
Latest version: v7.3.7

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* ``sphinx.builders.latex.LaTeXBuilder.usepackages``
* ``sphinx.builders.latex.LaTeXBuilder.usepackages_afger_hyperref``
* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.SingledispatchFunctionDocumenter``
* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.SingledispatchMethodDocumenter``

Features added

* 8100: html: Show a better error message for failures on copying
* 8141: C: added a ``maxdepth`` option to :rst:dir:`c:alias` to insert
nested declarations.
* 8081: LaTeX: Allow to add LaTeX package via ``app.add_latex_package()`` until
just before writing .tex file
* 7996: manpage: Add :confval:`man_make_section_directory` to make a section
directory on build man page
* 8289: epub: Allow to suppress "duplicated ToC entry found" warnings from epub
builder using :confval:`suppress_warnings`.
* 8298: sphinx-quickstart: Add :option:`sphinx-quickstart --no-sep` option
* 8304: sphinx.testing: Register public markers in sphinx.testing.fixtures
* 8051: napoleon: use the obj role for all See Also items
* 8050: napoleon: Apply :confval:`napoleon_preprocess_types` to every field
* C and C++, show line numbers for previous declarations when duplicates are
* 8183: Remove substitution_reference nodes from doctree only on LaTeX builds

Bugs fixed

* 8085: i18n: Add support for having single text domain
* 6640: i18n: Failed to override system message translation
* 8143: autodoc: ``AttributeError`` is raised when ``False`` value is passed to
* 8103: autodoc: functools.cached_property is not considered as a property
* 8190: autodoc: parsing error is raised if some extension replaces docstring
by string not ending with blank lines
* 8142: autodoc: Wrong constructor signature for the class derived from
* 8157: autodoc: TypeError is raised when annotation has invalid __args__
* 7964: autodoc: Tuple in default value is wrongly rendered
* 8200: autodoc: type aliases break type formatting of autoattribute
* 7786: autodoc: can't detect overloaded methods defined in other file
* 8294: autodoc: single-string __slots__ is not handled correctly
* 7785: autodoc: autodoc_typehints='none' does not effect to overloaded functions
* 8192: napoleon: description is disappeared when it contains inline literals
* 8142: napoleon: Potential of regex denial of service in google style docs
* 8169: LaTeX: pxjahyper loaded even when latex_engine is not platex
* 8215: LaTeX: 'oneside' classoption causes build warning
* 8175: intersphinx: Potential of regex denial of service by broken inventory
* 8277: sphinx-build: missing and redundant spacing (and etc) for console
output on building
* 7973: imgconverter: Check availability of imagemagick many times
* 8255: py domain: number in default argument value is changed from hexadecimal
to decimal
* 8316: html: Prevent arrow keys changing page when button elements are focused
* 8343: html search: Fix unnecessary load of images when parsing the document
* 8254: html theme: Line numbers misalign with code lines
* 8093: The highlight warning has wrong location in some builders (LaTeX,
singlehtml and so on)
* 8215: Eliminate Fancyhdr build warnings for oneside documents
* 8239: Failed to refer a token in productionlist if it is indented
* 8268: linkcheck: Report HTTP errors when ``linkcheck_anchors`` is ``True``
* 8245: linkcheck: take source directory into account for local files
* 8321: linkcheck: ``tel:`` schema hyperlinks are detected as errors
* 8323: linkcheck: An exit status is incorrect when links having unsupported
schema found
* 8188: C, add missing items to internal object types dictionary,
e.g., preventing intersphinx from resolving them.
* C, fix anon objects in intersphinx.
* 8270, C++, properly reject functions as duplicate declarations if a
non-function declaration of the same name already exists.
* C, fix references to function parameters.
Link to the function instead of a non-existing anchor.
* 6914: figure numbers are unexpectedly assigned to uncaptioned items
* 8320: make "inline" line numbers un-selectable


* 8257: Support parallel build in sphinx.testing


Not secure

Features added

* 8095: napoleon: Add :confval:`napoleon_preprocess_types` to enable the type
preprocessor for numpy style docstrings
* 8114: C and C++, parse function attributes after parameters and qualifiers.

Bugs fixed

* 8074: napoleon: Crashes during processing C-ext module
* 8088: napoleon: "Inline literal start-string without end-string" warning in
Numpy style Parameters section
* 8084: autodoc: KeyError is raised on documenting an attribute of the broken
* 8091: autodoc: AttributeError is raised on documenting an attribute on Python
* 8099: autodoc: NameError is raised when target code uses ``TYPE_CHECKING``
* C++, fix parsing of template template parameters, broken by the fix of 7944


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* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.members_set_option()``
* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.merge_special_members_option()``
* ``sphinx.writers.texinfo.TexinfoWriter.desc``
* C, parsing of pre-v3 style type directives and roles, along with the options
:confval:`!c_allow_pre_v3` and :confval:`!c_warn_on_allowed_pre_v3`.

Features added

* 2076: autodoc: Allow overriding of exclude-members in skip-member function
* 8034: autodoc: ``:private-member:`` can take an explicit list of member names
to be documented
* 2024: autosummary: Add :confval:`autosummary_filename_map` to avoid conflict
of filenames between two object with different case
* 8011: autosummary: Support instance attributes as a target of autosummary
* 7849: html: Add :confval:`html_codeblock_linenos_style` to change the style
of line numbers for code-blocks
* 7853: C and C++, support parameterized GNU style attributes.
* 7888: napoleon: Add aliases Warn and Raise.
* 7690: napoleon: parse type strings and make them hyperlinks as possible. The
conversion rule can be updated via :confval:`napoleon_type_aliases`
* 8049: napoleon: Create a hyperlink for each the type of parameter when
:confval:`napoleon_use_param` is ``False``
* C, added :rst:dir:`c:alias` directive for inserting copies
of existing declarations.
* 7745: html: inventory is broken if the docname contains a space
* 7991: html search: Allow searching for numbers
* 7902: html theme: Add a new option :confval:`globaltoc_maxdepth` to control
the behavior of globaltoc in sidebar
* 7840: i18n: Optimize the dependencies check on bootstrap
* 7768: i18n: :confval:`figure_language_filename` supports ``docpath`` token
* 5208: linkcheck: Support checks for local links
* 5090: setuptools: Link verbosity to distutils' -v and -q option
* 6698: doctest: Add ``:trim-doctest-flags:`` and ``:no-trim-doctest-flags:``
options to doctest, testcode and testoutput directives
* 7052: add ``:noindexentry:`` to the Python, C, C++, and Javascript domains.
Update the documentation to better reflect the relationship between this option
and the ``:noindex:`` option.
* 7899: C, add possibility of parsing of some pre-v3 style type directives and
roles and try to convert them to equivalent v3 directives/roles.
Set the new option :confval:`!c_allow_pre_v3` to ``True`` to enable this.
The warnings printed from this functionality can be suppressed by setting
:confval:`!c_warn_on_allowed_pre_v3` to ``True``.
The functionality is immediately deprecated.
* 7999: C, add support for named variadic macro arguments.
* 8071: Allow to suppress "self referenced toctrees" warning

Bugs fixed

* 7886: autodoc: TypeError is raised on mocking generic-typed classes
* 7935: autodoc: function signature is not shown when the function has a
parameter having ``inspect._empty`` as its default value
* 7901: autodoc: type annotations for overloaded functions are not resolved
* 904: autodoc: An instance attribute cause a crash of autofunction directive
* 1362: autodoc: ``private-members`` option does not work for class attributes
* 7983: autodoc: Generator type annotation is wrongly rendered in py36
* 8030: autodoc: An uninitialized annotated instance variable is not documented
when ``:inherited-members:`` option given
* 8032: autodoc: A type hint for the instance variable defined at parent class
is not shown in the document of the derived class
* 8041: autodoc: An annotated instance variable on super class is not
documented when derived class has other annotated instance variables
* 7839: autosummary: cannot handle umlauts in function names
* 7865: autosummary: Failed to extract summary line when abbreviations found
* 7866: autosummary: Failed to extract correct summary line when docstring
contains a hyperlink target
* 7469: autosummary: "Module attributes" header is not translatable
* 7940: apidoc: An extra newline is generated at the end of the rst file if a
module has submodules
* 4258: napoleon: decorated special methods are not shown
* 7799: napoleon: parameters are not escaped for combined params in numpydoc
* 7780: napoleon: multiple parameters declaration in numpydoc was wrongly
recognized when ``napoleon_use_param=True``
* 7715: LaTeX: ``numfig_secnum_depth > 1`` leads to wrong figure links
* 7846: html theme: XML-invalid files were generated
* 7894: gettext: Wrong source info is shown when using rst_epilog
* 7691: linkcheck: HEAD requests are not used for checking
* 4888: i18n: Failed to add an explicit title to ``:ref:`` role on translation
* 7928: py domain: failed to resolve a type annotation for the attribute
* 8008: py domain: failed to parse a type annotation containing ellipsis
* 7994: std domain: option directive does not generate old node_id compatible
with 2.x or older
* 7968: i18n: The content of ``math`` directive is interpreted as reST on
* 7768: i18n: The ``root`` element for :confval:`figure_language_filename` is
not a path that user specifies in the document
* 7993: texinfo: TypeError is raised for nested object descriptions
* 7993: texinfo: a warning not supporting desc_signature_line node is shown
* 7869: :rst:role:`abbr` role without an explanation will show the explanation
from the previous abbr role
* 8048: graphviz: graphviz.css was copied on building non-HTML document
* C and C++, removed ``noindex`` directive option as it did
* 7619: Duplicated node IDs are generated if node has multiple IDs
* 2050: Symbols sections are appeared twice in the index page
* 8017: Fix circular import in sphinx.addnodes
* 7986: CSS: make "highlight" selector more robust
* 7944: C++, parse non-type template parameters starting with
a dependent qualified name.
* C, don't deepcopy the entire symbol table and make a mess every time an
enumerator is handled.


Not secure

Incompatible changes

* 7650: autodoc: the signature of base function will be shown for decorated
functions, not a signature of decorator

Bugs fixed

* 7844: autodoc: Failed to detect module when relative module name given
* 7856: autodoc: AttributeError is raised when non-class object is given to
the autoclass directive
* 7850: autodoc: KeyError is raised for invalid mark up when autodoc_typehints
is 'description'
* 7812: autodoc: crashed if the target name matches to both an attribute and
module that are same name
* 7650: autodoc: function signature becomes ``(*args, **kwargs)`` if the
function is decorated by generic decorator
* 7812: autosummary: generates broken stub files if the target code contains
an attribute and module that are same name
* 7806: viewcode: Failed to resolve viewcode references on 3rd party builders
* 7838: html theme: List items have extra vertical space
* 7878: html theme: Undesired interaction between "overflow" and "float"


Not secure

Incompatible changes

* 7808: napoleon: a type for attribute are represented as typed field

Features added

* 7807: autodoc: Show detailed warning when type_comment is mismatched with its

Bugs fixed

* 7808: autodoc: Warnings raised on variable and attribute type annotations
* 7802: autodoc: EOFError is raised on parallel build
* 7821: autodoc: TypeError is raised for overloaded C-ext function
* 7805: autodoc: an object which descriptors returns is unexpectedly documented
* 7807: autodoc: wrong signature is shown for the function using contextmanager
* 7812: autosummary: generates broken stub files if the target code contains
an attribute and module that are same name
* 7808: napoleon: Warnings raised on variable and attribute type annotations
* 7811: sphinx.util.inspect causes circular import problem


Not secure


* 7746: mathjax: Update to 2.7.5

Incompatible changes

* 7477: imgconverter: Invoke "magick convert" command by default on Windows


* The first argument for sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer has
been changed to Sphinx object
* ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer`` takes an object type
as an argument
* The ``ignore`` argument of ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter.get_doc()``
* The ``template_dir`` argument of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.
* The ``module`` argument of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.
* The ``builder`` argument of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.
* The ``template_dir`` argument of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.
* The ``ignore`` argument of ``sphinx.util.docstring.prepare_docstring()``
* ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer.exists()``
* ``sphinx.util.rpartition()``

Features added

* LaTeX: Make the ``toplevel_sectioning`` setting optional in LaTeX theme
* LaTeX: Allow to override papersize and pointsize from LaTeX themes
* LaTeX: Add :confval:`latex_theme_options` to override theme options
* 7410: Allow to suppress "circular toctree references detected" warnings using
* C, added scope control directives, :rst:dir:`c:namespace`,
:rst:dir:`c:namespace-push`, and :rst:dir:`c:namespace-pop`.
* 2044: autodoc: Suppress default value for instance attributes
* 7473: autodoc: consider a member public if docstring contains
``:meta public:`` in info-field-list
* 7487: autodoc: Allow to generate docs for singledispatch functions by
* 7143: autodoc: Support final classes and methods
* 7384: autodoc: Support signatures defined by ``__new__()``, metaclasses and
builtin base classes
* 2106: autodoc: Support multiple signatures on docstring
* 4422: autodoc: Support GenericAlias in Python 3.7 or above
* 3610: autodoc: Support overloaded functions
* 7722: autodoc: Support TypeVar
* 7466: autosummary: headings in generated documents are not translated
* 7490: autosummary: Add ``:caption:`` option to autosummary directive to set a
caption to the toctree
* 7469: autosummary: Support module attributes
* 248, 6040: autosummary: Add ``:recursive:`` option to autosummary directive
to generate stub files recursively
* 4030: autosummary: Add :confval:`autosummary_context` to add template
variables for custom templates
* 7530: html: Support nested <kbd> elements
* 7481: html theme: Add right margin to footnote/citation labels
* 7482, 7717: html theme: CSS spacing for code blocks with captions and line
* 7443: html theme: Add new options :confval:`globaltoc_collapse` and
:confval:`globaltoc_includehidden` to control the behavior of globaltoc in
* 7484: html theme: Avoid clashes between sidebar and other blocks
* 7476: html theme: Relbar breadcrumb should contain current page
* 7506: html theme: A canonical URL is not escaped
* 7533: html theme: Avoid whitespace at the beginning of genindex.html
* 7541: html theme: Add a "clearer" at the end of the "body"
* 7542: html theme: Make admonition/topic/sidebar scrollable
* 7543: html theme: Add top and bottom margins to tables
* 7695: html theme: Add viewport meta tag for basic theme
* 7721: html theme: classic: default codetextcolor/codebgcolor doesn't override
* C and C++: allow semicolon in the end of declarations.
* C++, parse parameterized noexcept specifiers.
* 7294: C++, parse expressions with user-defined literals.
* C++, parse trailing return types.
* 7143: py domain: Add ``:final:`` option to :rst:dir:`py:class`,
:rst:dir:`py:exception` and :rst:dir:`py:method` directives
* 7596: py domain: Change a type annotation for variables to a hyperlink
* 7770: std domain: :rst:dir:`option` directive support arguments in the form
of ``foo[=bar]``
* 7582: napoleon: a type for attribute are represented like type annotation
* 7734: napoleon: overescaped trailing underscore on attribute
* 7247: linkcheck: Add :confval:`linkcheck_request_headers` to send custom HTTP
headers for specific host
* 7792: setuptools: Support ``--verbosity`` option
* 7683: Add ``allowed_exceptions`` parameter to ``Sphinx.emit()`` to allow
handlers to raise specified exceptions
* 7295: C++, parse (trailing) requires clauses.

Bugs fixed

* 6703: autodoc: incremental build does not work for imported objects
* 7564: autodoc: annotations not to be shown for descriptors
* 6588: autodoc: Decorated inherited method has no documentation
* 7469: autodoc: The change of autodoc-process-docstring for variables is
cached unexpectedly
* 7559: autodoc: misdetects a sync function is async
* 6857: autodoc: failed to detect a classmethod on Enum class
* 7562: autodoc: a typehint contains spaces is wrongly rendered under
:confval:`autodoc_typehints`\ ``='description'`` mode
* 7551: autodoc: failed to import nested class
* 7362: autodoc: does not render correct signatures for built-in functions
* 7654: autodoc: ``Optional[Union[foo, bar]]`` is presented as
``Union[foo, bar, None]``
* 7629: autodoc: autofunction emits an unfriendly warning if an invalid object
* 7650: autodoc: undecorated signature is shown for decorated functions
* 7676: autodoc: typo in the default value of autodoc_member_order
* 7676: autodoc: wrong value for :member-order: option is ignored silently
* 7676: autodoc: member-order="bysource" does not work for C module
* 3673: autodoc: member-order="bysource" does not work for a module having
* 7668: autodoc: wrong retann value is passed to a handler of
* 7711: autodoc: fails with ValueError when processing numpy objects
* 7791: autodoc: TypeError is raised on documenting singledispatch function
* 7551: autosummary: a nested class is indexed as non-nested class
* 7661: autosummary: autosummary directive emits warnings twices if failed to
import the target module
* 7685: autosummary: The template variable "members" contains imported members
even if :confval:`autossummary_imported_members` is ``False``
* 7671: autosummary: The location of import failure warning is missing
* 7535: sphinx-autogen: crashes when custom template uses inheritance
* 7536: sphinx-autogen: crashes when template uses i18n feature
* 7781: sphinx-build: Wrong error message when outdir is not directory
* 7653: sphinx-quickstart: Fix multiple directory creation for nested relpath
* 2785: html: Bad alignment of equation links
* 7718: html theme: some themes does not respect background color of Pygments
style (agogo, haiku, nature, pyramid, scrolls, sphinxdoc and traditional)
* 7544: html theme: inconsistent padding in admonitions
* 7581: napoleon: bad parsing of inline code in attribute docstrings
* 7628: imgconverter: runs imagemagick once unnecessary for builders not
supporting images
* 7610: incorrectly renders consecutive backslashes for Docutils 0.16
* 7646: handle errors on event handlers
* 4187: LaTeX: EN DASH disappears from PDF bookmarks in Japanese documents
* 7701: LaTeX: Anonymous indirect hyperlink target causes duplicated labels
* 7723: LaTeX: pdflatex crashed when URL contains a single quote
* 7756: py domain: The default value for positional only argument is not shown
* 7760: coverage: Add :confval:`coverage_show_missing_items` to show coverage
result to console
* C++, fix rendering and xrefs in nested names explicitly starting
in global scope, e.g., ``::A::B``.
* C, fix rendering and xrefs in nested names explicitly starting
in global scope, e.g., ``.A.B``.
* 7763: C and C++, don't crash during display stringification of unary
expressions and fold expressions.

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