
Latest version: v3.1.0

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This releases fixes several bugs and augments the output for intron retention events

- CIGAR strings containing the characters `=` or `X` instead of `M` have been incorrectly parsed, leading to wrong intron coordinates. Any runs with input files containing such CIGAR strings should be re-run
- The output of intron retention events was lacking the column `e2_cov_region` as described in the documentation (199). This has been fixed.
- When using the option `--use-anno-support` exons were stacked incorrectly, leading to crashes.
- The help screen now shows the SplAdder version (202)


This is a bugfix release. It addresses the following issues:

- code was not working with newer version of Matplotli (> 3.7) 192
- program failed when a value for `--psi-min-reads` was provided 190
- out of bounds access when at least one chunk needed to be skipped in count / psi hdf5 197
- improvement of documentation addressing 176 180


This is a bugfix release. It addresses the following issues:
* when chosing the `debug` option, the output was malformed and could lead to a crash 174
* unrecognized chromosome/contig names could lead to crashes when the `sparse-bams` option was used 178
* the option to remove short exons caused the program to crash 177


This is a bugfix release, it addresses the following issues:

- event coordinates displayed in the testing results belonged to the wrong event (158)
- labeling of annotated introns was incorrect for alt_3prime events (163)
- automatic plotting of test results was faulty (165)


This is a bugfix release, which addresses the following issues:

* fixing wrong stacking of exons in intron_retention verification that
led to a bug when option --use-anno-support was used
* exons2 for intron_retentions were not consistently 2D
leading to issues in the downstream usage (fixing 152)
* missing import when counting in single mode (fixing 151)


This is a bugfix release, addressing issue 149.

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