* Improvement: Introduction of needs :ref:`layouts_styles`.
* Improvement: Added config options :ref:`needs_layouts` and :ref:`needs_default_layout`.
* Improvement: Added :ref:`needpie` which draws pie-charts based on :ref:`filter_string`.
* Improvement: Added config option :ref:`needs_warnings`. (:issue:`110`)
* Bugfix: Need css style name is now based on need-type and not on the longer, whitespace-containing type name.
Example: ``need-test`` instead of not valid ``need-test case``. (:issue:`108`)
* Bugfix: No more exception raise if ``copy`` value not set inside :ref:`needs_extra_links`.
* Improvement: Better log message, if required id is missing. (:issue:`112`)
* Removed: Configuration option :ref:`!needs_collapse_details`. This is now realized by :ref:`layouts`.
* Removed: Configuration option :ref:`!needs_hide_options`. This is now realized by :ref:`layouts`.
* Removed: Need option :ref:`!need_hide_status`. This is now realized by :ref:`layouts`.
* Removed: Need option :ref:`!need_hide_tags`. This is now realized by :ref:`layouts`.
**WARNING**: This version changes a lot the html output and therefore the needed css selectors. So if you are using
custom css definitions you need to update them.