
Latest version: v0.22.1

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* Fixed `Isssue 262`_. The API for
``sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment.doc2path`` was changed to return a
path-like object in Sphinx 8.0.2.

.. _Issue 262: https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/matlabdomain/issues/243



* Fixed `Issue 249`_. Parsing of multiline property default values.
* Fixed `Issue 252`_. Added missing class and method attributes.
* Fixed `Issue 243`_. Fixed issue with autolinking when the *short name* matches
a module name.
* Fixed `Issue 250`_. Removed unused and undocumented
``MatInstanceAttributeDocumentor``, which hindered *Napoleon* to apply styling
to inline on property comments.
* Added new configuration: ``matlab_show_property_specs``. When set to ``True``
it will print the property specification for class properties.

* Example

.. image:: docs/render_property_specs_0.22.0.png
:alt: Rendering property specs in 0.22.0

.. _Issue 243: https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/matlabdomain/issues/243
.. _Issue 249: https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/matlabdomain/issues/249
.. _Issue 250: https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/matlabdomain/issues/250
.. _Issue 252: https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/matlabdomain/issues/252



* Fixed `Issue 240`_, where links in literal blocks where not detected

.. _Issue 240: https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/matlabdomain/issues/240



* Fixed issue with warning if there is a mismatch between filename and
classname, if the classname is a reserved word (like arguments).
* Fixed a problem with `PR 230`_ introduced in solving `Issue 204`_: when more
than one (sub)directory in the project had the same name, a dict was added to
``entities_table`` that broke autolinking (see also `Issue 235`_).

.. _PR 230: https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/matlabdomain/pull/230
.. _Issue 235: https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/matlabdomain/issues/235



* Fix issue with parsing of MATLAB files, where keywords were used in ``struct``
fieldnames. E.g. ``a = pkg.arguments``. These were mistaken as ``keyword``
tokens and could result in warnings with ``Check if valid MATLAB code.``.
* Bump copyright to 2024.



* Interpret ``matlab_src_dir`` relative to the Sphinx source directory to be
compatible with `sphinx-multiversion`_.

.. _sphinx-multiversion: https://pypi.org/project/sphinx-multiversion/

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