* **Security bug fix:**
If you use HttpAuthMiddleware_ (i.e. the ``http_user`` and ``http_pass``
spider attributes) for Splash authentication, any non-Splash request will
expose your credentials to the request target. This includes ``robots.txt``
requests sent by Scrapy when the ``ROBOTSTXT_OBEY`` setting is set to
Use the new ``SPLASH_USER`` and ``SPLASH_PASS`` settings instead to set
your Splash authentication credentials safely.
.. _HttpAuthMiddleware: http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/downloader-middleware.html#module-scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.httpauth
* Responses now expose the HTTP status code and headers from Splash as
``response.splash_response_status`` and
``response.splash_response_headers`` (158)
* The ``meta`` argument passed to the ``scrapy_splash.request.SplashRequest``
constructor is no longer modified (164)
* Website responses with 400 or 498 as HTTP status code are no longer
handled as the equivalent Splash responses (158)
* Cookies are no longer sent to Splash itself (156)
* ``scrapy_splash.utils.dict_hash`` now also works with ``obj=None``
* Our test suite now includes integration tests (156) and tests can be run
in parallel (``6fb8c41``)
* There’s a new ‘Getting help’ section in the ``README.rst`` file (161,
162), the documentation about ``SPLASH_SLOT_POLICY`` has been improved
(157) and a typo as been fixed (121)
* Made some internal improvements (``ee5000d``, ``25de545``, ``2aaa79d``)