are validated in the `.validate()` entity method call.

- Diaspora protocol `message_to_objects` method (called through inbound high level methods) now correctly parses Diaspora `<photo>` elements and creates `Image` entities from them. If they are children of status messages, they will be available through the `Post._children` list.


- Remove legacy splitting of payload to 60 chars when creating Diaspora payloads. Diaspora 0.6 doesn't understand these any more.

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