- Entity group column in *Add entities* dialog. If filled, the created entity will be added to the specified group.
If the group doesn't yet exist, it will be created.
- Native kernel (i.e. python3 for Python) can now be used in the Detached Console or in Tool execution.
- It is now possible to specify valid value types for parameters in the Parameter definition table in Database editor.
- [Bundled App] **Embedded Python** now includes pip.
- Graph view in database editor now also supports filtering by alternative and scenario tree selections.
- Option to disable auto-build in entity graph.
- Mapping Name source type in importer.
- Importer has now an option to import entity alternatives.
- Database editor's hamburger menu has been converted into a menubar beneath the tab bar. The URL toolbar has also
been replaced with a toolbar that houses different buttons.
- One dimensional entities can now also be added through *Parameter value* and *Entity alternative* tables.
- Special data types like dates, times and booleans are now properly pasted from Excel.
- [Bundled App] Fixed execution in Jupyter Console and opening Detached Consoles by adding jupyter-client and
qtconsole packages to the bundle.
- [Bundled App] Fixed creating new kernel specs in Settings->Tools by adding ipykernel package to the
**embedded Python**.
- [Bundled App] Fixed 'Install Julia' button in Settings->Tools by adding the jill package to the **embedded Python**.