
Latest version: v7.3.7

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Bugs fixed

* 2630: latex: sphinx.sty notice environment formatting problem
* 2632: Warning directives fail in quote environment latex build
* 2633: Sphinx crashes with old styled indices
* Fix a ``\begin{\minipage}`` typo in sphinx.sty from 1.4.2 (ref: 68becb1)
* 2622: Latex produces empty pages after title and table of contents
* 2640: 1.4.2 LaTeX crashes if code-block inside warning directive
* Let LaTeX use straight quotes also in inline code (ref 2627)
* 2351: latex crashes if enumerated lists are placed on footnotes
* 2646: latex crashes if math contains twice empty lines
* 2480: ``sphinx.ext.autodoc``: memory addresses were shown
* latex: allow code-blocks appearing inside lists and quotes at maximal nesting
depth (ref 777, 2624, 2651)
* 2635: Latex code directives produce inconsistent frames based on viewing
* 2639: Sphinx now bundles iftex.sty
* Failed to build PDF with framed.sty 0.95
* Sphinx now bundles needspace.sty


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Bugs fixed

* 2530: got "Counter too large" error on building PDF if large numbered
footnotes existed in admonitions
* ``width`` option of figure directive does not work if ``align`` option
specified at same time (ref: 2595)
* 2590: The ``inputenc`` package breaks compiling under lualatex and xelatex
* 2540: date on latex front page use different font
* Suppress "document isn't included in any toctree" warning if the document is
included (ref: 2603)
* 2614: Some tables in PDF output will end up shifted if user sets non zero
\parindent in preamble
* 2602: URL redirection breaks the hyperlinks generated by
* 2613: Show warnings if merged extensions are loaded
* 2619: make sure amstext LaTeX package always loaded (ref: d657225, 488ee52,
9d82cad and 2615)
* 2593: latex crashes if any figures in the table


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Features added

* Now :confval:`suppress_warnings` accepts following configurations
(ref: 2451, 2466):

- ``app.add_node``
- ``app.add_directive``
- ``app.add_role``
- ``app.add_generic_role``
- ``app.add_source_parser``
- ``image.data_uri``
- ``image.nonlocal_uri``

* 2453: LaTeX writer allows page breaks in topic contents; and their
horizontal extent now fits in the line width (with shadow in margin). Also
warning-type admonitions allow page breaks and their vertical spacing has
been made more coherent with the one for hint-type notices (ref 2446).

* 2459: the framing of literal code-blocks in LaTeX output (and not only the
code lines themselves) obey the indentation in lists or quoted blocks.

* 2343: the long source lines in code-blocks are wrapped (without modifying
the line numbering) in LaTeX output (ref 1534, 2304).

Bugs fixed

* 2370: the equations are slightly misaligned in LaTeX writer
* 1817, 2077: suppress pep8 warnings on conf.py generated by sphinx-quickstart
* 2407: building docs crash if document includes large data image URIs
* 2436: Sphinx does not check version by :confval:`needs_sphinx` if loading
extensions failed
* 2397: Setup shorthandoff for Turkish documents
* 2447: VerbatimBorderColor wrongly used also for captions of PDF
* 2456: C++, fix crash related to document merging (e.g., singlehtml and Latex
* 2446: latex(pdf) sets local tables of contents (or more generally topic
nodes) in unbreakable boxes, causes overflow at bottom
* 2476: Omit MathJax markers if :nowrap: is given
* 2465: latex builder fails in case no caption option is provided to toctree
* Sphinx crashes if self referenced toctree found
* 2481: spelling mistake for mecab search splitter. Thanks to Naoki Sato.
* 2309: Fix could not refer "indirect hyperlink targets" by ref-role
* intersphinx fails if mapping URL contains any port
* 2088: intersphinx crashes if the mapping URL requires basic auth
* 2304: auto line breaks in latexpdf codeblocks
* 1534: Word wrap long lines in Latex verbatim blocks
* 2460: too much white space on top of captioned literal blocks in PDF output
* Show error reason when multiple math extensions are loaded (ref: 2499)
* 2483: any figure number was not assigned if figure title contains only non
text objects
* 2501: Unicode subscript numbers are normalized in LaTeX
* 2492: Figure directive with :figwidth: generates incorrect Latex-code
* The caption of figure is always put on center even if ``:align:`` was
* 2526: LaTeX writer crashes if the section having only images
* 2522: Sphinx touches mo files under installed directory that caused
permission error.
* 2536: C++, fix crash when an immediately nested scope has the same name as
the current scope.
* 2555: Fix crash on any-references with unicode.
* 2517: wrong bookmark encoding in PDF if using LuaLaTeX
* 2521: generated Makefile causes BSD make crashed if sphinx-build not found
* 2470: ``typing`` backport package causes autodoc errors with python 2.7
* ``sphinx.ext.intersphinx`` crashes if non-string value is used for key of
* 2518: ``intersphinx_mapping`` disallows non alphanumeric keys
* 2558: unpack error on devhelp builder
* 2561: Info builder crashes when a footnote contains a link
* 2565: The descriptions of objects generated by ``sphinx.ext.autosummary``
overflow lines at LaTeX writer
* Extend pdflatex config in sphinx.sty to subparagraphs (ref: 2551)
* 2445: ``rst_prolog`` and ``rst_epilog`` affect to non reST sources
* 2576: ``sphinx.ext.imgmath`` crashes if subprocess raises error
* 2577: ``sphinx.ext.imgmath``: Invalid argument are passed to dvisvgm
* 2556: Xapian search does not work with Python 3
* 2581: The search doesn't work if language="es" (Spanish)
* 2382: Adjust spacing after abbreviations on figure numbers in LaTeX writer
* 2383: The generated footnote by ``latex_show_urls`` overflows lines
* 2497, 2552: The label of search button does not fit for the button itself


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Incompatible changes

* The default format of ``today_fmt`` and ``html_last_updated_fmt`` is back to
strftime format again. Locale Date Markup Language is also supported for
backward compatibility until Sphinx 1.5.


* Added Welsh translation, thanks to Geraint Palmer.
* Added Greek translation, thanks to Stelios Vitalis.
* Added Esperanto translation, thanks to Dinu Gherman.
* Added Hindi translation, thanks to Purnank H. Ghumalia.
* Added Romanian translation, thanks to Razvan Stefanescu.

Bugs fixed

* C++, added support for ``extern`` and ``thread_local``.
* C++, type declarations are now using the prefixes ``typedef``, ``using``, and
``type``, depending on the style of declaration.
* 2413: C++, fix crash on duplicate declarations
* 2394: Sphinx crashes when html_last_updated_fmt is invalid
* 2408: dummy builder not available in Makefile and make.bat
* 2412: hyperlink targets are broken in LaTeX builder
* figure directive crashes if non paragraph item is given as caption
* 2418: time formats no longer allowed in today_fmt
* 2395: Sphinx crashes if unicode character in image filename
* 2396: "too many values to unpack" in genindex-single
* 2405: numref link in PDF jumps to the wrong location
* 2414: missing number in PDF hyperlinks to code listings
* 2440: wrong import for gmtime. Thanks to Uwe L. Korn.


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Incompatible changes
* Drop ``PorterStemmer`` package support. Use ``PyStemmer`` instead of
``PorterStemmer`` to accelerate stemming.
* ``sphinx_rtd_theme`` has become optional. Please install it manually.
Refs 2087, 2086, 1845 and 2097. Thanks to Victor Zverovich.
* 2231: Use DUrole instead of DUspan for custom roles in LaTeX writer. It
enables to take title of roles as an argument of custom macros.
* 2022: 'Thumbs.db' and '.DS_Store' are added to ``exclude_patterns`` default
values in conf.py that will be provided on sphinx-quickstart.
* 2027, 2208: The ``html_title`` accepts string values only. And the ``None``
value cannot be accepted.
* ``sphinx.ext.graphviz``: show graph image in inline by default
* 2060, 2224: The ``manpage`` role now generate ``sphinx.addnodes.manpage``
node instead of ``sphinx.addnodes.literal_emphasis`` node.
* 2022: :confval:`html_extra_path` also copies dotfiles in the extra directory,
and refers to :confval:`exclude_patterns` to exclude extra files and
* 2300: enhance autoclass:: to use the docstring of __new__ if __init__
method's is missing of empty
* 2251: Previously, under glossary directives, multiple terms for one
definition are converted into single ``term`` node and the each terms in the
term node are separated by ``termsep`` node. In new implementation, each terms
are converted into individual ``term`` nodes and ``termsep`` node is removed.
By this change, output layout of every builders are changed a bit.
* The default highlight language is now Python 3. This means that source code
is highlighted as Python 3 (which is mostly a superset of Python 2), and no
parsing is attempted to distinguish valid code. To get the old behavior back,
add ``highlight_language = "python"`` to conf.py.
* `Locale Date Markup Language
<https://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Format_Patterns>`_ like
``"MMMM dd, YYYY"`` is default format for ``today_fmt`` and
``html_last_updated_fmt``. However strftime format like ``"%B %d, %Y"`` is also
supported for backward compatibility until Sphinx 1.5. Later format will be
disabled from Sphinx 1.5.
* 2327: ``latex_use_parts`` is deprecated now. Use ``latex_toplevel_sectioning``
* 2337: Use ``\url{URL}`` macro instead of ``\href{URL}{URL}`` in LaTeX writer.
* 1498: manpage writer: don't make whole of item in definition list bold if it
includes strong node.
* 582: Remove hint message from quick search box for html output.
* 2378: Sphinx now bundles newfloat.sty

Features added
* 2092: add todo directive support in napoleon package.
* 1962: when adding directives, roles or nodes from an extension, warn if such
an element is already present (built-in or added by another extension).
* 1909: Add "doc" references to Intersphinx inventories.
* C++ type alias support (e.g., ``.. type:: T = int``).
* C++ template support for classes, functions, type aliases, and variables
(1729, 1314).
* C++, added new scope management directives ``namespace-push`` and
* 1970: Keyboard shortcuts to navigate Next and Previous topics
* Intersphinx: Added support for fetching Intersphinx inventories with URLs
using HTTP basic auth.
* C++, added support for template parameter in function info field lists.
* C++, added support for pointers to member (function).
* 2113: Allow ``:class:`` option to code-block directive.
* 2192: Imgmath (pngmath with svg support).
* 2200: Support XeTeX and LuaTeX for the LaTeX builder.
* 1906: Use xcolor over color for \fcolorbox where available for LaTeX output.
* 2216: Texinputs makefile improvements.
* 2170: Support for Chinese language search index.
* 2214: Add sphinx.ext.githubpages to publish the docs on GitHub Pages
* 1030: Make page reference names for latex_show_pagerefs translatable
* 2162: Add Sphinx.add_source_parser() to add source_suffix and source_parsers
from extension
* 2207: Add sphinx.parsers.Parser class; a base class for new parsers
* 656: Add ``graphviz_dot`` option to graphviz directives to switch the ``dot``
* 1939: Added the ``dummy`` builder: syntax check without output.
* 2230: Add ``math_number_all`` option to number all displayed math in math
* 2235: ``needs_sphinx`` supports micro version comparison
* 2282: Add "language" attribute to html tag in the "basic" theme
* 1779: Add EPUB 3 builder
* 1751: Add :confval:`todo_link_only` to avoid file path and line indication on
:rst:dir:`todolist`. Thanks to Francesco Montesano.
* 2199: Use ``imagesize`` package to obtain size of images.
* 1099: Add configurable retries to the linkcheck builder. Thanks to Alex
Gaynor. Also don't check anchors starting with ``!``.
* 2300: enhance autoclass:: to use the docstring of __new__ if __init__
method's is missing of empty
* 1858: Add Sphinx.add_enumerable_node() to add enumerable nodes for numfig
* 1286, 2099: Add ``sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel`` extension to allow reference
sections using its title. Thanks to Tadhg O'Higgins.
* 1854: Allow to choose Janome for Japanese splitter.
* 1853: support custom text splitter on html search with ``language='ja'``.
* 2320: classifier of glossary terms can be used for index entries grouping key
The classifier also be used for translation. See also
* 2308: Define ``\tablecontinued`` macro to redefine the style of continued
label for longtables.
* Select an image by similarity if multiple images are globbed by
``.. image:: filename.*``
* 1921: Support figure substitutions by :confval:`language` and
* 2245: Add ``latex_elements["passoptionstopackages"]`` option to call
PassOptionsToPackages in early stage of preambles.
* 2340: Math extension: support alignment of multiple equations for MathJax.
* 2338: Define ``\titleref`` macro to redefine the style of ``title-reference``
* Define ``\menuselection`` and ``\accelerator`` macros to redefine the style of
``menuselection`` roles.
* Define ``\crossref`` macro to redefine the style of references
* 2301: Texts in the classic html theme should be hyphenated.
* 2355: Define ``\termref`` macro to redefine the style of ``term`` roles.
* Add :confval:`suppress_warnings` to suppress arbitrary warning message
* 2229: Fix no warning is given for unknown options
* 2327: Add ``latex_toplevel_sectioning`` to switch the top level sectioning of
LaTeX document.

Bugs fixed
* 1913: C++, fix assert bug for enumerators in next-to-global and global scope.
* C++, fix parsing of 'signed char' and 'unsigned char' as types.
* C++, add missing support for 'friend' functions.
* C++, add missing support for virtual base classes (thanks to Rapptz).
* C++, add support for final classes.
* C++, fix parsing of types prefixed with 'enum'.
* 2023: Dutch search support uses Danish stemming info.
* C++, add support for user-defined literals.
* 1804: Now html output wraps overflowed long-line-text in the sidebar. Thanks
to Hassen ben tanfous.
* 2183: Fix porterstemmer causes ``make json`` to fail.
* 1899: Ensure list is sent to OptParse.
* 2164: Fix wrong check for pdftex inside sphinx.sty (for graphicx package
* 2165, 2218: Remove faulty and non-need conditional from sphinx.sty.
* Fix broken LaTeX code is generated if unknown language is given
* 1944: Fix rst_prolog breaks file-wide metadata
* 2074: make gettext should use canonical relative paths for .pot. Thanks to
anatoly techtonik.
* 2311: Fix sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram raises AttributeError
* 2251: Line breaks in .rst files are transferred to .pot files in a wrong way.
* 794: Fix date formatting in latex output is not localized
* Remove ``image/gif`` from supported_image_types of LaTeX writer (2272)
* Fix ValueError is raised if LANGUAGE is empty string
* Fix unpack warning is shown when the directives generated from
``Sphinx.add_crossref_type`` is used
* The default highlight language is now ``default``. This means that source
code is highlighted as Python 3 (which is mostly a superset of Python 2) if
possible. To get the old behavior back, add ``highlight_language = "python"``
to conf.py.
* 2329: Refresh environment forcedly if source directory has changed.
* 2331: Fix code-blocks are filled by block in dvi; remove ``xcdraw`` option
from xcolor package
* Fix the confval type checker emits warnings if unicode is given to confvals
which expects string value
* 2360: Fix numref in LaTeX output is broken
* 2361: Fix additional paragraphs inside the "compound" directive are indented
* 2364: Fix KeyError 'rootSymbol' on Sphinx upgrade from older version.
* 2348: Move amsmath and amssymb to before fontpkg on LaTeX writer.
* 2368: Ignore emacs lock files like ``.foo.rst`` by default.
* 2262: literal_block and its caption has been separated by pagebreak in LaTeX
* 2319: Fix table counter is overridden by code-block's in LaTeX. Thanks to
* Fix unpack warning if combined with 3rd party domain extensions.
* 1153: Fix figures in sidebar causes latex build error.
* 2358: Fix user-preamble could not override the tocdepth definition.
* 2358: Reduce tocdepth if ``part`` or ``chapter`` is used for top_sectionlevel
* 2351: Fix footnote spacing
* 2363: Fix ``toctree()`` in templates generates broken links in
* 2366: Fix empty hyperref is generated on toctree in HTML builder.


* 1757: Fix for usage of :confval:`html_last_updated_fmt`. Thanks to Ralf


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Features added

* 1873, 1876, 2278: Add ``page_source_suffix`` html context variable. This
should be introduced with :confval:`source_parsers` feature. Thanks for Eric

Bugs fixed

* 2265: Fix babel is used in spite of disabling it on ``latex_elements``
* 2295: Avoid mutating dictionary errors while enumerating members in autodoc
with Python 3
* 2291: Fix pdflatex "Counter too large" error from footnotes inside tables of
* 2292: Fix some footnotes disappear from LaTeX output
* 2287: ``sphinx.transforms.Locale`` always uses rst parser. Sphinx i18n
feature should support parsers that specified source_parsers.
* 2290: Fix ``sphinx.ext.mathbase`` use of amsfonts may break user choice of
math fonts
* 2324: Print a hint how to increase the recursion limit when it is hit.
* 1565, 2229: Revert new warning; the new warning will be triggered from
version 1.4 on.
* 2329: Refresh environment forcedly if source directory has changed.
* 2019: Fix the domain objects in search result are not escaped

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