
Latest version: v0.39.0

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- Rename leftover occurrences of `Object`. The new symbol to represent
CrateDB's `OBJECT` column type is now `ObjectType`.

- DQL: Use CrateDB's native `ILIKE` operator instead of using SA's
generic implementation `lower() LIKE lower()`. Thanks, hlcianfagna.


- DDL: Allow turning off column store using `crate_columnstore=False`.
Thanks, fetzerms.

- DDL: Allow setting `server_default` on columns to enable
server-generated defaults. Thanks, JanLikar.

- Allow handling datetime values tagged with time zone info when inserting or updating.

- Fix SQL statement caching for CrateDB's `OBJECT` type. Thanks, faymarie.

- Refactor `OBJECT` type to use SQLAlchemy's JSON type infrastructure.

- Added `insert_bulk` fast-path `INSERT` method for pandas, in
order to support efficient batch inserts using CrateDB's "bulk operations" endpoint.

- Add documentation and software tests for usage with Dask


- Core: Re-enable support for `INSERT/UPDATE...RETURNING` in
SQLAlchemy 2.0 by adding the new `insert_returning` and `update_returning` flags
in the CrateDB dialect.


- Core: Support `INSERT...VALUES` with multiple value sets by enabling
`supports_multivalues_insert` on the CrateDB dialect, it is used by pandas'
`method="multi"` option

- Core: Enable the `insertmanyvalues` feature, which lets you control
the batch size of `INSERT` operations using the `insertmanyvalues_page_size`
engine-, connection-, and statement-options.

- ORM: Remove support for the legacy `session.bulk_save_objects` API
on SQLAlchemy 2.0, in favor of the new `insertmanyvalues` feature. Performance
optimizations from `bulk_save()` have been made inherently part of `add_all()`.
Note: The legacy mode will still work on SQLAlchemy 1.x, while SQLAlchemy 2.x users
MUST switch to the new method now.


- Fixed SQLAlchemy 2.0 incompatibility with `CrateDialect.{has_schema,has_table}`


- Added deprecation warning about dropping support for SQLAlchemy 1.3 soon, it
is effectively EOL.

- Added support for SQLAlchemy 2.0. See also [What's New in SQLAlchemy 2.0]
and [SQLAlchemy 2.0 migration guide].

- Updated to geojson 3.0.0.

[SQLAlchemy 2.0 migration guide]: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/changelog/migration_20.html
[What's New in SQLAlchemy 2.0]: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/changelog/whatsnew_20.html

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