Bug Fixes
- Arithmetic operations on ``Spectrum1D`` objects now preserve spectral axis values that
were updated by setting redshift or radial velocity. [1158]
- Ensure supported dtype is passed to ``medfilt`` during smoothing. [1156]
- Adjusted copy semantics for numpy 2 compatibility. [1145]
- Fixed moment 0 calculation to sum flux*dx (rather than flux) to match ``line_flux``. [1141]
Other Changes and Additions
- Changed the ``tabular-fits`` reader/writer to round-trip the header,
by default in the primary HDU. The reader now reads the primary
header into ``meta['header']``; the old behaviour of reading the
header from the data extension can be restored by setting the option
``store_data_header=True``. The writer is taking a corresponding option
for saving ``meta['header']`` to either primary or data extension headers. [1113]
- Improved documentation for readers/writers. [1152, 1157]