* Added automatic labels to functions in splotch.curve() and splotch.curve_piecewise() * If label==True when expr is parsed as a function/lambda, can now generate an automatic label based on the callable name and variable names. * Fixed some bugs in splotch.curve_piecewise()
* Changed default grid linestyle to '-'.
* Changed plot_par combining to use python 3.5> dictionary expansion; i.e. dict = {**dict1, **dict2} * Added xlim/ylim handler functionality to plots_2d.py * Subsequently fixed bug in errorband which caused kwargs to remain in memory
* Adjusted xlim/ylim behaviour to not overwrite previously assigned limits (currently only in plots_1d.py). * Added lims_handler() to base_func.py in order to process user's limits in a consistent format * Also changed splotch.axline() to now use matplotlib's axline() function, which allows for infinitely long diagonal lines.
* Fixed brokenplot() * brokenplot() now accepts ybreak * Added an 'overflow' argument which allows overflow of plotting area into the broken region, which fixed issues with ending gridlines not being visible. * brokenplot() now works for subplots... somehow? * legend correctly assigns to second axis.
* Added a temporary testing function: _plot_finalizer() which has a modified handling of the grid parameter * grid can now be given a True/False or None (sets of default rcParams if first plotting instance, else do nothing) or as a dictionary of grid control parameters. * The usage of grid is handled by a new base function: grid_handler(). * Also slightly modified iterable check in 'splotch.hist' as a warning was being through when user provided multiple lists of varying length. * Various pep-8 linting performed