* Improvement: **Sphinx-Needs** configuration gets checked before build. (:issue:`118`)
* Improvement: ``meta_links_all`` :ref:`layout function <layout_functions>` now supports an exclude parameter
* Improvement: :ref:`needflow`'s :ref:`connection line and arrow type <needflow_style_start>` can be configured.
* Improvement: Configurations added for :ref:`needflow`. Use :ref:`needs_flow_configs` to define them and :ref:`needflow_config` for activation.
* Improvement: :ref:`needflow` option :ref:`needflow_debug` added, which prints the generated PlantUML code after the flowchart.
* Improvement: Supporting Need-Templates by providing need option :ref:`need_template` and
configuration option :ref:`needs_template_folder`. (:issue:`119`)
* Bugfix: :ref:`needs_global_options` handles None values correctly. ``style`` can now be set.
* Bugfix: :ref:`needs_title_from_content` takes ``\n`` and ``.`` as delimiter.
* Bugfix: Setting css-attribute ``white-space: normal`` for all need-tables, which is set badly in some sphinx-themes.
(Yes, I'm looking at you *ReadTheDocs theme*...)
* Bugfix: ``meta_all`` :ref:`layout function <layout_functions>` also outputs extra links and the `no_links`
parameter now works as expected
* Bugfix: Added need-type as css-class back on need. Css class name is ``needs_type_(need_type attribute)``.
* Bugfix: Need access inside list comprehensions in :ref:`filter_string` is now working.