This release provides faster and more robust screenshot rendering,
many improvements in Splash scripting engine and other improvements
like better cookie handling.
From version 1.4 Splash requires Pillow (built with PNG support) to work.
There are backwards-incompatible changes in Splash scripts:
* splash:set_viewport() is split into
:ref:`splash:set_viewport_size() <splash-set-viewport-size>`
and :ref:`splash:set_viewport_full() <splash-set-viewport-full>`;
* old splash:runjs() method is renamed to :ref:`splash:evaljs() <splash-evaljs>`;
* new :ref:`splash:runjs <splash-runjs>` method just runs JavaScript code
without returning the result of the last JS statement.
To upgrade check all splash:runjs() usages: if the returned result is used
then replace splash:runjs() with splash:evaljs().
``viewport=full`` argument is deprecated; use ``render_all=1``.
New scripting features:
* it is now possible to write custom Lua plugins stored server-side;
* a restricted version of Lua ``require`` is enabled in sandbox;
* :ref:`splash:autoload() <splash-autoload>` method for setting JS to load
on each request;
* :ref:`splash:wait_for_resume() <splash-wait-for-resume>` method for
interacting with async JS code;
* :ref:`splash:lock_navigation() <splash-lock-navigation>` and
:ref:`splash:unlock_navigation() <splash-unlock-navigation>` methods;
* splash:set_viewport() is split into
:ref:`splash:set_viewport_size() <splash-set-viewport-size>`
and :ref:`splash:set_viewport_full() <splash-set-viewport-full>`;
* :ref:`splash:get_viewport_size() <splash-get-viewport-size>` method;
* :ref:`splash:http_get() <splash-http-get>` method for sending HTTP GET
requests without loading result to the browser;
* :ref:`splash:set_content() <splash-set-content>` method for setting
page content from a string;
* :ref:`splash:get_cookies() <splash-get-cookies>`,
:ref:`splash:add_cookie() <splash-add-cookie>`,
:ref:`splash:clear_cookies() <splash-clear-cookies>`,
:ref:`splash:delete_cookies() <splash-delete-cookies>` and
:ref:`splash:init_cookies() <splash-init-cookies>` methods for working
with cookies;
* :ref:`splash:set_user_agent() <splash-set-user-agent>` method for
setting User-Agent header;
* :ref:`splash:set_custom_headers() <splash-set-custom-headers>` method for
setting other HTTP headers;
* :ref:`splash:url() <splash-url>` method for getting current URL;
* :ref:`splash:go() <splash-go>` now accepts ``headers`` argument;
* :ref:`splash:evaljs() <splash-evaljs>` method, which is a
splash:runjs() from Splash v1.3.1 with improved error handling
(it raises an error in case of JavaScript exceptions);
* :ref:`splash:runjs() <splash-runjs>` method no longer returns the result
of last computation;
* :ref:`splash:runjs() <splash-runjs>` method handles JavaScript errors
by returning ``ok, error`` pair;
* :ref:`splash:get_perf_stats() <splash-get-perf-stats>` method for
getting Splash resource usage.
Other improvements:
* --max-timeout option can be passed to Splash at startup to increase or
decrease maximum allowed timeout value;
* cookies are no longer shared between requests;
* PNG rendering becomes more efficient: less CPU is spent on compression.
The downside is that the returned PNG images become 10-15% larger;
* there is an option (``scale_method=vector``) to resize images
while painting to avoid pixel-based resize step - it can make taking
a screenshot much faster on image-light webpages (up to several times faster);
* when 'height' is set and image is downscaled the rendering is more efficient
because Splash now avoids rendering unnecessary parts;
* /debug endpoint tracks more objects;
* testing setup improvements;
* application/json POST requests handle invalid JSON better;
* undocumented splash:go_and_wait() and splash:_wait_restart_on_redirects()
methods are removed (they are moved to tests);
* Lua sandbox is cleaned up;
* long log messages from Lua are truncated in logs;
* more detailed error info is logged;
* example script in Splash UI is simplified;
* stress tests now include PNG rendering benchmark.
Bug fixes:
* default viewport size and window geometry are now set to 1024x768;
this fixes PNG screenshots with viewport=full;
* PNG rendering is fixed for huge viewports;
* splash:go() argument validation is improved;
* timer is properly deleted when an exception is raised in an errback;
* redirects handling for baseurl requests is fixed;
* reply is deleted only once when baseurl is used.