- New context menu action (Select superclass) for entity class items in the entity tree.
- Added Tool Specification type (Python, Gams, etc.) icons on Design View.
- There is now a new filter type, Alternative filter available in Link properties.
Unlike scenario filters, the execution is not parallelized.
Instead, a successor item sees parameter values of all selected alternatives.
Because of this behavior,
alternative filters cannot be used at the same time with scenario filters.
Link properties tab has a combo box that lets one choose which filter type to use.
Spine data structure
Many parts of the Spine data structure have been redesigned.
- *Entities* have replaced objects and relationships.
Zero-dimensional entities correspond to objects while multidimensional entities replace the former relationships.
Unlike relationships, the *elements* of multidimensional entities can now be other multidimensional entities.
- Simple inheritance is now supported by *superclasses*.
- Tools, features and methods have been removed.
The functionality that was previously implemented using the is_active parameter
has been replaced by *entity alternatives*.
Entity classes have a default setting for the entity alternative called *active by default*.
Database migration should automatically replace tools, features and methods
by entity alternatives and set active by default to whatever default value `is_active`
or similar parameter had.
The `is_active` parameter is not removed from entity classes but its values are.
- Note that new zero-dimensional entity classes have *active by default* set to `false` initially.
This means that the entities of those classes are hidden when using scenario filters
unless specifically shown using entity alternatives.
Miscellaneous changes
- "Rubber band" selection of items in Design and Graph views is now done with **left mouse button**
(no need to press Ctrl anymore). The views can be dragged around by holding the **right mouse button**.
- Spine Database Editor now remembers the configuration of the docs in each view for a specific URL. The docks
can be reset from the hamburger menu **View->Docks...->Reset docks**.
- You can now select a different Julia executable & project or Julia kernel for each Tool spec.
This overrides the global setting from Toolbox Settings.
- Headless mode now supports remote execution (see 'python -m spinetoolbox --help')
- Commit Viewer's UI has undergone some redesigning and can now handle large databases.
- Project dock widget
- Dependency on Dagster