Breaking changes
- `federation.outbound.handle_create_payload` parameter `to_user` is now optional. Public posts don't need a recipient. This also affects Diaspora protocol `build_send` method where the change is reflected similarly. [43](
- In practise this means the signature has changed for `handle_create_payload` and `build_send` from **`from_user, to_user, entity`** to **`entity, from_user, to_user=None`**.
- `Post.provider_display_name` is now supported in the entity outbound/inbound mappers. [44](
- Add utility method `` which is just a wrapper around ``. User agent will be added to the headers and exceptions will be silently captured and returned instead. [45](
- Add Diaspora entity utility `federation.entities.diaspora.utils.get_full_xml_representation`. Renders the entity XML document and wraps it in `<XML><post>...</post></XML>`. [46](