- Fixed an issue that caused `metadata.create_all(bind=engine)` to fail creating tables that contain an `ObjectArray` column.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the usage of SQLAlchemy types `NUMERIC` and `DECIMAL` as column types.
- Prepared primary key retrieval for CrateDB 2.3.0. Preserved backwards-compatibility for lower versions.
- Added support for `Insert` from select - Support `get_columns` and `get_pk_constraint`
- BREAKING: Dropped support for SQLAlchemy < 1.0.0 - Fix: The dialect didn't work properly with alpha and beta versions of sqlalchemy due to a wrong version check (e.g.: sandman2 depends on 1.1.0b3) - Added support for native Arrays - Fix: `sa.inspect(engine).get_table_names` failed due to an attribute error