
Latest version: v2.0.30

Safety actively analyzes 638418 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Page 16 of 50


Not secure
:released: March 15, 2021

.. change::
:tags: bug, mssql
:tickets: 5919

Fix a reflection error for MSSQL 2005 introduced by the reflection of
filtered indexes.

.. change::
:tags: feature, mypy
:tickets: 4609

Rudimentary and experimental support for Mypy has been added in the form of
a new plugin, which itself depends on new typing stubs for SQLAlchemy. The
plugin allows declarative mappings in their standard form to both be
compatible with Mypy as well as to provide typing support for mapped
classes and instances.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 6016

Fixed bug where the "percent escaping" feature that occurs with dialects
that use the "format" or "pyformat" bound parameter styles was not enabled
for the :meth:`_sql.Operators.op` and :class:`_sql.custom_op` constructs,
for custom operators that use percent signs. The percent sign will now be
automatically doubled based on the paramstyle as necessary.

.. change::
:tags: bug, regression, sql
:tickets: 5979

Fixed regression where the "unsupported compilation error" for unknown
datatypes would fail to raise correctly.

.. change::
:tags: ext, usecase
:tickets: 5942

Add new parameter
to allow passing of :meth:`_schema.MetaData.reflect` options like ``only``
or dialect-specific reflection options like ``oracle_resolve_synonyms``.

.. change::
:tags: change, sql

Altered the compilation for the :class:`.CTE` construct so that a string is
returned representing the inner SELECT statement if the :class:`.CTE` is
stringified directly, outside of the context of an enclosing SELECT; This
is the same behavior of :meth:`_sql.FromClause.alias` and
:meth:`_sql.Select.subquery`. Previously, a blank string would be
returned as the CTE is normally placed above a SELECT after that SELECT has
been generated, which is generally misleading when debugging.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 5981

Fixed regression where the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.query_class`
parameter stopped being functional for "dynamic" relationships. The
``AppenderQuery`` remains dependent on the legacy :class:`_orm.Query`
class; users are encouraged to migrate from the use of "dynamic"
relationships to using :func:`_orm.with_parent` instead.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm, regression
:tickets: 6003

Fixed regression where :meth:`_orm.Query.join` would produce no effect if
the query itself as well as the join target were against a
:class:`_schema.Table` object, rather than a mapped class. This was part of
a more systemic issue where the legacy ORM query compiler would not be
correctly used from a :class:`_orm.Query` if the statement produced had not
ORM entities present within it.

.. change::
:tags: bug, regression, sql
:tickets: 6008

Fixed regression where usage of the standalone :func:`_sql.distinct()` used
in the form of being directly SELECTed would fail to be locatable in the
result set by column identity, which is how the ORM locates columns. While
standalone :func:`_sql.distinct()` is not oriented towards being directly
SELECTed (use :meth:`_sql.select.distinct` for a regular
``SELECT DISTINCT..``) , it was usable to a limited extent in this way
previously (but wouldn't work in subqueries, for example). The column
targeting for unary expressions such as "DISTINCT <col>" has been improved
so that this case works again, and an additional improvement has been made
so that usage of this form in a subquery at least generates valid SQL which
was not the case previously.

The change additionally enhances the ability to target elements in
``row._mapping`` based on SQL expression objects in ORM-enabled
SELECT statements, including whether the statement was invoked by
``connection.execute()`` or ``session.execute()``.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm, asyncio
:tickets: 5998

The API for :meth:`_asyncio.AsyncSession.delete` is now an awaitable;
this method cascades along relationships which must be loaded in a
similar manner as the :meth:`_asyncio.AsyncSession.merge` method.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, postgresql, mysql, asyncio
:tickets: 5967

Added an ``asyncio.Lock()`` within SQLAlchemy's emulated DBAPI cursor,
local to the connection, for the asyncpg and aiomysql dialects for the
scope of the ``cursor.execute()`` and ``cursor.executemany()`` methods. The
rationale is to prevent failures and corruption for the case where the
connection is used in multiple awaitables at once.

While this use case can also occur with threaded code and non-asyncio
dialects, we anticipate this kind of use will be more common under asyncio,
as the asyncio API is encouraging of such use. It's definitely better to
use a distinct connection per concurrent awaitable however as concurrency
will not be achieved otherwise.

For the asyncpg dialect, this is so that the space between
the call to ``prepare()`` and ``fetch()`` is prevented from allowing
concurrent executions on the connection from causing interface error
exceptions, as well as preventing race conditions when starting a new
transaction. Other PostgreSQL DBAPIs are threadsafe at the connection level
so this intends to provide a similar behavior, outside the realm of server
side cursors.

For the aiomysql dialect, the mutex will provide safety such that
the statement execution and the result set fetch, which are two distinct
steps at the connection level, won't get corrupted by concurrent
executions on the same connection.

.. change::
:tags: bug, engine
:tickets: 6002

Improved engine logging to note ROLLBACK and COMMIT which is logged while
the DBAPI driver is in AUTOCOMMIT mode. These ROLLBACK/COMMIT are library
level and do not have any effect when AUTOCOMMIT is in effect, however it's
still worthwhile to log as these indicate where SQLAlchemy sees the
"transaction" demarcation.

.. change::
:tags: bug, regression, engine
:tickets: 6004

Fixed a regression where the "reset agent" of the connection pool wasn't
really being utilized by the :class:`_engine.Connection` when it were
closed, and also leading to a double-rollback scenario that was somewhat
wasteful. The newer architecture of the engine has been updated so that
the connection pool "reset-on-return" logic will be skipped when the
:class:`_engine.Connection` explicitly closes out the transaction before
returning the pool to the connection.

.. change::
:tags: bug, schema
:tickets: 5953

Deprecated all schema-level ``.copy()`` methods and renamed to
``_copy()``. These are not standard Python "copy()" methods as they
typically rely upon being instantiated within particular contexts
which are passed to the method as optional keyword arguments. The
:meth:`_schema.Table.tometadata` method is the public API that provides
copying for :class:`_schema.Table` objects.

.. change::
:tags: bug, ext
:tickets: 6020

The ``sqlalchemy.ext.mutable`` extension now tracks the "parents"
collection using the :class:`.InstanceState` associated with objects,
rather than the object itself. The latter approach required that the object
be hashable so that it can be inside of a ``WeakKeyDictionary``, which goes
against the behavioral contract of the ORM overall which is that ORM mapped
objects do not need to provide any particular kind of ``__hash__()`` method
and that unhashable objects are supported.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 5984

The unit of work process now turns off all "lazy='raise'" behavior
altogether when a flush is proceeding. While there are areas where the UOW
is sometimes loading things that aren't ultimately needed, the lazy="raise"
strategy is not helpful here as the user often does not have much control
or visibility into the flush process.

.. changelog::


Not secure
:released: March 15, 2021
:released: February 15, 2021

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 5933

Fixed issue in new 1.4/2.0 style ORM queries where a statement-level label
style would not be preserved in the keys used by result rows; this has been
applied to all combinations of Core/ORM columns / session vs. connection
etc. so that the linkage from statement to result row is the same in all
cases. As part of this change, the labeling of column expressions
in rows has been improved to retain the original name of the ORM
attribute even if used in a subquery.

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 5924

Fixed bug where the "cartesian product" assertion was not correctly
accommodating for joins between tables that relied upon the use of LATERAL
to connect from a subquery to another subquery in the enclosing context.

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 5934

Fixed 1.4 regression where the :meth:`_functions.Function.in_` method was
not covered by tests and failed to function properly in all cases.

.. change::
:tags: bug, engine, postgresql
:tickets: 5941

Continued with the improvement made as part of :ticket:`5653` to further
support bound parameter names, including those generated against column
names, for names that include colons, parenthesis, and question marks, as
well as improved test support, so that bound parameter names even if they
are auto-derived from column names should have no problem including for
parenthesis in psycopg2's "pyformat" style.

As part of this change, the format used by the asyncpg DBAPI adapter (which
is local to SQLAlchemy's asyncpg dialect) has been changed from using
"qmark" paramstyle to "format", as there is a standard and internally
supported SQL string escaping style for names that use percent signs with
"format" style (i.e. to double percent signs), as opposed to names that use
question marks with "qmark" style (where an escaping system is not defined
by pep-249 or Python).

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: sql, usecase, postgresql, sqlite
:tickets: 5939

Enhance ``set_`` keyword of :class:`.OnConflictDoUpdate` to accept a
:class:`.ColumnCollection`, such as the ``.c.`` collection from a
:class:`Selectable`, or the ``.excluded`` contextual object.

.. change::
:tags: feature, orm

The ORM used in :term:`2.0 style` can now return ORM objects from the rows
returned by an UPDATE..RETURNING or INSERT..RETURNING statement, by
supplying the construct to :meth:`_sql.Select.from_statement` in an ORM

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 5935

Fixed regression where use of an arbitrary iterable with the
:func:`_sql.select` function was not working, outside of plain lists. The
forwards/backwards compatibility logic here now checks for a wider range of
incoming "iterable" types including that a ``.c`` collection from a
selectable can be passed directly. Pull request compliments of Oliver Rice.

.. changelog::


Not secure
:released: March 15, 2021
:released: February 3, 2021

.. change::
:tags: usecase, sql
:tickets: 5695

Multiple calls to "returning", e.g. :meth:`_sql.Insert.returning`,
may now be chained to add new columns to the RETURNING clause.

.. change::
:tags: bug, asyncio
:tickets: 5615

Adjusted the greenlet integration, which provides support for Python asyncio
in SQLAlchemy, to accommodate for the handling of Python ``contextvars``
(introduced in Python 3.7) for ``greenlet`` versions greater than 0.4.17.
Greenlet version 0.4.17 added automatic handling of contextvars in a
backwards-incompatible way; we've coordinated with the greenlet authors to
add a preferred API for this in versions subsequent to 0.4.17 which is now
supported by SQLAlchemy's greenlet integration. For greenlet versions prior
to 0.4.17 no behavioral change is needed, version 0.4.17 itself is blocked
from the dependencies.

.. change::
:tags: bug, engine, sqlite
:tickets: 5845

Fixed bug in the 2.0 "future" version of :class:`_engine.Engine` where emitting
SQL during the :meth:`.EngineEvents.begin` event hook would cause a
re-entrant (recursive) condition due to autobegin, affecting among other
things the recipe documented for SQLite to allow for savepoints and
serializable isolation support.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm, regression
:tickets: 5845

Fixed issue in new :class:`_orm.Session` similar to that of the
:class:`_engine.Connection` where the new "autobegin" logic could be
tripped into a re-entrant (recursive) state if SQL were executed within the
:meth:`.SessionEvents.after_transaction_create` event hook.

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 4757

Replace :meth:`_orm.Query.with_labels` and
:meth:`_sql.GenerativeSelect.apply_labels` with explicit getters and
setters :meth:`_sql.GenerativeSelect.get_label_style` and
:meth:`_sql.GenerativeSelect.set_label_style` to accommodate the three
supported label styles: :data:`_sql.LABEL_STYLE_DISAMBIGUATE_ONLY`,

In addition, for Core and "future style" ORM queries,
``LABEL_STYLE_DISAMBIGUATE_ONLY`` is now the default label style. This
style differs from the existing "no labels" style in that labeling is
applied in the case of column name conflicts; with ``LABEL_STYLE_NONE``, a
duplicate column name is not accessible via name in any case.

For cases where labeling is significant, namely that the ``.c`` collection
of a subquery is able to refer to all columns unambiguously, the behavior
of ``LABEL_STYLE_DISAMBIGUATE_ONLY`` is now sufficient for all
SQLAlchemy features across Core and ORM which involve this behavior.
Result set rows since SQLAlchemy 1.0 are usually aligned with column
constructs positionally.

For legacy ORM queries using :class:`_query.Query`, the table-plus-column
names labeling style applied by ``LABEL_STYLE_TABLENAME_PLUS_COL``
continues to be used so that existing test suites and logging facilities
see no change in behavior by default.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm, unitofwork
:tickets: 5735

Improved the unit of work topological sorting system such that the
toplogical sort is now deterministic based on the sorting of the input set,
which itself is now sorted at the level of mappers, so that the same inputs
of affected mappers should produce the same output every time, among
mappers / tables that don't have any dependency on each other. This further
reduces the chance of deadlocks as can be observed in a flush that UPDATEs
among multiple, unrelated tables such that row locks are generated.

.. change::
:tags: changed, orm
:tickets: 5897

Mapper "configuration", which occurs within the
:func:`_orm.configure_mappers` function, is now organized to be on a
per-registry basis. This allows for example the mappers within a certain
declarative base to be configured, but not those of another base that is
also present in memory. The goal is to provide a means of reducing
application startup time by only running the "configure" process for sets
of mappers that are needed. This also adds the
:meth:`_orm.registry.configure` method that will run configure for the
mappers local in a particular registry only.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 5702

Fixed regression where the :paramref:`.Bundle.single_entity` flag would
take effect for a :class:`.Bundle` even though it were not set.
Additionally, this flag is legacy as it only makes sense for the
:class:`_orm.Query` object and not 2.0 style execution. a deprecation
warning is emitted when used with new-style execution.

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 5858

Fixed issue in new :meth:`_sql.Select.join` method where chaining from the
current JOIN wasn't looking at the right state, causing an expression like
"FROM a JOIN b <onclause>, b JOIN c <onclause>" rather than
"FROM a JOIN b <onclause> JOIN c <onclause>".

.. change::
:tags: usecase, sql

Added :meth:`_sql.Select.outerjoin_from` method to complement

.. change::
:tags: usecase, sql
:tickets: 5888

Adjusted the "literal_binds" feature of :class:`_sql.Compiler` to render
NULL for a bound parameter that has ``None`` as the value, either
explicitly passed or omitted. The previous error message "bind parameter
without a renderable value" is removed, and a missing or ``None`` value
will now render NULL in all cases. Previously, rendering of NULL was
starting to happen for DML statements due to internal refactorings, but was
not explicitly part of test coverage, which it now is.

While no error is raised, when the context is within that of a column
comparison, and the operator is not "IS"/"IS NOT", a warning is emitted
that this is not generally useful from a SQL perspective.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 5750

Fixed regression where creating an :class:`_orm.aliased` construct against
a plain selectable and including a name would raise an assertionerror.

.. change::
:tags: bug, mssql, mysql, datatypes
:tickets: 5788
:versions: 1.4.0b2

Decimal accuracy and behavior has been improved when extracting floating
point and/or decimal values from JSON strings using the
:meth:`_sql.sqltypes.JSON.Comparator.as_float` method, when the numeric
value inside of the JSON string has many significant digits; previously,
MySQL backends would truncate values with many significant digits and SQL
Server backends would raise an exception due to a DECIMAL cast with
insufficient significant digits. Both backends now use a FLOAT-compatible
approach that does not hardcode significant digits for floating point
values. For precision numerics, a new method
:meth:`_sql.sqltypes.JSON.Comparator.as_numeric` has been added which
accepts arguments for precision and scale, and will return values as Python
``Decimal`` objects with no floating point conversion assuming the DBAPI
supports it (all but pysqlite).

.. change::
:tags: feature, orm, declarative
:tickets: 5745

Added an alternate resolution scheme to Declarative that will extract the
SQLAlchemy column or mapped property from the "metadata" dictionary of a
dataclasses.Field object. This allows full declarative mappings to be
combined with dataclass fields.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 5754

Deprecation warnings are emitted under "SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20" mode when
passing a plain string to :meth:`_orm.Session.execute`.

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql, orm
:tickets: 5760, 5763, 5765, 5768, 5770

A wide variety of fixes to the "lambda SQL" feature introduced at
:ref:`engine_lambda_caching` have been implemented based on user feedback,
with an emphasis on its use within the :func:`_orm.with_loader_criteria`
feature where it is most prominently used [ticket:5760]:

* Fixed the issue where boolean True/False values, which were referred
to in the closure variables of the lambda, would cause failures.

* Repaired a non-working detection for Python functions embedded in the
lambda that produce bound values; this case is likely not supportable
so raises an informative error, where the function should be invoked
outside the lambda itself. New documentation has been added to
further detail this behavior. [ticket:5770]

* The lambda system by default now rejects the use of non-SQL elements
within the closure variables of the lambda entirely, where the error
suggests the two options of either explicitly ignoring closure variables
that are not SQL parameters, or specifying a specific set of values to be
considered as part of the cache key based on hash value. This critically
prevents the lambda system from assuming that arbitrary objects within
the lambda's closure are appropriate for caching while also refusing to
ignore them by default, preventing the case where their state might
not be constant and have an impact on the SQL construct produced.
The error message is comprehensive and new documentation has been
added to further detail this behavior. [ticket:5765]

* Fixed support for the edge case where an ``in_()`` expression
against a list of SQL elements, such as :func:`_sql.literal` objects,
would fail to be accommodated correctly. [ticket:5768]

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 5760, 5766, 5762, 5761, 5764

Related to the fixes for the lambda criteria system within Core, within the
ORM implemented a variety of fixes for the
:func:`_orm.with_loader_criteria` feature as well as the
:meth:`_orm.SessionEvents.do_orm_execute` event handler that is often
used in conjunction [ticket:5760]:

* fixed issue where :func:`_orm.with_loader_criteria` function would fail
if the given entity or base included non-mapped mixins in its descending
class hierarchy [ticket:5766]

* The :func:`_orm.with_loader_criteria` feature is now unconditionally
disabled for the case of ORM "refresh" operations, including loads
of deferred or expired column attributes as well as for explicit
operations like :meth:`_orm.Session.refresh`. These loads are necessarily
based on primary key identity where additional WHERE criteria is
never appropriate. [ticket:5762]

* Added new attribute :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.is_column_load` to indicate
that a :meth:`_orm.SessionEvents.do_orm_execute` handler that a particular
operation is a primary-key-directed column attribute load, where additional
criteria should not be added. The :func:`_orm.with_loader_criteria`
function as above ignores these in any case now. [ticket:5761]

* Fixed issue where the :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.is_relationship_load`
attribute would not be set correctly for many lazy loads as well as all
selectinloads. The flag is essential in order to test if options should
be added to statements or if they would already have been propagated via
relationship loads. [ticket:5764]

.. change::
:tags: usecase, orm

Added :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.bind_mapper` and
:attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.all_mappers` accessors to
:class:`_orm.ORMExecuteState` event object, so that handlers can respond to
the target mapper and/or mapped class or classes involved in an ORM
statement execution.

.. change::
:tags: bug, engine, postgresql, oracle

Adjusted the "setinputsizes" logic relied upon by the cx_Oracle, asyncpg
and pg8000 dialects to support a :class:`.TypeDecorator` that includes
an override the :meth:`.TypeDecorator.get_dbapi_type()` method.

.. change::
:tags: postgresql, performance

Enhanced the performance of the asyncpg dialect by caching the asyncpg
PreparedStatement objects on a per-connection basis. For a test case that
makes use of the same statement on a set of pooled connections this appears
to grant a 10-20% speed improvement. The cache size is adjustable and may
also be disabled.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: feature, mysql
:tickets: 5747

Added support for the aiomysql driver when using the asyncio SQLAlchemy

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, reflection
:tickets: 5684

Fixed bug where the now-deprecated ``autoload`` parameter was being called
internally within the reflection routines when a related table were

.. change::
:tags: platform, performance
:tickets: 5681

Adjusted some elements related to internal class production at import time
which added significant latency to the time spent to import the library vs.
that of 1.3. The time is now about 20-30% slower than 1.3 instead of

.. change::
:tags: changed, schema
:tickets: 5775

Altered the behavior of the :class:`_schema.Identity` construct such that
when applied to a :class:`_schema.Column`, it will automatically imply that
the value of :paramref:`_sql.Column.nullable` should default to ``False``,
in a similar manner as when the :paramref:`_sql.Column.primary_key`
parameter is set to ``True``. This matches the default behavior of all
supporting databases where ``IDENTITY`` implies ``NOT NULL``. The
PostgreSQL backend is the only one that supports adding ``NULL`` to an
``IDENTITY`` column, which is here supported by passing a ``True`` value
for the :paramref:`_sql.Column.nullable` parameter at the same time.

.. change::
:tags: bug, postgresql
:tickets: 5698

Fixed a small regression where the query for "show
standard_conforming_strings" upon initialization would be emitted even if
the server version info were detected as less than version 8.2, previously
it would only occur for server version 8.2 or greater. The query fails on
Amazon Redshift which reports a PG server version older than this value.

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql, postgresql, mysql, sqlite
:tickets: 5169

An informative error message is now raised for a selected set of DML
methods (currently all part of :class:`_dml.Insert` constructs) if they are
called a second time, which would implicitly cancel out the previous
setting. The methods altered include:
:class:`_sqlite.Insert.on_conflict_do_nothing` (SQLite),
:class:`_postgresql.Insert.on_conflict_do_nothing` (PostgreSQL),
:class:`_mysql.Insert.on_duplicate_key_update` (MySQL)

.. change::
:tags: pool, tests, usecase
:tickets: 5582

Improve documentation and add test for sub-second pool timeouts.
Pull request courtesy Jordan Pittier.

.. change::
:tags: bug, general

Fixed a SQLite source file that had non-ascii characters inside of its
docstring without a source encoding, introduced within the "INSERT..ON
CONFLICT" feature, which would cause failures under Python 2.

.. change::
:tags: sqlite, usecase
:tickets: 4010

Implemented INSERT... ON CONFLICT clause for SQLite. Pull request courtesy
Ramon Williams.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, asyncio
:tickets: 5811

Implemented "connection-binding" for :class:`.AsyncSession`, the ability to
pass an :class:`.AsyncConnection` to create an :class:`.AsyncSession`.
Previously, this use case was not implemented and would use the associated
engine when the connection were passed. This fixes the issue where the
"join a session to an external transaction" use case would not work
correctly for the :class:`.AsyncSession`. Additionally, added methods
:meth:`.AsyncConnection.get_nested_transaction` and
:attr:`.AsyncConnection.info` attribute.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, asyncio

The :class:`.AsyncEngine`, :class:`.AsyncConnection` and
:class:`.AsyncTransaction` objects may be compared using Python ``==`` or
``!=``, which will compare the two given objects based on the "sync" object
they are proxying towards. This is useful as there are cases particularly
for :class:`.AsyncTransaction` where multiple instances of
:class:`.AsyncTransaction` can be proxying towards the same sync
:class:`_engine.Transaction`, and are actually equivalent. The
:meth:`.AsyncConnection.get_transaction` method will currently return a new
proxying :class:`.AsyncTransaction` each time as the
:class:`.AsyncTransaction` is not otherwise statefully associated with its
originating :class:`.AsyncConnection`.

.. change::
:tags: bug, oracle
:tickets: 5884

Oracle two-phase transactions at a rudimentary level are now no longer
deprecated. After receiving support from cx_Oracle devs we can provide for
basic xid + begin/prepare support with some limitations, which will work
more fully in an upcoming release of cx_Oracle. Two phase "recovery" is not
currently supported.

.. change::
:tags: asyncio

The SQLAlchemy async mode now detects and raises an informative
error when an non asyncio compatible :term:`DBAPI` is used.
Using a standard ``DBAPI`` with async SQLAlchemy will cause
it to block like any sync call, interrupting the executing asyncio

.. change::
:tags: usecase, orm, asyncio
:tickets: 5796, 5797, 5802

Added :meth:`_asyncio.AsyncSession.scalar`,
:meth:`_asyncio.AsyncSession.get` as well as support for
:meth:`_orm.sessionmaker.begin` to work as an async context manager with
:class:`_asyncio.AsyncSession`. Also added
:meth:`_asyncio.AsyncSession.in_transaction` accessor.

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 5785

Fixed issue in new :class:`_sql.Values` construct where passing tuples of
objects would fall back to per-value type detection rather than making use
of the :class:`_schema.Column` objects passed directly to
:class:`_sql.Values` that tells SQLAlchemy what the expected type is. This
would lead to issues for objects such as enumerations and numpy strings
that are not actually necessary since the expected type is given.

.. change::
:tags: bug, engine

Added the "future" keyword to the list of words that are known by the
:func:`_sa.engine_from_config` function, so that the values "true" and
"false" may be configured as "boolean" values when using a key such
as ``sqlalchemy.future = true`` or ``sqlalchemy.future = false``.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, schema
:tickets: 5712

The :meth:`_events.DDLEvents.column_reflect` event may now be applied to a
:class:`_schema.MetaData` object where it will take effect for the
:class:`_schema.Table` objects local to that collection.

.. seealso::


:ref:`mapper_automated_reflection_schemes` - in the ORM mapping documentation

:ref:`automap_intercepting_columns` - in the :ref:`automap_toplevel` documentation

.. change::
:tags: feature, engine

Dialect-specific constructs such as
:meth:`_postgresql.Insert.on_conflict_do_update` can now stringify in-place
without the need to specify an explicit dialect object. The constructs,
when called upon for ``str()``, ``print()``, etc. now have internal
direction to call upon their appropriate dialect rather than the
"default"dialect which doesn't know how to stringify these. The approach
is also adapted to generic schema-level create/drop such as
:class:`_schema.AddConstraint`, which will adapt its stringify dialect to
one indicated by the element within it, such as the
:class:`_postgresql.ExcludeConstraint` object.

.. change::
:tags: feature, engine
:tickets: 5911

Added new execution option
:paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.logging_token`. This option
will add an additional per-message token to log messages generated by the
:class:`_engine.Connection` as it executes statements. This token is not
part of the logger name itself (that part can be affected using the
existing :paramref:`_sa.create_engine.logging_name` parameter), so is
appropriate for ad-hoc connection use without the side effect of creating
many new loggers. The option can be set at the level of
:class:`_engine.Connection` or :class:`_engine.Engine`.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, pool
:tickets: 5708

Fixed regression where a connection pool event specified with a keyword,
most notably ``insert=True``, would be lost when the event were set up.
This would prevent startup events that need to fire before dialect-level
events from working correctly.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, pool
:tickets: 5708, 5497

The internal mechanics of the engine connection routine has been altered
such that it's now guaranteed that a user-defined event handler for the
:meth:`_pool.PoolEvents.connect` handler, when established using
``insert=True``, will allow an event handler to run that is definitely
invoked **before** any dialect-specific initialization starts up, most
notably when it does things like detect default schema name.
Previously, this would occur in most cases but not unconditionally.
A new example is added to the schema documentation illustrating how to
establish the "default schema name" within an on-connect event.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, postgresql

Added a read/write ``.autocommit`` attribute to the DBAPI-adaptation layer
for the asyncpg dialect. This so that when working with DBAPI-specific
schemes that need to use "autocommit" directly with the DBAPI connection,
the same ``.autocommit`` attribute which works with both psycopg2 as well
as pg8000 is available.

.. change::
:tags: bug, oracle
:tickets: 5716

The Oracle dialect now uses
``select sys_context( 'userenv', 'current_schema' ) from dual`` to get
the default schema name, rather than ``SELECT USER FROM DUAL``, to
accommodate for changes to the session-local schema name under Oracle.

.. change::
:tags: schema, feature
:tickets: 5659

Added :meth:`_types.TypeEngine.as_generic` to map dialect-specific types,
such as :class:`sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.INTEGER`, with the "best match"
generic SQLAlchemy type, in this case :class:`_types.Integer`. Pull
request courtesy Andrew Hannigan.

.. seealso::

:ref:`metadata_reflection_dbagnostic_types` - example usage

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 5717

Fixed issue where a :class:`.RemovedIn20Warning` would erroneously emit
when the ``.bind`` attribute were accessed internally on objects,
particularly when stringifying a SQL construct.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 5781

Fixed 1.4 regression where the use of :meth:`_orm.Query.having` in
conjunction with queries with internally adapted SQL elements (common in
inheritance scenarios) would fail due to an incorrect function call. Pull
request courtesy esoh.

.. change::
:tags: bug, pool, pypy
:tickets: 5842

Fixed issue where connection pool would not return connections to the pool
or otherwise be finalized upon garbage collection under pypy if the checked
out connection fell out of scope without being closed. This is a long
standing issue due to pypy's difference in GC behavior that does not call
weakref finalizers if they are relative to another object that is also
being garbage collected. A strong reference to the related record is now
maintained so that the weakref has a strong-referenced "base" to trigger
off of.

.. change::
:tags: bug, sqlite
:tickets: 5699

Use python ``re.search()`` instead of ``re.match()`` as the operation
used by the :meth:`Column.regexp_match` method when using sqlite.
This matches the behavior of regular expressions on other databases
as well as that of well-known SQLite plugins.

.. change::
:tags: changed, postgresql

Fixed issue where the psycopg2 dialect would silently pass the
``use_native_unicode=False`` flag without actually having any effect under
Python 3, as the psycopg2 DBAPI uses Unicode unconditionally under Python
3. This usage now raises an :class:`_exc.ArgumentError` when used under
Python 3. Added test support for Python 2.

.. change::
:tags: bug, postgresql
:tickets: 5722
:versions: 1.4.0b2

Established support for :class:`_schema.Column` objects as well as ORM
instrumented attributes as keys in the ``set_`` dictionary passed to the
:meth:`_postgresql.Insert.on_conflict_do_update` and
:meth:`_sqlite.Insert.on_conflict_do_update` methods, which match to the
:class:`_schema.Column` objects in the ``.c`` collection of the target
:class:`_schema.Table`. Previously, only string column names were
expected; a column expression would be assumed to be an out-of-table
expression that would render fully along with a warning.

.. change::
:tags: feature, sql
:tickets: 3566

Implemented support for "table valued functions" along with additional
syntaxes supported by PostgreSQL, one of the most commonly requested
features. Table valued functions are SQL functions that return lists of
values or rows, and are prevalent in PostgreSQL in the area of JSON
functions, where the "table value" is commonly referred to as the
"record" datatype. Table valued functions are also supported by Oracle and
SQL Server.

Features added include:

* the :meth:`_functions.FunctionElement.table_valued` modifier that creates a table-like
selectable object from a SQL function
* A :class:`_sql.TableValuedAlias` construct that renders a SQL function
as a named table
* Support for PostgreSQL's special "derived column" syntax that includes
column names and sometimes datatypes, such as for the
``json_to_recordset`` function, using the
:meth:`_sql.TableValuedAlias.render_derived` method.
* Support for PostgreSQL's "WITH ORDINALITY" construct using the
:paramref:`_functions.FunctionElement.table_valued.with_ordinality` parameter
* Support for selection FROM a SQL function as column-valued scalar, a
syntax supported by PostgreSQL and Oracle, via the
:meth:`_functions.FunctionElement.column_valued` method
* A way to SELECT a single column from a table-valued expression without
using a FROM clause via the :meth:`_functions.FunctionElement.scalar_table_valued`

.. seealso::

:ref:`tutorial_functions_table_valued` - in the :ref:`unified_tutorial`

.. change::
:tags: bug, asyncio
:tickets: 5827

Fixed bug in asyncio connection pool where ``asyncio.TimeoutError`` would
be raised rather than :class:`.exc.TimeoutError`. Also repaired the
:paramref:`_sa.create_engine.pool_timeout` parameter set to zero when using
the async engine, which previously would ignore the timeout and block
rather than timing out immediately as is the behavior with regular

.. change::
:tags: bug, postgresql, asyncio
:tickets: 5824

Fixed bug in asyncpg dialect where a failure during a "commit" or less
likely a "rollback" should cancel the entire transaction; it's no longer
possible to emit rollback. Previously the connection would continue to
await a rollback that could not succeed as asyncpg would reject it.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm

Fixed an issue where the API to create a custom executable SQL construct
using the ``sqlalchemy.ext.compiles`` extension according to the
documentation that's been up for many years would no longer function if
only ``Executable, ClauseElement`` were used as the base classes,
additional classes were needed if wanting to use
:meth:`_orm.Session.execute`. This has been resolved so that those extra
classes aren't needed.

.. change::
:tags: bug, regression, orm
:tickets: 5867

Fixed ORM unit of work regression where an errant "assert primary_key"
statement interferes with primary key generation sequences that don't
actually consider the columns in the table to use a real primary key
constraint, instead using :paramref:`_orm.Mapper.primary_key` to establish
certain columns as "primary".

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 5722
:versions: 1.4.0b2

Properly render ``cycle=False`` and ``order=False`` as ``NO CYCLE`` and
``NO ORDER`` in :class:`_sql.Sequence` and :class:`_sql.Identity`

.. change::
:tags: schema, usecase
:tickets: 2843

Added parameters :paramref:`_ddl.CreateTable.if_not_exists`,
:paramref:`_ddl.DropTable.if_exists` and
:paramref:`_ddl.DropIndex.if_exists` to the :class:`_ddl.CreateTable`,
:class:`_ddl.DropTable`, :class:`_ddl.CreateIndex` and
:class:`_ddl.DropIndex` constructs which result in "IF NOT EXISTS" / "IF
EXISTS" DDL being added to the CREATE/DROP. These phrases are not accepted
by all databases and the operation will fail on a database that does not
support it as there is no similarly compatible fallback within the scope of
a single DDL statement. Pull request courtesy Ramon Williams.

.. change::
:tags: bug, pool, asyncio
:tickets: 5823

When using an asyncio engine, the connection pool will now detach and
discard a pooled connection that is was not explicitly closed/returned to
the pool when its tracking object is garbage collected, emitting a warning
that the connection was not properly closed. As this operation occurs
during Python gc finalizers, it's not safe to run any IO operations upon
the connection including transaction rollback or connection close as this
will often be outside of the event loop.

The ``AsyncAdaptedQueue`` used by default on async dpapis
should instantiate a queue only when it's first used
to avoid binding it to a possibly wrong event loop.

.. changelog::


Not secure
:released: March 15, 2021
:released: November 2, 2020

.. change::
:tags: feature, orm
:tickets: 5159

The ORM can now generate queries previously only available when using
:class:`_orm.Query` using the :func:`_sql.select` construct directly.
A new system by which ORM "plugins" may establish themselves within a
Core :class:`_sql.Select` allow the majority of query building logic
previously inside of :class:`_orm.Query` to now take place within
a compilation-level extension for :class:`_sql.Select`. Similar changes
have been made for the :class:`_sql.Update` and :class:`_sql.Delete`
constructs as well. The constructs when invoked using :meth:`_orm.Session.execute`
now do ORM-related work within the method. For :class:`_sql.Select`,
the :class:`_engine.Result` object returned now contains ORM-level
entities and results.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: feature,sql
:tickets: 4737

Added "from linting" as a built-in feature to the SQL compiler. This
allows the compiler to maintain graph of all the FROM clauses in a
particular SELECT statement, linked by criteria in either the WHERE
or in JOIN clauses that link these FROM clauses together. If any two
FROM clauses have no path between them, a warning is emitted that the
query may be producing a cartesian product. As the Core expression
language as well as the ORM are built on an "implicit FROMs" model where
a particular FROM clause is automatically added if any part of the query
refers to it, it is easy for this to happen inadvertently and it is
hoped that the new feature helps with this issue.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: deprecated, orm
:tickets: 5606

The "slice index" feature used by :class:`_orm.Query` as well as by the
dynamic relationship loader will no longer accept negative indexes in
SQLAlchemy 2.0. These operations do not work efficiently and load the
entire collection in, which is both surprising and undesirable. These
will warn in 1.4 unless the :paramref:`_orm.Session.future` flag is set in
which case they will raise IndexError.

.. change::
:tags: sql, change
:tickets: 4617

The "clause coercion" system, which is SQLAlchemy Core's system of receiving
arguments and resolving them into :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` structures in order
to build up SQL expression objects, has been rewritten from a series of
ad-hoc functions to a fully consistent class-based system. This change
is internal and should have no impact on end users other than more specific
error messages when the wrong kind of argument is passed to an expression
object, however the change is part of a larger set of changes involving
the role and behavior of :func:`_expression.select` objects.

.. change::
:tags: bug, mysql

The MySQL and MariaDB dialects now query from the information_schema.tables
system view in order to determine if a particular table exists or not.
Previously, the "DESCRIBE" command was used with an exception catch to
detect non-existent, which would have the undesirable effect of emitting a
ROLLBACK on the connection. There appeared to be legacy encoding issues
which prevented the use of "SHOW TABLES", for this, but as MySQL support is
now at 5.0.2 or above due to :ticket:`4189`, the information_schema tables
are now available in all cases.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 5122

A query that is against a mapped inheritance subclass which also uses
:meth:`_query.Query.select_entity_from` or a similar technique in order to
provide an existing subquery to SELECT from, will now raise an error if the
given subquery returns entities that do not correspond to the given
subclass, that is, they are sibling or superclasses in the same hierarchy.
Previously, these would be returned without error. Additionally, if the
inheritance mapping is a single-inheritance mapping, the given subquery
must apply the appropriate filtering against the polymorphic discriminator
column in order to avoid this error; previously, the :class:`_query.Query` would
add this criteria to the outside query however this interferes with some
kinds of query that return other kinds of entities as well.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, engine
:tickets: 5004

Revised the :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.schema_translate_map`
feature such that the processing of the SQL statement to receive a specific
schema name occurs within the execution phase of the statement, rather than
at the compile phase. This is to support the statement being efficiently
cached. Previously, the current schema being rendered into the statement
for a particular run would be considered as part of the cache key itself,
meaning that for a run against hundreds of schemas, there would be hundreds
of cache keys, rendering the cache much less performant. The new behavior
is that the rendering is done in a similar manner as the "post compile"
rendering added in 1.4 as part of :ticket:`4645`, :ticket:`4808`.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, sql
:tickets: 527

The :meth:`.Index.create` and :meth:`.Index.drop` methods now have a
parameter :paramref:`.Index.create.checkfirst`, in the same way as that of
:class:`_schema.Table` and :class:`.Sequence`, which when enabled will cause the
operation to detect if the index exists (or not) before performing a create
or drop operation.

.. change::
:tags: sql, postgresql
:tickets: 5498

Allow specifying the data type when creating a :class:`.Sequence` in
PostgreSQL by using the parameter :paramref:`.Sequence.data_type`.

.. change::
:tags: change, mssql
:tickets: 5084

SQL Server OFFSET and FETCH keywords are now used for limit/offset, rather
than using a window function, for SQL Server versions 11 and higher. TOP is
still used for a query that features only LIMIT. Pull request courtesy

.. change::
:tags: deprecated, engine
:tickets: 5526

The :class:`_engine.URL` object is now an immutable named tuple. To modify
a URL object, use the :meth:`_engine.URL.set` method to produce a new URL

.. seealso::

:ref:`change_5526` - notes on migration

.. change::
:tags: change, postgresql

When using the psycopg2 dialect for PostgreSQL, psycopg2 minimum version is
set at 2.7. The psycopg2 dialect relies upon many features of psycopg2
released in the past few years, so to simplify the dialect, version 2.7,
released in March, 2017 is now the minimum version required.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, sql

The :func:`.true` and :func:`.false` operators may now be applied as the
"onclause" of a :func:`_expression.join` on a backend that does not support
"native boolean" expressions, e.g. Oracle or SQL Server, and the expression
will render as "1=1" for true and "1=0" false. This is the behavior that
was introduced many years ago in :ticket:`2804` for and/or expressions.

.. change::
:tags: feature, engine
:tickets: 5087, 4395, 4959

Implemented an all-new :class:`_result.Result` object that replaces the previous
``ResultProxy`` object. As implemented in Core, the subclass
:class:`_result.CursorResult` features a compatible calling interface with the
previous ``ResultProxy``, and additionally adds a great amount of new
functionality that can be applied to Core result sets as well as ORM result
sets, which are now integrated into the same model. :class:`_result.Result`
includes features such as column selection and rearrangement, improved
fetchmany patterns, uniquing, as well as a variety of implementations that
can be used to create database results from in-memory structures as well.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: renamed, engine
:tickets: 5244

The :meth:`_reflection.Inspector.reflecttable` was renamed to

.. change::
:tags: change, orm
:tickets: 4662

The condition where a pending object being flushed with an identity that
already exists in the identity map has been adjusted to emit a warning,
rather than throw a :class:`.FlushError`. The rationale is so that the
flush will proceed and raise a :class:`.IntegrityError` instead, in the
same way as if the existing object were not present in the identity map
already. This helps with schemes that are using the
:class:`.IntegrityError` as a means of catching whether or not a row
already exists in the table.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 5001

Fixed issue where when constructing constraints from ORM-bound columns,
primarily :class:`_schema.ForeignKey` objects but also :class:`.UniqueConstraint`,
:class:`.CheckConstraint` and others, the ORM-level
:class:`.InstrumentedAttribute` is discarded entirely, and all ORM-level
annotations from the columns are removed; this is so that the constraints
are still fully pickleable without the ORM-level entities being pulled in.
These annotations are not necessary to be present at the schema/metadata

.. change::
:tags: bug, mysql
:tickets: 5568

The "skip_locked" keyword used with ``with_for_update()`` will render "SKIP
LOCKED" on all MySQL backends, meaning it will fail for MySQL less than
version 8 and on current MariaDB backends. This is because those backends
do not support "SKIP LOCKED" or any equivalent, so this error should not be
silently ignored. This is upgraded from a warning in the 1.3 series.

.. change::
:tags: performance, postgresql
:tickets: 5401

The psycopg2 dialect now defaults to using the very performant
``execute_values()`` psycopg2 extension for compiled INSERT statements,
and also implements RETURNING support when this extension is used. This
allows INSERT statements that even include an autoincremented SERIAL
or IDENTITY value to run very fast while still being able to return the
newly generated primary key values. The ORM will then integrate this
new feature in a separate change.

.. seealso::

:ref:`change_5401` - full list of changes regarding the
``executemany_mode`` parameter.

.. change::
:tags: feature, orm
:tickets: 4472

Added the ability to add arbitrary criteria to the ON clause generated
by a relationship attribute in a query, which applies to methods such
as :meth:`_query.Query.join` as well as loader options like
:func:`_orm.joinedload`. Additionally, a "global" version of the option
allows limiting criteria to be applied to particular entities in
a query globally.

.. seealso::




.. change::
:tags: renamed, sql

:class:`_schema.Table` parameter ``mustexist`` has been renamed
to :paramref:`_schema.Table.must_exist` and will now warn when used.

.. change::
:tags: removed, sql
:tickets: 4632

The "threadlocal" execution strategy, deprecated in 1.3, has been
removed for 1.4, as well as the concept of "engine strategies" and the
``Engine.contextual_connect`` method. The "strategy='mock'" keyword
argument is still accepted for now with a deprecation warning; use
:func:`.create_mock_engine` instead for this use case.

.. seealso::

:ref:`change_4393_threadlocal` - from the 1.3 migration notes which
discusses the rationale for deprecation.

.. change::
:tags: mssql, postgresql, reflection, schema, usecase
:tickets: 4458

Improved support for covering indexes (with INCLUDE columns). Added the
ability for postgresql to render CREATE INDEX statements with an INCLUDE
clause from Core. Index reflection also report INCLUDE columns separately
for both mssql and postgresql (11+).

.. change::
:tags: change, platform
:tickets: 5400

The ``importlib_metadata`` library is used to scan for setuptools
entrypoints rather than pkg_resources. as importlib_metadata is a small
library that is included as of Python 3.8, the compatibility library is
installed as a dependency for Python versions older than 3.8.

.. change::
:tags: feature, sql, mssql, oracle
:tickets: 4808

Added new "post compile parameters" feature. This feature allows a
:func:`.bindparam` construct to have its value rendered into the SQL string
before being passed to the DBAPI driver, but after the compilation step,
using the "literal render" feature of the compiler. The immediate
rationale for this feature is to support LIMIT/OFFSET schemes that don't
work or perform well as bound parameters handled by the database driver,
while still allowing for SQLAlchemy SQL constructs to be cacheable in their
compiled form. The immediate targets for the new feature are the "TOP
N" clause used by SQL Server (and Sybase) which does not support a bound
parameter, as well as the "ROWNUM" and optional "FIRST_ROWS()" schemes used
by the Oracle dialect, the former of which has been known to perform better
without bound parameters and the latter of which does not support a bound
parameter. The feature builds upon the mechanisms first developed to
support "expanding" parameters for IN expressions. As part of this
feature, the Oracle ``use_binds_for_limits`` feature is turned on
unconditionally and this flag is now deprecated.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: feature, sql
:tickets: 1390

Add support for regular expression on supported backends.
Two operations have been defined:

* :meth:`_sql.ColumnOperators.regexp_match` implementing a regular
expression match like function.
* :meth:`_sql.ColumnOperators.regexp_replace` implementing a regular
expression string replace function.

Supported backends include SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL / MariaDB, and Oracle.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 4696

The internal attribute symbols NO_VALUE and NEVER_SET have been unified, as
there was no meaningful difference between these two symbols, other than a
few codepaths where they were differentiated in subtle and undocumented
ways, these have been fixed.

.. change::
:tags: oracle, bug

Correctly render :class:`_schema.Sequence` and :class:`_schema.Identity`
column options ``nominvalue`` and ``nomaxvalue`` as ``NOMAXVALUE` and
``NOMINVALUE`` on oracle database.

.. change::
:tags: bug, schema
:tickets: 4262

Cleaned up the internal ``str()`` for datatypes so that all types produce a
string representation without any dialect present, including that it works
for third-party dialect types without that dialect being present. The
string representation defaults to being the UPPERCASE name of that type
with nothing else.

.. change::
:tags: deprecated, sql
:tickets: 5010

The :meth:`_sql.Join.alias` method is deprecated and will be removed in
SQLAlchemy 2.0. An explicit select + subquery, or aliasing of the inner
tables, should be used instead.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 4194

Fixed bug where a versioning column specified on a mapper against a
:func:`_expression.select` construct where the version_id_col itself were against the
underlying table would incur additional loads when accessed, even if the
value were locally persisted by the flush. The actual fix is a result of
the changes in :ticket:`4617`, by fact that a :func:`_expression.select` object no
longer has a ``.c`` attribute and therefore does not confuse the mapper
into thinking there's an unknown column value present.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 3858

An ``UnmappedInstanceError`` is now raised for :class:`.InstrumentedAttribute`
if an instance is an unmapped object. Prior to this an ``AttributeError``
was raised. Pull request courtesy Ramon Williams.

.. change::
:tags: removed, platform
:tickets: 5634

Dropped support for python 3.4 and 3.5 that has reached EOL. SQLAlchemy 1.4
series requires python 2.7 or 3.6+.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: performance, sql
:tickets: 4639

An all-encompassing reorganization and refactoring of Core and ORM
internals now allows all Core and ORM statements within the areas of
DQL (e.g. SELECTs) and DML (e.g. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) to allow their
SQL compilation as well as the construction of result-fetching metadata
to be fully cached in most cases. This effectively provides a transparent
and generalized version of what the "Baked Query" extension has offered
for the ORM in past versions. The new feature can calculate the
cache key for any given SQL construction based on the string that
it would ultimately produce for a given dialect, allowing functions that
compose the equivalent select(), Query(), insert(), update() or delete()
object each time to have that statement cached after it's generated
the first time.

The feature is enabled transparently but includes some new programming
paradigms that may be employed to make the caching even more efficient.

.. seealso::



.. change::
:tags: orm, removed
:tickets: 4638

All long-deprecated "extension" classes have been removed, including
MapperExtension, SessionExtension, PoolListener, ConnectionProxy,
AttributeExtension. These classes have been deprecated since version 0.7
long superseded by the event listener system.

.. change::
:tags: feature, mssql, sql
:tickets: 4384

Added support for the :class:`_types.JSON` datatype on the SQL Server
dialect using the :class:`_mssql.JSON` implementation, which implements SQL
Server's JSON functionality against the ``NVARCHAR(max)`` datatype as per
SQL Server documentation. Implementation courtesy Gord Thompson.

.. change::
:tags: change, sql
:tickets: 4868

Added a core :class:`Values` object that enables a VALUES construct
to be used in the FROM clause of an SQL statement for databases that
support it (mainly PostgreSQL and SQL Server).

.. change::
:tags: usecase, mysql
:tickets: 5496

Added a new dialect token "mariadb" that may be used in place of "mysql" in
the :func:`_sa.create_engine` URL. This will deliver a MariaDB dialect
subclass of the MySQLDialect in use that forces the "is_mariadb" flag to
True. The dialect will raise an error if a server version string that does
not indicate MariaDB in use is received. This is useful for
MariaDB-specific testing scenarios as well as to support applications that
are hardcoding to MariaDB-only concepts. As MariaDB and MySQL featuresets
and usage patterns continue to diverge, this pattern may become more

.. change::
:tags: bug, postgresql

The pg8000 dialect has been revised and modernized for the most recent
version of the pg8000 driver for PostgreSQL. Pull request courtesy Tony
Locke. Note that this necessarily pins pg8000 at 1.16.6 or greater,
which no longer has Python 2 support. Python 2 users who require pg8000
should ensure their requirements are pinned at ``SQLAlchemy<1.4``.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 5074

The :class:`.Session` object no longer initiates a
:class:`.SessionTransaction` object immediately upon construction or after
the previous transaction is closed; instead, "autobegin" logic now
initiates the new :class:`.SessionTransaction` on demand when it is next
needed. Rationale includes to remove reference cycles from a
:class:`.Session` that has been closed out, as well as to remove the
overhead incurred by the creation of :class:`.SessionTransaction` objects
that are often discarded immediately. This change affects the behavior of
the :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_transaction_create` hook in that the event
will be emitted when the :class:`.Session` first requires a
:class:`.SessionTransaction` be present, rather than whenever the
:class:`.Session` were created or the previous :class:`.SessionTransaction`
were closed. Interactions with the :class:`_engine.Engine` and the database
itself remain unaffected.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: oracle, change

The LIMIT / OFFSET scheme used in Oracle now makes use of named subqueries
rather than unnamed subqueries when it transparently rewrites a SELECT
statement to one that uses a subquery that includes ROWNUM. The change is
part of a larger change where unnamed subqueries are no longer directly
supported by Core, as well as to modernize the internal use of the select()
construct within the Oracle dialect.

.. change::
:tags: feature, engine, orm
:tickets: 3414

SQLAlchemy now includes support for Python asyncio within both Core and
ORM, using the included :ref:`asyncio extension <asyncio_toplevel>`. The
extension makes use of the `greenlet
<https://greenlet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ library in order to adapt
SQLAlchemy's sync-oriented internals such that an asyncio interface that
ultimately interacts with an asyncio database adapter is now feasible. The
single driver supported at the moment is the
:ref:`dialect-postgresql-asyncpg` driver for PostgreSQL.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: removed, sql

Removed the ``sqlalchemy.sql.visitors.iterate_depthfirst`` and
``sqlalchemy.sql.visitors.traverse_depthfirst`` functions. These functions
were unused by any part of SQLAlchemy. The
:func:`_sa.sql.visitors.iterate` and :func:`_sa.sql.visitors.traverse`
functions are commonly used for these functions. Also removed unused
options from the remaining functions including "column_collections",

.. change::
:tags: orm, performance

The bulk update and delete methods :meth:`.Query.update` and
:meth:`.Query.delete`, as well as their 2.0-style counterparts, now make
use of RETURNING when the "fetch" strategy is used in order to fetch the
list of affected primary key identites, rather than emitting a separate
SELECT, when the backend in use supports RETURNING. Additionally, the
"fetch" strategy will in ordinary cases not expire the attributes that have
been updated, and will instead apply the updated values directly in the
same way that the "evaluate" strategy does, to avoid having to refresh the
object. The "evaluate" strategy will also fall back to expiring
attributes that were updated to a SQL expression that was unevaluable in

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 4829

Added new entity-targeting capabilities to the ORM query context
help with the case where the :class:`.Session` is using a bind dictionary
against mapped classes, rather than a single bind, and the :class:`_query.Query`
is against a Core statement that was ultimately generated from a method
such as :meth:`_query.Query.subquery`. First implemented using a deep
search, the current approach leverages the unified :func:`_sql.select`
construct to keep track of the first mapper that is part of
the construct.

.. change::
:tags: mssql

The mssql dialect will assume that at least MSSQL 2005 is used.
There is no hard exception raised if a previous version is detected,
but operations may fail for older versions.

.. change::
:tags: bug, inheritance, orm
:tickets: 4212

An :class:`.ArgumentError` is now raised if both the ``selectable`` and
``flat`` parameters are set to True in :func:`.orm.with_polymorphic`. The
selectable name is already aliased and applying flat=True overrides the
selectable name with an anonymous name that would've previously caused the
code to break. Pull request courtesy Ramon Williams.

.. change::
:tags: mysql, usecase
:tickets: 4976

Added support for use of the :class:`.Sequence` construct with MariaDB 10.3
and greater, as this is now supported by this database. The construct
integrates with the :class:`_schema.Table` object in the same way that it does for
other databases like PostgreSQL and Oracle; if is present on the integer
primary key "autoincrement" column, it is used to generate defaults. For
backwards compatibility, to support a :class:`_schema.Table` that has a
:class:`.Sequence` on it to support sequence only databases like Oracle,
while still not having the sequence fire off for MariaDB, the optional=True
flag should be set, which indicates the sequence should only be used to
generate the primary key if the target database offers no other option.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: deprecated, engine
:tickets: 4634

The :paramref:`_schema.MetaData.bind` argument as well as the overall
concept of "bound metadata" is deprecated in SQLAlchemy 1.4 and will be
removed in SQLAlchemy 2.0. The parameter as well as related functions now
emit a :class:`_exc.RemovedIn20Warning` when :ref:`deprecation_20_mode` is
in use.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: change, extensions
:tickets: 5142

Added new parameter :paramref:`_automap.AutomapBase.prepare.autoload_with`
which supersedes :paramref:`_automap.AutomapBase.prepare.reflect`
and :paramref:`_automap.AutomapBase.prepare.engine`.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, mssql, postgresql
:tickets: 4966

Added support for inspection / reflection of partial indexes / filtered
indexes, i.e. those which use the ``mssql_where`` or ``postgresql_where``
parameters, with :class:`_schema.Index`. The entry is both part of the
dictionary returned by :meth:`.Inspector.get_indexes` as well as part of a
reflected :class:`_schema.Index` construct that was reflected. Pull
request courtesy Ramon Williams.

.. change::
:tags: mssql, feature
:tickets: 4235, 4633

Added support for "CREATE SEQUENCE" and full :class:`.Sequence` support for
Microsoft SQL Server. This removes the deprecated feature of using
:class:`.Sequence` objects to manipulate IDENTITY characteristics which
should now be performed using ``mssql_identity_start`` and
``mssql_identity_increment`` as documented at :ref:`mssql_identity`. The
change includes a new parameter :paramref:`.Sequence.data_type` to
accommodate SQL Server's choice of datatype, which for that backend
includes INTEGER, BIGINT, and DECIMAL(n, 0). The default starting value
for SQL Server's version of :class:`.Sequence` has been set at 1; this
default is now emitted within the CREATE SEQUENCE DDL for all backends.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 4718

Fixed issue in polymorphic loading internals which would fall back to a
more expensive, soon-to-be-deprecated form of result column lookup within
certain unexpiration scenarios in conjunction with the use of

.. change::
:tags: mssql, reflection
:tickets: 5527

As part of the support for reflecting :class:`_schema.Identity` objects,
the method :meth:`_reflection.Inspector.get_columns` no longer returns
``mssql_identity_start`` and ``mssql_identity_increment`` as part of the
``dialect_options``. Use the information in the ``identity`` key instead.

.. change::
:tags: schema, sql
:tickets: 5362, 5324, 5360

Added the :class:`_schema.Identity` construct that can be used to
configure identity columns rendered with GENERATED { ALWAYS |
BY DEFAULT } AS IDENTITY. Currently the supported backends are
PostgreSQL >= 10, Oracle >= 12 and MSSQL (with different syntax
and a subset of functionalities).

.. change::
:tags: change, orm, sql

A selection of Core and ORM query objects now perform much more of their
Python computational tasks within the compile step, rather than at
construction time. This is to support an upcoming caching model that will
provide for caching of the compiled statement structure based on a cache
key that is derived from the statement construct, which itself is expected
to be newly constructed in Python code each time it is used. This means
that the internal state of these objects may not be the same as it used to
be, as well as that some but not all error raise scenarios for various
kinds of argument validation will occur within the compilation / execution
phase, rather than at statement construction time. See the migration
notes linked below for complete details.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: usecase, mssql, reflection
:tickets: 5506

Added support for reflection of temporary tables with the SQL Server dialect.
Table names that are prefixed by a pound sign "" are now introspected from
the MSSQL "tempdb" system catalog.

.. change::
:tags: firebird, deprecated
:tickets: 5189

The Firebird dialect is deprecated, as there is now a 3rd party
dialect that supports this database.

.. change::
:tags: misc, deprecated
:tickets: 5189

The Sybase dialect is deprecated.

.. change::
:tags: mssql, deprecated
:tickets: 5189

The adodbapi and mxODBC dialects are deprecated.

.. change::
:tags: mysql, deprecated
:tickets: 5189

The OurSQL dialect is deprecated.

.. change::
:tags: postgresql, deprecated
:tickets: 5189

The pygresql and py-postgresql dialects are deprecated.

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 4649, 4569

Registered function names based on :class:`.GenericFunction` are now
retrieved in a case-insensitive fashion in all cases, removing the
deprecation logic from 1.3 which temporarily allowed multiple
:class:`.GenericFunction` objects to exist with differing cases. A
:class:`.GenericFunction` that replaces another on the same name whether or
not it's case sensitive emits a warning before replacing the object.

.. change::
:tags: orm, performance, postgresql
:tickets: 5263

Implemented support for the psycopg2 ``execute_values()`` extension
within the ORM flush process via the enhancements to Core made
in :ticket:`5401`, so that this extension is used
both as a strategy to batch INSERT statements together as well as
that RETURNING may now be used among multiple parameter sets to
retrieve primary key values back in batch. This allows nearly
all INSERT statements emitted by the ORM on behalf of PostgreSQL
to be submitted in batch and also via the ``execute_values()``
extension which benches at five times faster than plain
executemany() for this particular backend.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: change, general
:tickets: 4789

"python setup.py test" is no longer a test runner, as this is deprecated by
Pypa. Please use "tox" with no arguments for a basic test run.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, oracle
:tickets: 4857

The max_identifier_length for the Oracle dialect is now 128 characters by
default, unless compatibility version less than 12.2 upon first connect, in
which case the legacy length of 30 characters is used. This is a
continuation of the issue as committed to the 1.3 series which adds max
identifier length detection upon first connect as well as warns for the
change in Oracle server.

.. seealso::

:ref:`oracle_max_identifier_lengths` - in the Oracle dialect documentation

.. change::
:tags: bug, oracle
:tickets: 4971

The :class:`_oracle.INTERVAL` class of the Oracle dialect is now correctly
a subclass of the abstract version of :class:`.Interval` as well as the
correct "emulated" base class, which allows for correct behavior under both
native and non-native modes; previously it was only based on

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 4994

An error is raised if any persistence-related "cascade" settings are made
on a :func:`_orm.relationship` that also sets up viewonly=True. The "cascade"
settings now default to non-persistence related settings only when viewonly
is also set. This is the continuation from :ticket:`4993` where this
setting was changed to emit a warning in 1.3.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 5054

Creating an :func:`.and_` or :func:`.or_` construct with no arguments or
empty ``*args`` will now emit a deprecation warning, as the SQL produced is
a no-op (i.e. it renders as a blank string). This behavior is considered to
be non-intuitive, so for empty or possibly empty :func:`.and_` or
:func:`.or_` constructs, an appropriate default boolean should be included,
such as ``and_(True, *args)`` or ``or_(False, *args)``. As has been the
case for many major versions of SQLAlchemy, these particular boolean
values will not render if the ``*args`` portion is non-empty.

.. change::
:tags: removed, sql

Removed the concept of a bound engine from the :class:`.Compiler` object,
and removed the ``.execute()`` and ``.scalar()`` methods from
:class:`.Compiler`. These were essentially forgotten methods from over a
decade ago and had no practical use, and it's not appropriate for the
:class:`.Compiler` object itself to be maintaining a reference to an

.. change::
:tags: performance, engine
:tickets: 4524

The pool "pre-ping" feature has been refined to not invoke for a DBAPI
connection that was just opened in the same checkout operation. pre ping
only applies to a DBAPI connection that's been checked into the pool
and is being checked out again.

.. change::
:tags: deprecated, engine

The ``server_side_cursors`` engine-wide parameter is deprecated and will be
removed in a future release. For unbuffered cursors, the
:paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.stream_results` execution
option should be used on a per-execution basis.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 4699

Improved declarative inheritance scanning to not get tripped up when the
same base class appears multiple times in the base inheritance list.

.. change::
:tags: orm, change
:tickets: 4395

The automatic uniquing of rows on the client side is turned off for the new
:term:`2.0 style` of ORM querying. This improves both clarity and
performance. However, uniquing of rows on the client side is generally
necessary when using joined eager loading for collections, as there
will be duplicates of the primary entity for each element in the
collection because a join was used. This uniquing must now be manually
enabled and can be achieved using the new
:meth:`_engine.Result.unique` modifier. To avoid silent failure, the ORM
explicitly requires the method be called when the result of an ORM
query in 2.0 style makes use of joined load collections. The newer
:func:`_orm.selectinload` strategy is likely preferable for eager loading
of collections in any case.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 4195

Fixed bug in ORM versioning feature where assignment of an explicit
version_id for a counter configured against a mapped selectable where
version_id_col is against the underlying table would fail if the previous
value were expired; this was due to the fact that the mapped attribute
would not be configured with active_history=True.

.. change::
:tags: mssql, bug, schema
:tickets: 5597

Fixed an issue where :meth:`_reflection.has_table` always returned
``False`` for temporary tables.

.. change::
:tags: mssql, engine
:tickets: 4809

Deprecated the ``legacy_schema_aliasing`` parameter to
:meth:`_sa.create_engine`. This is a long-outdated parameter that has
defaulted to False since version 1.1.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, orm
:tickets: 1653

The evaluator that takes place within the ORM bulk update and delete for
synchronize_session="evaluate" now supports the IN and NOT IN operators.
Tuple IN is also supported.

.. change::
:tags: change, sql
:tickets: 5284

The :func:`_expression.select` construct is moving towards a new calling
form that is ``select(col1, col2, col3, ..)``, with all other keyword
arguments removed, as these are all suited using generative methods. The
single list of column or table arguments passed to ``select()`` is still
accepted, however is no longer necessary if expressions are passed in a
simple positional style. Other keyword arguments are disallowed when this
form is used.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: change, sqlite
:tickets: 4895

Dropped support for right-nested join rewriting to support old SQLite
versions prior to 3.7.16, released in 2013. It is expected that
all modern Python versions among those now supported should all include
much newer versions of SQLite.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: deprecated, engine
:tickets: 5131

The :meth:`_engine.Connection.connect` method is deprecated as is the concept of
"connection branching", which copies a :class:`_engine.Connection` into a new one
that has a no-op ".close()" method. This pattern is oriented around the
"connectionless execution" concept which is also being removed in 2.0.

.. change::
:tags: bug, general
:tickets: 4656, 4689

Refactored the internal conventions used to cross-import modules that have
mutual dependencies between them, such that the inspected arguments of
functions and methods are no longer modified. This allows tools like
pylint, Pycharm, other code linters, as well as hypothetical pep-484
implementations added in the future to function correctly as they no longer
see missing arguments to function calls. The new approach is also
simpler and more performant.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: sql, usecase
:tickets: 5191

Change the method ``__str`` of :class:`ColumnCollection` to avoid
confusing it with a python list of string.

.. change::
:tags: sql, reflection
:tickets: 4741

The "NO ACTION" keyword for foreign key "ON UPDATE" is now considered to be
the default cascade for a foreign key on all supporting backends (SQlite,
MySQL, PostgreSQL) and when detected is not included in the reflection
dictionary; this is already the behavior for PostgreSQL and MySQL for all
previous SQLAlchemy versions in any case. The "RESTRICT" keyword is
positively stored when detected; PostgreSQL does report on this keyword,
and MySQL as of version 8.0 does as well. On earlier MySQL versions, it is
not reported by the database.

.. change::
:tags: sql, reflection
:tickets: 5527, 5324

Added support for reflecting "identity" columns, which are now returned
as part of the structure returned by :meth:`_reflection.Inspector.get_columns`.
When reflecting full :class:`_schema.Table` objects, identity columns will
be represented using the :class:`_schema.Identity` construct.
Currently the supported backends are
PostgreSQL >= 10, Oracle >= 12 and MSSQL (with different syntax
and a subset of functionalities).

.. change::
:tags: feature, sql
:tickets: 4753

The :func:`_expression.select` construct and related constructs now allow for
duplication of column labels and columns themselves in the columns clause,
mirroring exactly how column expressions were passed in. This allows
the tuples returned by an executed result to match what was SELECTed
for in the first place, which is how the ORM :class:`_query.Query` works, so
this establishes better cross-compatibility between the two constructs.
Additionally, it allows column-positioning-sensitive structures such as
UNIONs (i.e. :class:`_selectable.CompoundSelect`) to be more intuitively constructed
in those cases where a particular column might appear in more than one
place. To support this change, the :class:`_expression.ColumnCollection` has been
revised to support duplicate columns as well as to allow integer index

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: renamed, sql
:tickets: 4617

The :meth:`_expression.SelectBase.as_scalar` and :meth:`_query.Query.as_scalar` methods have
been renamed to :meth:`_expression.SelectBase.scalar_subquery` and
:meth:`_query.Query.scalar_subquery`, respectively. The old names continue to
exist within 1.4 series with a deprecation warning. In addition, the
implicit coercion of :class:`_expression.SelectBase`, :class:`_expression.Alias`, and other
SELECT oriented objects into scalar subqueries when evaluated in a column
context is also deprecated, and emits a warning that the
:meth:`_expression.SelectBase.scalar_subquery` method should be called explicitly.
This warning will in a later major release become an error, however the
message will always be clear when :meth:`_expression.SelectBase.scalar_subquery` needs
to be invoked. The latter part of the change is for clarity and to reduce
the implicit decisionmaking by the query coercion system. The
:meth:`.Subquery.as_scalar` method, which was previously
``Alias.as_scalar``, is also deprecated; ``.scalar_subquery()`` should be
invoked directly from ` :func:`_expression.select` object or :class:`_query.Query` object.

This change is part of the larger change to convert :func:`_expression.select` objects
to no longer be directly part of the "from clause" class hierarchy, which
also includes an overhaul of the clause coercion system.

.. change::
:tags: bug, mssql
:tickets: 4980

Fixed the base class of the :class:`_mssql.DATETIMEOFFSET` datatype to
be based on the :class:`.DateTime` class hierarchy, as this is a
datetime-holding datatype.

.. change::
:tags: bug, engine
:tickets: 4712

The :class:`_engine.Connection` object will now not clear a rolled-back
transaction until the outermost transaction is explicitly rolled back.
This is essentially the same behavior that the ORM :class:`.Session` has
had for a long time, where an explicit call to ``.rollback()`` on all
enclosing transactions is required for the transaction to logically clear,
even though the DBAPI-level transaction has already been rolled back.
The new behavior helps with situations such as the "ORM rollback test suite"
pattern where the test suite rolls the transaction back within the ORM
scope, but the test harness which seeks to control the scope of the
transaction externally does not expect a new transaction to start

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: deprecated, orm
:tickets: 4719

Calling the :meth:`_query.Query.instances` method without passing a
:class:`.QueryContext` is deprecated. The original use case for this was
that a :class:`_query.Query` could yield ORM objects when given only the entities
to be selected as well as a DBAPI cursor object. However, for this to work
correctly there is essential metadata that is passed from a SQLAlchemy
:class:`_engine.ResultProxy` that is derived from the mapped column expressions,
which comes originally from the :class:`.QueryContext`. To retrieve ORM
results from arbitrary SELECT statements, the :meth:`_query.Query.from_statement`
method should be used.

.. change::
:tags: deprecated, sql

The :class:`_schema.Table` class now raises a deprecation warning
when columns with the same name are defined. To replace a column a new
parameter :paramref:`_schema.Table.append_column.replace_existing` was
added to the :meth:`_schema.Table.append_column` method.

The :meth:`_expression.ColumnCollection.contains_column` will now
raises an error when called with a string, suggesting the caller
to use ``in`` instead.

.. change::
:tags: deprecated, engine
:tickets: 4878

The :paramref:`.case_sensitive` flag on :func:`_sa.create_engine` is
deprecated; this flag was part of the transition of the result row object
to allow case sensitive column matching as the default, while providing
backwards compatibility for the former matching method. All string access
for a row should be assumed to be case sensitive just like any other Python

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 5127

Improved the :func:`_sql.tuple_` construct such that it behaves predictably
when used in a columns-clause context. The SQL tuple is not supported as a
"SELECT" columns clause element on most backends; on those that do
(PostgreSQL, not surprisingly), the Python DBAPI does not have a "nested
type" concept so there are still challenges in fetching rows for such an
object. Use of :func:`_sql.tuple_` in a :func:`_sql.select` or
:class:`_orm.Query` will now raise a :class:`_exc.CompileError` at the
point at which the :func:`_sql.tuple_` object is seen as presenting itself
for fetching rows (i.e., if the tuple is in the columns clause of a
subquery, no error is raised). For ORM use,the :class:`_orm.Bundle` object
is an explicit directive that a series of columns should be returned as a
sub-tuple per row and is suggested by the error message. Additionally ,the
tuple will now render with parenthesis in all contexts. Previously, the
parenthesization would not render in a columns context leading to
non-defined behavior.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, sql
:tickets: 5576

Add support to ``FETCH {FIRST | NEXT} [ count ]
{ROW | ROWS} {ONLY | WITH TIES}`` in the select for the supported
backends, currently PostgreSQL, Oracle and MSSQL.

.. change::
:tags: feature, engine, alchemy2
:tickets: 4644

Implemented the :paramref:`_sa.create_engine.future` parameter which
enables forwards compatibility with SQLAlchemy 2. is used for forwards
compatibility with SQLAlchemy 2. This engine features
always-transactional behavior with autobegin.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: usecase, sql
:tickets: 4449

Additional logic has been added such that certain SQL expressions which
typically wrap a single database column will use the name of that column as
their "anonymous label" name within a SELECT statement, potentially making
key-based lookups in result tuples more intuitive. The primary example of
this is that of a CAST expression, e.g. ``CAST(table.colname AS INTEGER)``,
which will export its default name as "colname", rather than the usual
"anon_1" label, that is, ``CAST(table.colname AS INTEGER) AS colname``.
If the inner expression doesn't have a name, then the previous "anonymous
label" logic is used. When using SELECT statements that make use of
:meth:`_expression.Select.apply_labels`, such as those emitted by the ORM, the
labeling logic will produce ``<tablename>_<inner column name>`` in the same
was as if the column were named alone. The logic applies right now to the
:func:`.cast` and :func:`.type_coerce` constructs as well as some
single-element boolean expressions.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: feature, orm
:tickets: 5508

The ORM Declarative system is now unified into the ORM itself, with new
import spaces under ``sqlalchemy.orm`` and new kinds of mappings. Support
for decorator-based mappings without using a base class, support for
classical style-mapper() calls that have access to the declarative class
registry for relationships, and full integration of Declarative with 3rd
party class attribute systems like ``dataclasses`` and ``attrs`` is now

.. seealso::



.. change::
:tags: removed, platform
:tickets: 5094

Removed all dialect code related to support for Jython and zxJDBC. Jython
has not been supported by SQLAlchemy for many years and it is not expected
that the current zxJDBC code is at all functional; for the moment it just
takes up space and adds confusion by showing up in documentation. At the
moment, it appears that Jython has achieved Python 2.7 support in its
releases but not Python 3. If Jython were to be supported again, the form
it should take is against the Python 3 version of Jython, and the various
zxJDBC stubs for various backends should be implemented as a third party

.. change::
:tags: feature, sql
:tickets: 5221

Enhanced the disambiguating labels feature of the
:func:`_expression.select` construct such that when a select statement
is used in a subquery, repeated column names from different tables are now
automatically labeled with a unique label name, without the need to use the
full "apply_labels()" feature that combines tablename plus column name.
The disambiguated labels are available as plain string keys in the .c
collection of the subquery, and most importantly the feature allows an ORM
:func:`_orm.aliased` construct against the combination of an entity and an
arbitrary subquery to work correctly, targeting the correct columns despite
same-named columns in the source tables, without the need for an "apply
labels" warning.

.. seealso::

:ref:`migration_20_query_from_self` - Illustrates the new
disambiguation feature as part of a strategy to migrate away from the
:meth:`_query.Query.from_self` method.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, postgresql
:tickets: 5549

Added support for PostgreSQL "readonly" and "deferrable" flags for all of
psycopg2, asyncpg and pg8000 dialects. This takes advantage of a newly
generalized version of the "isolation level" API to support other kinds of
session attributes set via execution options that are reliably reset
when connections are returned to the connection pool.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: mysql, feature
:tickets: 5459

Added support for MariaDB Connector/Python to the mysql dialect. Original
pull request courtesy Georg Richter.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, orm
:tickets: 5171

Enhanced logic that tracks if relationships will be conflicting with each
other when they write to the same column to include simple cases of two
relationships that should have a "backref" between them. This means that
if two relationships are not viewonly, are not linked with back_populates
and are not otherwise in an inheriting sibling/overriding arrangement, and
will populate the same foreign key column, a warning is emitted at mapper
configuration time warning that a conflict may arise. A new parameter
:paramref:`_orm.relationship.overlaps` is added to suit those very rare cases
where such an overlapping persistence arrangement may be unavoidable.

.. change::
:tags: deprecated, orm
:tickets: 4705, 5202

Using strings to represent relationship names in ORM operations such as
:meth:`_orm.Query.join`, as well as strings for all ORM attribute names
in loader options like :func:`_orm.selectinload`
is deprecated and will be removed in SQLAlchemy 2.0. The class-bound
attribute should be passed instead. This provides much better specificity
to the given method, allows for modifiers such as ``of_type()``, and
reduces internal complexity.

Additionally, the ``aliased`` and ``from_joinpoint`` parameters to
:meth:`_orm.Query.join` are also deprecated. The :func:`_orm.aliased`
construct now provides for a great deal of flexibility and capability
and should be used directly.

.. seealso::



.. change::
:tags: change, platform
:tickets: 5404

Installation has been modernized to use setup.cfg for most package

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql, postgresql
:tickets: 5653

Improved support for column names that contain percent signs in the string,
including repaired issues involving anonymous labels that also embedded a
column name with a percent sign in it, as well as re-established support
for bound parameter names with percent signs embedded on the psycopg2
dialect, using a late-escaping process similar to that used by the
cx_Oracle dialect.

.. change::
:tags: orm, deprecated
:tickets: 5134

Deprecated logic in :meth:`_query.Query.distinct` that automatically adds
columns in the ORDER BY clause to the columns clause; this will be removed
in 2.0.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: orm, removed
:tickets: 4642

Remove the deprecated loader options ``joinedload_all``, ``subqueryload_all``,
``lazyload_all``, ``selectinload_all``. The normal version with method chaining
should be used in their place.

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 4887

Custom functions that are created as subclasses of
:class:`.FunctionElement` will now generate an "anonymous label" based on
the "name" of the function just like any other :class:`.Function` object,
e.g. ``"SELECT myfunc() AS myfunc_1"``. While SELECT statements no longer
require labels in order for the result proxy object to function, the ORM
still targets columns in rows by using objects as mapping keys, which works
more reliably when the column expressions have distinct names. In any
case, the behavior is now made consistent between functions generated by
:attr:`.func` and those generated as custom :class:`.FunctionElement`

.. change::
:tags: usecase, extensions
:tickets: 4887

Custom compiler constructs created using the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.compiled`
extension will automatically add contextual information to the compiler
when a custom construct is interpreted as an element in the columns
clause of a SELECT statement, such that the custom element will be
targetable as a key in result row mappings, which is the kind of targeting
that the ORM uses in order to match column elements into result tuples.

.. change::
:tags: engine, bug
:tickets: 5497

Adjusted the dialect initialization process such that the
:meth:`_engine.Dialect.on_connect` is not called a second time
on the first connection. The hook is called first, then the
:meth:`_engine.Dialect.initialize` is called if that connection is the
first for that dialect, then no more events are called. This eliminates
the two calls to the "on_connect" function which can produce very
difficult debugging situations.

.. change::
:tags: feature, engine, pyodbc
:tickets: 5649

Reworked the "setinputsizes()" set of dialect hooks to be correctly
extensible for any arbitrary DBAPI, by allowing dialects individual hooks
that may invoke cursor.setinputsizes() in the appropriate style for that
DBAPI. In particular this is intended to support pyodbc's style of usage
which is fundamentally different from that of cx_Oracle. Added support
for pyodbc.

.. change::
:tags: deprecated, engine
:tickets: 4846

"Implicit autocommit", which is the COMMIT that occurs when a DML or DDL
statement is emitted on a connection, is deprecated and won't be part of
SQLAlchemy 2.0. A 2.0-style warning is emitted when autocommit takes
effect, so that the calling code may be adjusted to use an explicit

As part of this change, DDL methods such as
:meth:`_schema.MetaData.create_all` when used against an
:class:`_engine.Engine` will run the operation in a BEGIN block if one is
not started already.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: deprecated, orm
:tickets: 5573

Passing keyword arguments to methods such as :meth:`_orm.Session.execute`
to be passed into the :meth:`_orm.Session.get_bind` method is deprecated;
the new :paramref:`_orm.Session.execute.bind_arguments` dictionary should
be passed instead.

.. change::
:tags: renamed, schema
:tickets: 5413

Renamed the :meth:`_schema.Table.tometadata` method to
:meth:`_schema.Table.to_metadata`. The previous name remains with a
deprecation warning.

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 4336

Reworked the :meth:`_expression.ClauseElement.compare` methods in terms of a new
visitor-based approach, and additionally added test coverage ensuring that
all :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` subclasses can be accurately compared
against each other in terms of structure. Structural comparison
capability is used to a small degree within the ORM currently, however
it also may form the basis for new caching features.

.. change::
:tags: feature, orm
:tickets: 1763

Eager loaders, such as joined loading, SELECT IN loading, etc., when
configured on a mapper or via query options will now be invoked during
the refresh on an expired object; in the case of selectinload and
subqueryload, since the additional load is for a single object only,
the "immediateload" scheme is used in these cases which resembles the
single-parent query emitted by lazy loading.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: usecase, orm
:tickets: 5018, 3903

The ORM bulk update and delete operations, historically available via the
:meth:`_orm.Query.update` and :meth:`_orm.Query.delete` methods as well as
via the :class:`_dml.Update` and :class:`_dml.Delete` constructs for
:term:`2.0 style` execution, will now automatically accommodate for the
additional WHERE criteria needed for a single-table inheritance
discriminator in order to limit the statement to rows referring to the
specific subtype requested. The new :func:`_orm.with_loader_criteria`
construct is also supported for with bulk update/delete operations.

.. change::
:tags: engine, removed
:tickets: 4643

Remove deprecated method ``get_primary_keys`` in the :class:`.Dialect` and
:class:`_reflection.Inspector` classes. Please refer to the
:meth:`.Dialect.get_pk_constraint` and :meth:`_reflection.Inspector.get_primary_keys`

Remove deprecated event ``dbapi_error`` and the method
``ConnectionEvents.dbapi_error``. Please refer to the
:meth:`_events.ConnectionEvents.handle_error` event.
This change also removes the attributes ``ExecutionContext.is_disconnect``
and ``ExecutionContext.exception``.

.. change::
:tags: removed, postgresql
:tickets: 4643

Remove support for deprecated engine URLs of the form ``postgres://``;
this has emitted a warning for many years and projects should be
using ``postgresql://``.

.. change::
:tags: removed, mysql
:tickets: 4643

Remove deprecated dialect ``mysql+gaerdbms`` that has been deprecated
since version 1.0. Use the MySQLdb dialect directly.

Remove deprecated parameter ``quoting`` from :class:`.mysql.ENUM`
and :class:`.mysql.SET` in the ``mysql`` dialect. The values passed to the
enum or the set are quoted by SQLAlchemy when needed automatically.

.. change::
:tags: removed, orm
:tickets: 4643

Remove deprecated function ``comparable_property``. Please refer to the
:mod:`~sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid` extension. This also removes the function
``comparable_using`` in the declarative extension.

Remove deprecated function ``compile_mappers``. Please use

Remove deprecated method ``collection.linker``. Please refer to the
:meth:`.AttributeEvents.init_collection` and
:meth:`.AttributeEvents.dispose_collection` event handlers.

Remove deprecated method ``Session.prune`` and parameter
``Session.weak_identity_map``. See the recipe at
:ref:`session_referencing_behavior` for an event-based approach to
maintaining strong identity references.
This change also removes the class ``StrongInstanceDict``.

Remove deprecated parameter ``mapper.order_by``. Use :meth:`_query.Query.order_by`
to determine the ordering of a result set.

Remove deprecated parameter ``Session._enable_transaction_accounting``.

Remove deprecated parameter ``Session.is_modified.passive``.

.. change::
:tags: removed, schema
:tickets: 4643

Remove deprecated class ``Binary``. Please use :class:`.LargeBinary`.

.. change::
:tags: removed, sql
:tickets: 4643

Remove deprecated methods ``Compiled.compile``, ``ClauseElement.__and__`` and
``ClauseElement.__or__`` and attribute ``Over.func``.

Remove deprecated ``FromClause.count`` method. Please use the
:class:`_functions.count` function available from the
:attr:`.func` namespace.

.. change::
:tags: removed, sql
:tickets: 4643

Remove deprecated parameters ``text.bindparams`` and ``text.typemap``.
Please refer to the :meth:`_expression.TextClause.bindparams` and
:meth:`_expression.TextClause.columns` methods.

Remove deprecated parameter ``Table.useexisting``. Please use

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 4836

An exception is now raised if the ORM loads a row for a polymorphic
instance that has a primary key but the discriminator column is NULL, as
discriminator columns should not be null.

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 4002

Deprecate usage of ``DISTINCT ON`` in dialect other than PostgreSQL.
Deprecate old usage of string distinct in MySQL dialect

.. change::
:tags: orm, usecase
:tickets: 5237

Update :paramref:`_orm.relationship.sync_backref` flag in a relationship
to make it implicitly ``False`` in ``viewonly=True`` relationships,
preventing synchronization events.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: deprecated, engine
:tickets: 4877

Deprecated the behavior by which a :class:`_schema.Column` can be used as the key
in a result set row lookup, when that :class:`_schema.Column` is not part of the
SQL selectable that is being selected; that is, it is only matched on name.
A deprecation warning is now emitted for this case. Various ORM use
cases, such as those involving :func:`_expression.text` constructs, have been improved
so that this fallback logic is avoided in most cases.

.. change::
:tags: change, schema
:tickets: 5367

The :paramref:`.Enum.create_constraint` and
:paramref:`.Boolean.create_constraint` parameters now default to False,
indicating when a so-called "non-native" version of these two datatypes is
created, a CHECK constraint will not be generated by default. These CHECK
constraints present schema-management maintenance complexities that should
be opted in to, rather than being turned on by default.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: feature, sql
:tickets: 4645

The "expanding IN" feature, which generates IN expressions at query
execution time which are based on the particular parameters associated with
the statement execution, is now used for all IN expressions made against
lists of literal values. This allows IN expressions to be fully cacheable
independently of the list of values being passed, and also includes support
for empty lists. For any scenario where the IN expression contains
non-literal SQL expressions, the old behavior of pre-rendering for each
position in the IN is maintained. The change also completes support for
expanding IN with tuples, where previously type-specific bind processors
weren't taking effect.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, mysql
:tickets: 4189

MySQL dialect's server_version_info tuple is now all numeric. String
tokens like "MariaDB" are no longer present so that numeric comparison
works in all cases. The .is_mariadb flag on the dialect should be
consulted for whether or not mariadb was detected. Additionally removed
structures meant to support extremely old MySQL versions 3.x and 4.x;
the minimum MySQL version supported is now version 5.0.2.

.. change::
:tags: engine, feature
:tickets: 2056

Added new reflection method :meth:`.Inspector.get_sequence_names` which
returns all the sequences defined and :meth:`.Inspector.has_sequence` to
check if a particular sequence exits.
Support for this method has been added to the backend that support
:class:`.Sequence`: PostgreSQL, Oracle and MariaDB >= 10.3.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, postgresql
:tickets: 4914

The maximum buffer size for the :class:`.BufferedRowResultProxy`, which
is used by dialects such as PostgreSQL when ``stream_results=True``, can
now be set to a number greater than 1000 and the buffer will grow to
that size. Previously, the buffer would not go beyond 1000 even if the
value were set larger. The growth of the buffer is also now based
on a simple multiplying factor currently set to 5. Pull request courtesy
Soumaya Mauthoor.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 4519

Accessing a collection-oriented attribute on a newly created object no
longer mutates ``__dict__``, but still returns an empty collection as has
always been the case. This allows collection-oriented attributes to work
consistently in comparison to scalar attributes which return ``None``, but
also don't mutate ``__dict__``. In order to accommodate for the collection
being mutated, the same empty collection is returned each time once
initially created, and when it is mutated (e.g. an item appended, added,
etc.) it is then moved into ``__dict__``. This removes the last of
mutating side-effects on read-only attribute access within the ORM.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: change, sql
:tickets: 4617

As part of the SQLAlchemy 2.0 migration project, a conceptual change has
been made to the role of the :class:`_expression.SelectBase` class hierarchy,
which is the root of all "SELECT" statement constructs, in that they no
longer serve directly as FROM clauses, that is, they no longer subclass
:class:`_expression.FromClause`. For end users, the change mostly means that any
placement of a :func:`_expression.select` construct in the FROM clause of another
:func:`_expression.select` requires first that it be wrapped in a subquery first,
which historically is through the use of the :meth:`_expression.SelectBase.alias`
method, and is now also available through the use of
:meth:`_expression.SelectBase.subquery`. This was usually a requirement in any
case since several databases don't accept unnamed SELECT subqueries
in their FROM clause in any case.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: change, sql
:tickets: 4617

Added a new Core class :class:`.Subquery`, which takes the place of
:class:`_expression.Alias` when creating named subqueries against a :class:`_expression.SelectBase`
object. :class:`.Subquery` acts in the same way as :class:`_expression.Alias`
and is produced from the :meth:`_expression.SelectBase.subquery` method; for
ease of use and backwards compatibility, the :meth:`_expression.SelectBase.alias`
method is synonymous with this new method.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: change, orm
:tickets: 4617

The ORM will now warn when asked to coerce a :func:`_expression.select` construct into
a subquery implicitly. This occurs within places such as the
:meth:`_query.Query.select_entity_from` and :meth:`_query.Query.select_from` methods
as well as within the :func:`.with_polymorphic` function. When a
:class:`_expression.SelectBase` (which is what's produced by :func:`_expression.select`) or
:class:`_query.Query` object is passed directly to these functions and others,
the ORM is typically coercing them to be a subquery by calling the
:meth:`_expression.SelectBase.alias` method automatically (which is now superseded by
the :meth:`_expression.SelectBase.subquery` method). See the migration notes linked
below for further details.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 4617

The ORDER BY clause of a :class:`_selectable.CompoundSelect`, e.g. UNION, EXCEPT, etc.
will not render the table name associated with a given column when applying
:meth:`_selectable.CompoundSelect.order_by` in terms of a :class:`_schema.Table` - bound
column. Most databases require that the names in the ORDER BY clause be
expressed as label names only which are matched to names in the first
SELECT statement. The change is related to :ticket:`4617` in that a
previous workaround was to refer to the ``.c`` attribute of the
:class:`_selectable.CompoundSelect` in order to get at a column that has no table
name. As the subquery is now named, this change allows both the workaround
to continue to work, as well as allows table-bound columns as well as the
:attr:`_selectable.CompoundSelect.selected_columns` collections to be usable in the
:meth:`_selectable.CompoundSelect.order_by` method.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 5226

The refresh of an expired object will now trigger an autoflush if the list
of expired attributes include one or more attributes that were explicitly
expired or refreshed using the :meth:`.Session.expire` or
:meth:`.Session.refresh` methods. This is an attempt to find a middle
ground between the normal unexpiry of attributes that can happen in many
cases where autoflush is not desirable, vs. the case where attributes are
being explicitly expired or refreshed and it is possible that these
attributes depend upon other pending state within the session that needs to
be flushed. The two methods now also gain a new flag
:paramref:`.Session.expire.autoflush` and
:paramref:`.Session.refresh.autoflush`, defaulting to True; when set to
False, this will disable the autoflush that occurs on unexpire for these

.. change::
:tags: feature, sql
:tickets: 5380

Along with the new transparent statement caching feature introduced as part
of :ticket:`4369`, a new feature intended to decrease the Python overhead
of creating statements is added, allowing lambdas to be used when
indicating arguments being passed to a statement object such as select(),
Query(), update(), etc., as well as allowing the construction of full
statements within lambdas in a similar manner as that of the "baked query"
system. The rationale of using lambdas is adapted from that of the "baked
query" approach which uses lambdas to encapsulate any amount of Python code
into a callable that only needs to be called when the statement is first
constructed into a string. The new feature however is more sophisticated
in that Python literal values that would be passed as parameters are
automatically extracted, so that there is no longer a need to use
bindparam() objects with such queries. Use of the feature is optional and
can be used to as small or as great a degree as is desired, while still
allowing statements to be fully cacheable.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: feature, orm
:tickets: 5027

Added support for direct mapping of Python classes that are defined using
the Python ``dataclasses`` decorator. Pull request courtesy Václav
Klusák. The new feature integrates into new support at the Declarative
level for systems such as ``dataclasses`` and ``attrs``.

.. seealso::



.. change::
:tags: change, engine
:tickets: 4710

The ``RowProxy`` class is no longer a "proxy" object, and is instead
directly populated with the post-processed contents of the DBAPI row tuple
upon construction. Now named :class:`.Row`, the mechanics of how the
Python-level value processors have been simplified, particularly as it impacts the
format of the C code, so that a DBAPI row is processed into a result tuple
up front. The object returned by the :class:`_engine.ResultProxy` is now the
``LegacyRow`` subclass, which maintains mapping/tuple hybrid behavior,
however the base :class:`.Row` class now behaves more fully like a named

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: change, orm
:tickets: 4710

The "KeyedTuple" class returned by :class:`_query.Query` is now replaced with the
Core :class:`.Row` class, which behaves in the same way as KeyedTuple.
In SQLAlchemy 2.0, both Core and ORM will return result rows using the same
:class:`.Row` object. In the interim, Core uses a backwards-compatibility
class ``LegacyRow`` that maintains the former mapping/tuple hybrid
behavior used by "RowProxy".

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: feature, orm
:tickets: 4826

Added "raiseload" feature for ORM mapped columns via :paramref:`.orm.defer.raiseload`
parameter on :func:`.defer` and :func:`.deferred`. This provides
similar behavior for column-expression mapped attributes as the
:func:`.raiseload` option does for relationship mapped attributes. The
change also includes some behavioral changes to deferred columns regarding
expiration; see the migration notes for details.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 5150

The behavior of the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.cascade_backrefs` flag
will be reversed in 2.0 and set to ``False`` unconditionally, such that
backrefs don't cascade save-update operations from a forwards-assignment to
a backwards assignment. A 2.0 deprecation warning is emitted when the
parameter is left at its default of ``True`` at the point at which such a
cascade operation actually takes place. The new behavior can be
established as always by setting the flag to ``False`` on a specific
:func:`_orm.relationship`, or more generally can be set up across the board
by setting the :paramref:`_orm.Session.future` flag to True.

.. seealso::


.. change::
:tags: deprecated, engine
:tickets: 4755

Deprecated remaining engine-level introspection and utility methods
including :meth:`_engine.Engine.run_callable`, :meth:`_engine.Engine.transaction`,
:meth:`_engine.Engine.table_names`, :meth:`_engine.Engine.has_table`. The utility
methods are superseded by modern context-manager patterns, and the table
introspection tasks are suited by the :class:`_reflection.Inspector` object.

.. change::
:tags: removed, engine
:tickets: 4755

The internal dialect method ``Dialect.reflecttable`` has been removed. A
review of third party dialects has not found any making use of this method,
as it was already documented as one that should not be used by external
dialects. Additionally, the private ``Engine._run_visitor`` method
is also removed.

.. change::
:tags: removed, engine
:tickets: 4755

The long-deprecated ``Inspector.get_table_names.order_by`` parameter has
been removed.

.. change::
:tags: feature, engine
:tickets: 4755

The :paramref:`_schema.Table.autoload_with` parameter now accepts an :class:`_reflection.Inspector` object
directly, as well as any :class:`_engine.Engine` or :class:`_engine.Connection` as was the case before.

.. change::
:tags: change, performance, engine, py3k
:tickets: 5315

Disabled the "unicode returns" check that runs on dialect startup when
running under Python 3, which for many years has occurred in order to test
the current DBAPI's behavior for whether or not it returns Python Unicode
or Py2K strings for the VARCHAR and NVARCHAR datatypes. The check still
occurs by default under Python 2, however the mechanism to test the
behavior will be removed in SQLAlchemy 2.0 when Python 2 support is also

This logic was very effective when it was needed, however now that Python 3
is standard, all DBAPIs are expected to return Python 3 strings for
character datatypes. In the unlikely case that a third party DBAPI does
not support this, the conversion logic within :class:`.String` is still
available and the third party dialect may specify this in its upfront
dialect flags by setting the dialect level flag ``returns_unicode_strings``
to one of :attr:`.String.RETURNS_CONDITIONAL` or
:attr:`.String.RETURNS_BYTES`, both of which will enable Unicode conversion
even under Python 3.

.. change::
:tags: renamed, sql
:tickets: 5435, 5429

Several operators are renamed to achieve more consistent naming across

The operator changes are:

* ``isfalse`` is now ``is_false``
* ``isnot_distinct_from`` is now ``is_not_distinct_from``
* ``istrue`` is now ``is_true``
* ``notbetween`` is now ``not_between``
* ``notcontains`` is now ``not_contains``
* ``notendswith`` is now ``not_endswith``
* ``notilike`` is now ``not_ilike``
* ``notlike`` is now ``not_like``
* ``notmatch`` is now ``not_match``
* ``notstartswith`` is now ``not_startswith``
* ``nullsfirst`` is now ``nulls_first``
* ``nullslast`` is now ``nulls_last``
* ``isnot`` is now ``is_not``
* ``notin_`` is now ``not_in``

Because these are core operators, the internal migration strategy for this
change is to support legacy terms for an extended period of time -- if not
indefinitely -- but update all documentation, tutorials, and internal usage
to the new terms. The new terms are used to define the functions, and
the legacy terms have been deprecated into aliases of the new terms.

.. change::
:tags: orm, deprecated
:tickets: 5192

The :func:`.eagerload` and :func:`.relation` were old aliases and are
now deprecated. Use :func:`_orm.joinedload` and :func:`_orm.relationship`

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 4621

The :class:`_expression.Join` construct no longer considers the "onclause" as a source
of additional FROM objects to be omitted from the FROM list of an enclosing
:class:`_expression.Select` object as standalone FROM objects. This applies to an ON
clause that includes a reference to another FROM object outside the JOIN;
while this is usually not correct from a SQL perspective, it's also
incorrect for it to be omitted, and the behavioral change makes the
:class:`_expression.Select` / :class:`_expression.Join` behave a bit more intuitively.

2.0 Changelog

.. changelog_imports::

.. include:: changelog_14.rst
:start-line: 5

.. changelog::
:version: 2.0.31
:include_notes_from: unreleased_20

.. changelog::


Not secure
:released: March 30, 2021

.. change::
:tags: bug, schema
:tickets: 6152

Fixed bug first introduced in as some combination of :ticket:`2892`,
:ticket:`2919` nnd :ticket:`3832` where the attachment events for a
:class:`_types.TypeDecorator` would be doubled up against the "impl" class,
if the "impl" were also a :class:`_types.SchemaType`. The real-world case
is any :class:`_types.TypeDecorator` against :class:`_types.Enum` or
:class:`_types.Boolean` would get a doubled
:class:`_schema.CheckConstraint` when the ``create_constraint=True`` flag
is set.

.. change::
:tags: bug, schema, sqlite
:tickets: 6007
:versions: 1.4.0

Fixed issue where the CHECK constraint generated by :class:`_types.Boolean`
or :class:`_types.Enum` would fail to render the naming convention
correctly after the first compilation, due to an unintended change of state
within the name given to the constraint. This issue was first introduced in
0.9 in the fix for issue 3067, and the fix revises the approach taken at
that time which appears to have been more involved than what was needed.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 5983
:versions: 1.4.0

Removed very old warning that states that passive_deletes is not intended
for many-to-one relationships. While it is likely that in many cases
placing this parameter on a many-to-one relationship is not what was
intended, there are use cases where delete cascade may want to be
disallowed following from such a relationship.

.. change::
:tags: bug, postgresql
:tickets: 5989
:versions: 1.4.0

Fixed issue where using :class:`_postgresql.aggregate_order_by` would
return ARRAY(NullType) under certain conditions, interfering with
the ability of the result object to return data correctly.

.. change::
:tags: bug, schema
:tickets: 5919
:versions: 1.4.0

Repaired / implemented support for primary key constraint naming
conventions that use column names/keys/etc as part of the convention. In
particular, this includes that the :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint` object
that's automatically associated with a :class:`.schema.Table` will update
its name as new primary key :class:`_schema.Column` objects are added to
the table and then to the constraint. Internal failure modes related to
this constraint construction process including no columns present, no name
present or blank name present are now accommodated.

.. change::
:tags: bug, schema
:tickets: 6071
:versions: 1.4.3

Adjusted the logic that emits DROP statements for :class:`_schema.Sequence`
objects among the dropping of multiple tables, such that all
:class:`_schema.Sequence` objects are dropped after all tables, even if the
given :class:`_schema.Sequence` is related only to a :class:`_schema.Table`
object and not directly to the overall :class:`_schema.MetaData` object.
The use case supports the same :class:`_schema.Sequence` being associated
with more than one :class:`_schema.Table` at a time.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 5952
:versions: 1.4.0

Fixed issue where the process of joining two tables could fail if one of
the tables had an unrelated, unresolvable foreign key constraint which
would raise :class:`_exc.NoReferenceError` within the join process, which
nonetheless could be bypassed to allow the join to complete. The logic
which tested the exception for significance within the process would make
assumptions about the construct which would fail.

.. change::
:tags: bug, postgresql, reflection
:tickets: 6161
:versions: 1.4.4

Fixed issue in PostgreSQL reflection where a column expressing "NOT NULL"
will supersede the nullability of a corresponding domain.

.. change::
:tags: bug, engine
:tickets: 5929
:versions: 1.4.0

Fixed bug where the "schema_translate_map" feature failed to be taken into
account for the use case of direct execution of
:class:`_schema.DefaultGenerator` objects such as sequences, which included
the case where they were "pre-executed" in order to generate primary key
values when implicit_returning was disabled.

.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 6001
:versions: 1.4.0

Fixed issue where the :class:`_mutable.MutableComposite` construct could be
placed into an invalid state when the parent object was already loaded, and
then covered by a subsequent query, due to the composite properties'
refresh handler replacing the object with a new one not handled by the
mutable extension.

.. change::
:tags: bug, types, postgresql
:tickets: 6023
:versions: 1.4.3

Adjusted the psycopg2 dialect to emit an explicit PostgreSQL-style cast for
bound parameters that contain ARRAY elements. This allows the full range of
datatypes to function correctly within arrays. The asyncpg dialect already
generated these internal casts in the final statement. This also includes
support for array slice updates as well as the PostgreSQL-specific
:meth:`_postgresql.ARRAY.contains` method.

.. change::
:tags: bug, mssql, reflection
:tickets: 5921

Fixed issue regarding SQL Server reflection for older SQL Server 2005
version, a call to sp_columns would not proceed correctly without being
prefixed with the EXEC keyword. This method is not used in current 1.4

.. changelog::


Not secure
:released: February 1, 2021

.. change::
:tags: bug, ext
:tickets: 5836

Fixed issue where the stringification that is sometimes called when
attempting to generate the "key" for the ``.c`` collection on a selectable
would fail if the column were an unlabeled custom SQL construct using the
``sqlalchemy.ext.compiler`` extension, and did not provide a default
compilation form; while this seems like an unusual case, it can get invoked
for some ORM scenarios such as when the expression is used in an "order by"
in combination with joined eager loading. The issue is that the lack of a
default compiler function was raising :class:`.CompileError` and not

.. change::
:tags: bug, postgresql
:tickets: 5645

For SQLAlchemy 1.3 only, setup.py pins pg8000 to a version lower than
1.16.6. Version 1.16.6 and above is supported by SQLAlchemy 1.4. Pull
request courtesy Giuseppe Lumia.

.. change::
:tags: bug, postgresql
:tickets: 5850

Fixed issue where using :meth:`_schema.Table.to_metadata` (called
:meth:`_schema.Table.tometadata` in 1.3) in conjunction with a PostgreSQL
:class:`_postgresql.ExcludeConstraint` that made use of ad-hoc column
expressions would fail to copy correctly.

.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 5816

Fixed bug where making use of the :meth:`.TypeEngine.with_variant` method
on a :class:`.TypeDecorator` type would fail to take into account the
dialect-specific mappings in use, due to a rule in :class:`.TypeDecorator`
that was instead attempting to check for chains of :class:`.TypeDecorator`

.. change::
:tags: bug, mysql, reflection
:tickets: 5860

Fixed bug where MySQL server default reflection would fail for numeric
values with a negation symbol present.

.. change::
:tags: bug, oracle
:tickets: 5813

Fixed regression in Oracle dialect introduced by :ticket:`4894` in
SQLAlchemy 1.3.11 where use of a SQL expression in RETURNING for an UPDATE
would fail to compile, due to a check for "server_default" when an
arbitrary SQL expression is not a column.

.. change::
:tags: usecase, mysql
:tickets: 5808

Casting to ``FLOAT`` is now supported in MySQL >= (8, 0, 17) and
MariaDb >= (10, 4, 5).

.. change::
:tags: bug, mysql
:tickets: 5898

Fixed long-lived bug in MySQL dialect where the maximum identifier length
of 255 was too long for names of all types of constraints, not just
indexes, all of which have a size limit of 64. As metadata naming
conventions can create too-long names in this area, apply the limit to the
identifier generator within the DDL compiler.

.. change::
:tags: bug, oracle
:tickets: 5812

Fixed bug in Oracle dialect where retrieving a CLOB/BLOB column via
:meth:`_dml.Insert.returning` would fail as the LOB value would need to be
read when returned; additionally, repaired support for retrieval of Unicode
values via RETURNING under Python 2.

.. change::
:tags: bug, mysql
:tickets: 5821

Fixed deprecation warnings that arose as a result of the release of PyMySQL
1.0, including deprecation warnings for the "db" and "passwd" parameters
now replaced with "database" and "password".

.. change::
:tags: bug, mysql
:tickets: 5800

Fixed regression from SQLAlchemy 1.3.20 caused by the fix for
:ticket:`5462` which adds double-parenthesis for MySQL functional
expressions in indexes, as is required by the backend, this inadvertently
extended to include arbitrary :func:`_sql.text` expressions as well as
Alembic's internal textual component, which are required by Alembic for
arbitrary index expressions which don't imply double parenthesis. The
check has been narrowed to include only binary/ unary/functional
expressions directly.

.. changelog::

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