* Fixed axline() issue when parameters parsed as an array rather than single number
* Made changes to cornerplot() to accept pandas and astropy DataFrames
* Added cornerplot() to axis_func.py * corner_plot() creates an nxn grid of subplots where the diagonals plot a 1D histogram of each parameter and the off-diagonals plot each combination of parameters
* Fixed issue with 0 given as x,y,m or c in plots_1d.axline()
* Added error band plots as plots_2d.errorband()
* Colorbar() now accepts multiple arguments for ax which will produce a colorbar for each element of the list * If no mappables are given, colorbar() finds an appropriate mappable for each individual axis * If one mappable is given, it will be applied to all colorbars * If multiple mappables are given, they must match the number of axes also specified