
Latest version: v0.7.9

Safety actively analyzes 687918 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Improvement: Directive :ref:`needservice` added, which allow to include data from external services like Jira or github.
See also :ref:`services`
(`163 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/163>`_)
* Improvement: :ref:`github_service` added to fetch issues, pr or commits from GitHub or GitHub Enterprise.
* Bugfix: Role :ref:`role_need_outgoing` shows correct link instead of *None*
(`160 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/160>`_)



* Bugfix: Dynamic function registration via API supports new internal function handling
(`147 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/147>`_)
* Bugfix: Deactivated linked gantt elements in :ref:`needgantt`, as PlantUML does not support them in its
latest version (not beta).


* Improvement: Added :ref:`needsequence` directive. (`144 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/144>`_)
* Improvement: Added :ref:`needgantt` directive. (`146 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/146>`_)
* Improvement: Added two new need-options: :ref:`need_duration` and :ref:`need_completion`
* Improvement: Configuration option :ref:`needs_duration_option` and :ref:`needs_completion_option` added
* Bugfix: Using of `tags.has() <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#conf-tags>`_ in
``conf.py`` does not raise an exception anymore. (`142 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/142>`_)
* Improvement: Clean up of internal configuration handling and avoiding needs_functions to get pickled by sphinx.

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