New Features
- ``wcs1d-fits`` loader now reads and writes celestial components of
of multi-dimensional WCS, and handles ``mask`` and ``uncertainty``
attributes. [1009]
- Added support for reading from files with flux in counts. [1018]
Bug Fixes
- Fixed ``SpectralAxis.with_observer_stationary_relative_to`` to actually
return the updated spectral axis. [992]
- Fixed region extraction for axes/regions in units of ``u.pix``. [1001]
- ``tabular-fits`` writer now properly converts uncertainties to ``StdDevUncertainty``
if needed. [1027]
- Fix bug in ``fit_lines`` which gave unexpected outputs from the ``get_fit_info``
and ``ignore_units`` keyword arguments. [1030]
- Fix SNR calculations with both masks and regions. [1044]
Other Changes and Additions
- Added some basic documentation for ``Spectrum1D.write``. [1017]
- JWST s2d and s3d readers now requires the optional dependency, ``stdatamodels``,
which user has to install separately. [1038]
- ASDF tag for Spectrum1D is now compatible with ASDF v3.
As a result, minversion of ``asdf`` has been bumped to 2.14.
Redundant ASDF schema for ``SpectralCoord`` is removed.
It also now supports ``mask`` serialization. [1042, 1053]
- JWST X1D reader will no longer raise a ``UnitWarning`` for surface brightness
error. [1050]