
Latest version: v0.10.3

Safety actively analyzes 642335 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- **Import File Capabilities**: Added support for importing vulnerability data directly from Docker Scout scan files.


- **Import File Capabilities**: Added support for importing vulnerability data directly from Nessus, Nexpose, and OpenVAS scan files.
- **Expanded Command-Line Options**: Introduced new command-line options to specify the import file and its type.
- **Robust Configuration Management**: Improved error handling for missing or malformed configuration files.
- **General Improvements**: Various bug fixes and performance improvements.


- **ExploitDB Integration**: Added support for fetching exploit data from ExploitDB.
- **CVSS Enhancements**: Added support for CVSS 2 and CVSS 3.x
- **Docker support**
- **Code fixes**


- **VulnCheck Integration**: Added support for fetching exploit data from VulnCheck, enhancing the exploit information available.
- **API Key Configuration**: Introduced the requirement for a VulnCheck API key, specified in config.json.
- **Requirements satisfied for Debian Integration**


- **Additional Information**: Added further information such as references & vector string
- **Removed**: Star count in publicly available exploits


- **Multiple CVE Support**: Now capable of handling multiple CVE IDs in a single execution.
- **JSON and CSV Export**: Added functionality to export results to JSON and CSV files.
- **Enhanced CVE Display**: Improved visual differentiation and information layout for each CVE.
- **Patching Priority System**: Introduced a priority rating system for patching, influenced by various factors including the availability of public exploits.

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