Incompatibilities with previous versions due to bugs:
* `sourmash gather` on SBT databases was setting `--threshold-bp=0` in all cases. This was fixed in 942, and output may change. Specify `--threshold-bp=0` to recover old behavior.
* refactor LCA_Database class to support programmatic creation. (946)
* add --singleton option to lca summarize (922)
* update gather to calculate fraction of match that was in original query (938)
* add compare --containment (937)
* add --outdir argument to `sourmash compute` (935)
* improvements to sourmash argparse output for compute. (931)
* fix `lca classify` bug with -o (902)
* set_abundances now works with large signatures (911)
* test & fix LinearIndex, SBT, and LCA `gather` thresholding. (942)
Build, CI and docs:
* create
* pin virtualenv version for asv, and also run GH actions on rust version tags (903)
* add make clean & rustup update to dev docs (927)