
Latest version: v0.11.0

Safety actively analyzes 682361 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- **Method Selection Added**: Introduced a new `-m` argument to allow users to selectively run specific methods (e.g., `cisa`, `epss`, `hackerone`, `ai`, `prio`, `references`). This enables more granular control over which data sources and assessments are retrieved for each CVE.
- **Import List Auto-Detection**: Added functionality to automatically detect and handle plain text CVE lists when using the `-i` option without specifying an import type (`-t`). If the file is detected as a plain text CVE list, it will import the CVE IDs directly without requiring a specific type.
- **CSV Export Fix**: Fixed an issue where CISA data was not properly exported to CSV. Now, all relevant CISA information is included in the exported CSV file.
- **HTML Export Fix**: Resolved an issue where `NoneType` errors caused the HTML export to fail. Improved error handling to ensure that missing or empty data does not interrupt the export process.


- **General Improvements**: Prevent IndexError by checking for non-empty lists before accessing elements.


- **CVE ID Export**: Fixed the display of the CVE ID not exporting in HTML.
- **Enhanced CVE Retrieval**: Fixed the retrieval of missing CVE information if nested differently.


- **Main Function Refactoring**: Refactored the main function into smaller, modular functions to improve maintainability and readability.
- **Public Exploit Display Enhancements**: Reworked the public exploit display to include the total number of exploits and better error handling.
- **Improved Error Handling**: Enhanced error handling for API key configurations and data fetching, especially for VulnCheck.


- **Custom Configuration Path**: Added support for specifying a custom configuration file path using the `--config` or `-c` command-line argument.
- **Platform-Specific Directories**: Added support for platform-specific (*nix, macOS, Windows) configuration directories.
- **Debug Mode**: Improved debug output for configuration file loading.


- **HackerOne Integration**: Added support for searching through HackerOne and displays if the CVE was used in any Bug Bounty program including its rank and severity distribution.
- **General Improvements**: Various bug fixes.

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