
Latest version: v2.0.31

Safety actively analyzes 640296 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
:released: Sun Jul 15 2007

.. change::
:tags: general
:tickets: 607

better error message for NoSuchColumnError

.. change::
:tags: general
:tickets: 428

finally figured out how to get setuptools version in, available
as sqlalchemy.__version__

.. change::
:tags: general

the various "engine" arguments, such as "engine", "connectable",
"engine_or_url", "bind_to", etc. are all present, but deprecated.
they all get replaced by the single term "bind". you also
set the "bind" of MetaData using
metadata.bind = <engine or connection>

.. change::
:tags: ext

iteration over dict association proxies is now dict-like, not
InstrumentedList-like (e.g. over keys instead of values)

.. change::
:tags: ext
:tickets: 597

association proxies no longer bind tightly to source collections, and are constructed with a thunk instead

.. change::
:tags: ext

added selectone_by() to assignmapper

.. change::
:tags: orm

forwards-compatibility with 0.4: added one(), first(), and
all() to Query. almost all Query functionality from 0.4 is
present in 0.3.9 for forwards-compat purposes.

.. change::
:tags: orm

reset_joinpoint() really really works this time, promise ! lets
you re-join from the root:
query.join(['a', 'b']).filter(<crit>).reset_joinpoint().\
join(['a', 'c']).filter(<some other crit>).all()
in 0.4 all join() calls start from the "root"

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 613

added synchronization to the mapper() construction step, to avoid
thread collisions when pre-existing mappers are compiling in a
different thread

.. change::
:tags: orm

a warning is issued by Mapper when two primary key columns of the
same name are munged into a single attribute. this happens frequently
when mapping to joins (or inheritance).

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 598

synonym() properties are fully supported by all Query joining/
with_parent operations

.. change::
:tags: orm

fixed very stupid bug when deleting items with many-to-many
uselist=False relations

.. change::
:tags: orm

remember all that stuff about polymorphic_union ? for
joined table inheritance ? Funny thing...
You sort of don't need it for joined table inheritance, you
can just string all the tables together via outerjoin().
The UNION still applies if concrete tables are involved,
though (since nothing to join them on).

.. change::
:tags: orm

small fix to eager loading to better work with eager loads
to polymorphic mappers that are using a straight "outerjoin"

.. change::
:tags: sql

ForeignKey to a table in a schema that's not the default schema
requires the schema to be explicit; i.e. ForeignKey('alt_schema.users.id')

.. change::
:tags: sql

MetaData can now be constructed with an engine or url as the first
argument, just like BoundMetaData

.. change::
:tags: sql

BoundMetaData is now deprecated, and MetaData is a direct substitute.

.. change::
:tags: sql

DynamicMetaData has been renamed to ThreadLocalMetaData. the
DynamicMetaData name is deprecated and is an alias for ThreadLocalMetaData
or a regular MetaData if threadlocal=False

.. change::
:tags: sql

composite primary key is represented as a non-keyed set to allow for
composite keys consisting of cols with the same name; occurs within a
Join. helps inheritance scenarios formulate correct PK.

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 185

improved ability to get the "correct" and most minimal set of primary key
columns from a join, equating foreign keys and otherwise equated columns.
this is also mostly to help inheritance scenarios formulate the best
choice of primary key columns.

.. change::
:tags: sql

added 'bind' argument to Sequence.create()/drop(), ColumnDefault.execute()

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 650

columns can be overridden in a reflected table with a "key"
attribute different than the column's name, including for primary key

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 657

fixed "ambiguous column" result detection, when dupe col names exist
in a result

.. change::
:tags: sql

some enhancements to "column targeting", the ability to match a column
to a "corresponding" column in another selectable. this affects mostly
ORM ability to map to complex joins

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 619

MetaData and all SchemaItems are safe to use with pickle. slow
table reflections can be dumped into a pickled file to be reused later.
Just reconnect the engine to the metadata after unpickling.

.. change::
:tags: sql

added a mutex to QueuePool's "overflow" calculation to prevent a race
condition that can bypass max_overflow

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 623

fixed grouping of compound selects to give correct results. will break
on sqlite in some cases, but those cases were producing incorrect
results anyway, sqlite doesn't support grouped compound selects

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 620

fixed precedence of operators so that parenthesis are correctly applied

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 545

calling <column>.in_() (i.e. with no arguments) will return
"CASE WHEN (<column> IS NULL) THEN NULL ELSE 0 END = 1)", so that
NULL or False is returned in all cases, rather than throwing an error

.. change::
:tags: sql

fixed "where"/"from" criterion of select() to accept a unicode string
in addition to regular string - both convert to text()

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 558

added standalone distinct() function in addition to column.distinct()

.. change::
:tags: sql

result.last_inserted_ids() should return a list that is identically
sized to the primary key constraint of the table. values that were
"passively" created and not available via cursor.lastrowid will be None.

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 589

long-identifier detection fixed to use > rather than >= for
max ident length

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 593

fixed bug where selectable.corresponding_column(selectable.c.col)
would not return selectable.c.col, if the selectable is a join
of a table and another join involving the same table. messed
up ORM decision making

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 595

added Interval type to types.py

.. change::
:tags: mysql
:tickets: 625

fixed catching of some errors that imply a dropped connection

.. change::
:tags: mysql
:tickets: 624

fixed escaping of the modulo operator

.. change::
:tags: mysql
:tickets: 590

added 'fields' to reserved words

.. change::
:tags: mysql

various reflection enhancement/fixes

.. change::
:tags: oracle
:tickets: 604

datetime fixes: got subsecond TIMESTAMP to work,
added OracleDate which supports types.Date with only year/month/day

.. change::
:tags: oracle

added dialect flag "auto_convert_lobs", defaults to True; will cause any
LOB objects detected in a result set to be forced into OracleBinary
so that the LOB is read() automatically, if no typemap was present
(i.e., if a textual execute() was issued).

.. change::
:tags: oracle
:tickets: 624

mod operator '%' produces MOD

.. change::
:tags: oracle
:tickets: 542

converts cx_oracle datetime objects to Python datetime.datetime when
Python 2.3 used

.. change::
:tags: oracle

fixed unicode conversion in Oracle TEXT type

.. change::
:tags: postgres
:tickets: 624

fixed escaping of the modulo operator

.. change::
:tags: postgres
:tickets: 570

added support for reflection of domains

.. change::
:tags: postgres

types which are missing during reflection resolve to Null type
instead of raising an error

.. change::
:tags: postgres

the fix in "schema" above fixes reflection of foreign keys from an
alt-schema table to a public schema table

.. change::
:tags: sqlite

rearranged dialect initialization so it has time to warn about pysqlite1
being too old.

.. change::
:tags: sqlite

sqlite better handles datetime/date/time objects mixed and matched
with various Date/Time/DateTime columns

.. change::
:tags: sqlite
:tickets: 603

string PK column inserts don't get overwritten with OID

.. change::
:tags: mssql
:tickets: 634

fix port option handling for pyodbc

.. change::
:tags: mssql

now able to reflect start and increment values for identity columns

.. change::
:tags: mssql

preliminary support for using scope_identity() with pyodbc

.. changelog::


Not secure
:released: Sat Jun 02 2007

.. change::
:tags: engines

added detach() to Connection, allows underlying DBAPI connection
to be detached from its pool, closing on dereference/close()
instead of being reused by the pool.

.. change::
:tags: engines

added invalidate() to Connection, immediately invalidates the
Connection and its underlying DBAPI connection.

.. change::
:tags: sql

_Label class overrides compare_self to return its ultimate
object. meaning, if you say someexpr.label('foo') == 5, it
produces the correct "someexpr == 5".

.. change::
:tags: sql

_Label propagates "_hide_froms()" so that scalar selects
behave more properly with regards to FROM clause 574

.. change::
:tags: sql

fix to long name generation when using oid_column as an order by
(oids used heavily in mapper queries)

.. change::
:tags: sql

significant speed improvement to ResultProxy, pre-caches
TypeEngine dialect implementations and saves on function calls
per column

.. change::
:tags: sql

parenthesis are applied to clauses via a new _Grouping
construct. uses operator precedence to more intelligently apply
parenthesis to clauses, provides cleaner nesting of clauses
(doesn't mutate clauses placed in other clauses, i.e. no 'parens'

.. change::
:tags: sql

added 'modifier' keyword, works like func.<foo> except does not
add parenthesis. e.g. select([modifier.DISTINCT(...)]) etc.

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 578

removed "no group by's in a select that's part of a UNION"

.. change::
:tags: orm

added reset_joinpoint() method to Query, moves the "join point"
back to the starting mapper. 0.4 will change the behavior of
join() to reset the "join point" in all cases so this is an
interim method. for forwards compatibility, ensure joins across
multiple relations are specified using a single join(), i.e.
join(['a', 'b', 'c']).

.. change::
:tags: orm

fixed bug in query.instances() that wouldn't handle more than
on additional mapper or one additional column.

.. change::
:tags: orm

"delete-orphan" no longer implies "delete". ongoing effort to
separate the behavior of these two operations.

.. change::
:tags: orm

many-to-many relationships properly set the type of bind params
for delete operations on the association table

.. change::
:tags: orm

many-to-many relationships check that the number of rows deleted
from the association table by a delete operation matches the
expected results

.. change::
:tags: orm

session.get() and session.load() propagate \**kwargs through to

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 577

fix to polymorphic query which allows the original
polymorphic_union to be embedded into a correlated subquery

.. change::
:tags: orm

fix to select_by(<propname>=<object instance>) -style joins in
conjunction with many-to-many relationships, bug introduced in

.. change::
:tags: orm

the "primary_key" argument to mapper() is propagated to the
"polymorphic" mapper. primary key columns in this list get
normalized to that of the mapper's local table.

.. change::
:tags: orm

restored logging of "lazy loading clause" under
sa.orm.strategies logger, got removed in 0.3.7

.. change::
:tags: orm

improved support for eagerloading of properties off of mappers
that are mapped to select() statements; i.e. eagerloader is
better at locating the correct selectable with which to attach

.. change::
:tags: mysql

Nearly all MySQL column types are now supported for declaration

.. change::
:tags: mysql

The sqltypes.Binary passthrough now always builds a BLOB,
avoiding problems with very old database versions

.. change::
:tags: mysql

support for column-level CHARACTER SET and COLLATE declarations,
as well as ASCII, UNICODE, NATIONAL and BINARY shorthand.

.. change::
:tags: firebird

set max identifier length to 31

.. change::
:tags: firebird

supports_sane_rowcount() set to False due to ticket 370.
versioned_id_col feature won't work in FB.

.. change::
:tags: firebird

some execution fixes

.. change::
:tags: firebird

new association proxy implementation, implementing complete
proxies to list, dict and set-based relation collections

.. change::
:tags: firebird

added orderinglist, a custom list class that synchronizes an
object attribute with that object's position in the list

.. change::
:tags: firebird

small fix to SelectResultsExt to not bypass itself during

.. change::
:tags: firebird

added filter(), filter_by() to assignmapper

.. changelog::


Not secure
:released: Sun Apr 29 2007

.. change::
:tags: engines

warnings module used for issuing warnings (instead of logging)

.. change::
:tags: engines
:tickets: 480

cleanup of DBAPI import strategies across all engines

.. change::
:tags: engines

refactoring of engine internals which reduces complexity,
number of codepaths; places more state inside of ExecutionContext
to allow more dialect control of cursor handling, result sets.
ResultProxy totally refactored and also has two versions of
"buffered" result sets used for different purposes.

.. change::
:tags: engines
:tickets: 514

server side cursor support fully functional in postgres.

.. change::
:tags: engines

improved framework for auto-invalidation of connections that have
lost their underlying database, via dialect-specific detection
of exceptions corresponding to that database's disconnect
related error messages. Additionally, when a "connection no
longer open" condition is detected, the entire connection pool
is discarded and replaced with a new instance. 516

.. change::
:tags: engines
:tickets: 521

the dialects within sqlalchemy.databases become a setuptools
entry points. loading the built-in database dialects works the
same as always, but if none found will fall back to trying
pkg_resources to load an external module

.. change::
:tags: engines

Engine contains a "url" attribute referencing the url.URL object
used by create_engine().

.. change::
:tags: sql

keys() of result set columns are not lowercased, come back
exactly as they're expressed in cursor.description. note this
causes colnames to be all caps in oracle.

.. change::
:tags: sql

preliminary support for unicode table names, column names and
SQL statements added, for databases which can support them.
Works with sqlite and postgres so far. MySQL *mostly* works
except the has_table() function does not work. Reflection
works too.

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 522

the Unicode type is now a direct subclass of String, which now
contains all the "convert_unicode" logic. This helps the variety
of unicode situations that occur in db's such as MS-SQL to be
better handled and allows subclassing of the Unicode datatype.

.. change::
:tags: sql

ClauseElements can be used in in_() clauses now, such as bind
parameters, etc. 476

.. change::
:tags: sql

reverse operators implemented for `CompareMixin` elements,
allows expressions like "5 + somecolumn" etc. 474

.. change::
:tags: sql

the "where" criterion of an update() and delete() now correlates
embedded select() statements against the table being updated or
deleted. this works the same as nested select() statement
correlation, and can be disabled via the correlate=False flag on
the embedded select().

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 512

column labels are now generated in the compilation phase, which
means their lengths are dialect-dependent. So on oracle a label
that gets truncated to 30 chars will go out to 63 characters
on postgres. Also, the true labelname is always attached as the
accessor on the parent Selectable so there's no need to be aware
of the "truncated" label names.

.. change::
:tags: sql

column label and bind param "truncation" also generate
deterministic names now, based on their ordering within the
full statement being compiled. this means the same statement
will produce the same string across application restarts and
allowing DB query plan caching to work better.

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 513

the "mini" column labels generated when using subqueries, which
are to work around glitchy SQLite behavior that doesn't understand
"foo.id" as equivalent to "id", are now only generated in the case
that those named columns are selected from (part of)

.. change::
:tags: sql

the label() method on ColumnElement will properly propagate the
TypeEngine of the base element out to the label, including a label()
created from a scalar=True select() statement.

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 513

MS-SQL better detects when a query is a subquery and knows not to
generate ORDER BY phrases for those

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 505

fix for fetchmany() "size" argument being positional in most

.. change::
:tags: sql

sending None as an argument to func.<something> will produce
an argument of NULL

.. change::
:tags: sql

query strings in unicode URLs get keys encoded to ascii
for \**kwargs compat

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 523

slight tweak to raw execute() change to also support tuples
for positional parameters, not just lists

.. change::
:tags: sql

fix to case() construct to propagate the type of the first
WHEN condition as the return type of the case statement

.. change::
:tags: orm

fixed critical issue when, after options(eagerload()) is used,
the mapper would then always apply query "wrapping" behavior
for all subsequent LIMIT/OFFSET/DISTINCT queries, even if no
eager loading was applied on those subsequent queries.

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 541

added query.with_parent(someinstance) method. searches for
target instance using lazy join criterion from parent instance.
takes optional string "property" to isolate the desired relation.
also adds static Query.query_from_parent(instance, property)

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 554

improved query.XXX_by(someprop=someinstance) querying to use
similar methodology to with_parent, i.e. using the "lazy" clause
which prevents adding the remote instance's table to the SQL,
thereby making more complex conditions possible

.. change::
:tags: orm

added generative versions of aggregates, i.e. sum(), avg(), etc.
to query. used via query.apply_max(), apply_sum(), etc.

.. change::
:tags: orm

fix to using distinct() or distinct=True in combination with
join() and similar

.. change::
:tags: orm

corresponding to label/bindparam name generation, eager loaders
generate deterministic names for the aliases they create using
md5 hashes.

.. change::
:tags: orm

improved/fixed custom collection classes when giving it "set"/
"sets.Set" classes or subclasses (was still looking for append()
methods on them during lazy loads)

.. change::
:tags: orm

restored old "column_property()" ORM function (used to be called
"column()") to force any column expression to be added as a property
on a mapper, particularly those that aren't present in the mapped
selectable. this allows "scalar expressions" of any kind to be
added as relations (though they have issues with eager loads).

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 533

fix to many-to-many relationships targeting polymorphic mappers

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 543

making progress with session.merge() as well as combining its
usage with entity_name

.. change::
:tags: orm

the usual adjustments to relationships between inheriting mappers,
in this case establishing relation()s to subclass mappers where
the join conditions come from the superclass' table

.. change::
:tags: informix

informix support added ! courtesy James Zhang, who put a ton
of effort in.

.. change::
:tags: sqlite

removed silly behavior where sqlite would reflect UNIQUE indexes
as part of the primary key (?!)

.. change::
:tags: oracle

small fix to allow successive compiles of the same SELECT object
which features LIMIT/OFFSET. oracle dialect needs to modify
the object to have ROW_NUMBER OVER and wasn't performing
the full series of steps on successive compiles.

.. change::
:tags: mysql

support for SSL arguments given as inline within URL query string,
prefixed with "ssl\_", courtesy terjerosgmail.com.

.. change::
:tags: <schemaname>, mysql

mysql uses "DESCRIBE.<tablename>", catching exceptions
if table doesn't exist, in order to determine if a table exists.
this supports unicode table names as well as schema names. tested
with MySQL5 but should work with 4.1 series as well. (557)

.. change::
:tags: extensions

big fix to AssociationProxy so that multiple AssociationProxy
objects can be associated with a single association collection.

.. change::
:tags: extensions

assign_mapper names methods according to their keys (i.e. __name__)

.. change::
:tags: mssql

pyodbc is now the preferred DB-API for MSSQL, and if no module is
specifically requested, will be loaded first on a module probe.

.. change::
:tags: mssql

The SCOPE_IDENTITY is now used instead of IDENTITY. This
behavior may be overridden with the engine_connect
"use_scope_identity" keyword parameter, which may also be specified
in the dburi.

.. changelog::


Not secure
:released: Fri Mar 23 2007

.. change::
:tags: sql

bindparam() names are now repeatable! specify two
distinct bindparam()s with the same name in a single statement,
and the key will be shared. proper positional/named args translate
at compile time. for the old behavior of "aliasing" bind parameters
with conflicting names, specify "unique=True" - this option is
still used internally for all the auto-generated (value-based)
bind parameters.

.. change::
:tags: sql

slightly better support for bind params as column clauses, either
via bindparam() or via literal(), i.e. select([literal('foo')])

.. change::
:tags: sql

MetaData can bind to an engine either via "url" or "engine" kwargs
to constructor, or by using connect() method. BoundMetaData is
identical to MetaData except engine_or_url param is required.
DynamicMetaData is the same and provides thread-local connections be

.. change::
:tags: sql

exists() becomes usable as a standalone selectable, not just in a
WHERE clause, i.e. exists([columns], criterion).select()

.. change::
:tags: sql

correlated subqueries work inside of ORDER BY, GROUP BY

.. change::
:tags: sql

fixed function execution with explicit connections, i.e.

.. change::
:tags: sql

use_labels flag on select() won't auto-create labels for literal text
column elements, since we can make no assumptions about the text. to
create labels for literal columns, you can say "somecol AS
somelabel", or use literal_column("somecol").label("somelabel")

.. change::
:tags: sql

quoting won't occur for literal columns when they are "proxied" into
the column collection for their selectable (is_literal flag is
propagated). literal columns are specified via

.. change::
:tags: sql

added "fold_equivalents" boolean argument to Join.select(), which
removes 'duplicate' columns from the resulting column clause that
are known to be equivalent based on the join condition. this is of
great usage when constructing subqueries of joins which Postgres
complains about if duplicate column names are present.

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 503

fixed use_alter flag on ForeignKeyConstraint

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 506

fixed usage of 2.4-only "reversed" in topological.py

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 501

for hackers, refactored the "visitor" system of ClauseElement and
SchemaItem so that the traversal of items is controlled by the
ClauseVisitor itself, using the method visitor.traverse(item).
accept_visitor() methods can still be called directly but will not
do any traversal of child items. ClauseElement/SchemaItem now have a
configurable get_children() method to return the collection of child
elements for each parent object. This allows the full traversal of
items to be clear and unambiguous (as well as loggable), with an
easy method of limiting a traversal (just pass flags which are
picked up by appropriate get_children() methods).

.. change::
:tags: sql

the "else\_" parameter to the case statement now properly works when
set to zero.

.. change::
:tags: orm

the full featureset of the SelectResults extension has been merged
into a new set of methods available off of Query. These methods
all provide "generative" behavior, whereby the Query is copied
and a new one returned with additional criterion added.
The new methods include:

* filter() - applies select criterion to the query
* filter_by() - applies "by"-style criterion to the query
* avg() - return the avg() function on the given column
* join() - join to a property (or across a list of properties)
* outerjoin() - like join() but uses LEFT OUTER JOIN
* limit()/offset() - apply LIMIT/OFFSET range-based access
which applies limit/offset: session.query(Foo)[3:5]
* distinct() - apply DISTINCT
* list() - evaluate the criterion and return results

no incompatible changes have been made to Query's API and no methods
have been deprecated. Existing methods like select(), select_by(),
get(), get_by() all execute the query at once and return results
like they always did. join_to()/join_via() are still there although
the generative join()/outerjoin() methods are easier to use.

.. change::
:tags: orm

the return value for multiple mappers used with instances() now
returns a cartesian product of the requested list of mappers,
represented as a list of tuples. this corresponds to the documented
behavior. So that instances match up properly, the "uniquing" is
disabled when this feature is used.

.. change::
:tags: orm

Query has add_entity() and add_column() generative methods. these
will add the given mapper/class or ColumnElement to the query at
compile time, and apply them to the instances() method. the user is
responsible for constructing reasonable join conditions (otherwise
you can get full cartesian products). result set is the list of
tuples, non-uniqued.

.. change::
:tags: orm

strings and columns can also be sent to the \*args of instances()
where those exact result columns will be part of the result tuples.

.. change::
:tags: orm

a full select() construct can be passed to query.select() (which
worked anyway), but also query.selectfirst(), query.selectone()
which will be used as is (i.e. no query is compiled). works
similarly to sending the results to instances().

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 495

eager loading will not "aliasize" "order by" clauses that were
placed in the select statement by something other than the eager
loader itself, to fix possibility of dupe columns as illustrated in. however, this means you have to be more careful with
the columns placed in the "order by" of Query.select(), that you
have explicitly named them in your criterion (i.e. you can't rely on
the eager loader adding them in for you)

.. change::
:tags: orm

added a handy multi-use "identity_key()" method to Session, allowing
the generation of identity keys for primary key values, instances,
and rows, courtesy Daniel Miller

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 249

many-to-many table will be properly handled even for operations that
occur on the "backref" side of the operation

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 492

added "refresh-expire" cascade. allows refresh() and
expire() calls to propagate along relationships.

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 493

more fixes to polymorphic relations, involving proper lazy-clause
generation on many-to-one relationships to polymorphic mappers. also fixes to detection of "direction", more specific
targeting of columns that belong to the polymorphic union vs. those
that don't.

.. change::
:tags: orm

some fixes to relationship calcs when using "viewonly=True" to pull
in other tables into the join condition which aren't parent of the
relationship's parent/child mappings

.. change::
:tags: orm

flush fixes on cyclical-referential relationships that contain
references to other instances outside of the cyclical chain, when
some of the objects in the cycle are not actually part of the flush

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 500

put an aggressive check for "flushing object A with a collection of
B's, but you put a C in the collection" error condition - **even if
C is a subclass of B**, unless B's mapper loads polymorphically.
Otherwise, the collection will later load a "B" which should be a
"C" (since its not polymorphic) which breaks in bi-directional
relationships (i.e. C has its A, but A's backref will lazyload it as
a different instance of type "B") This check is going
to bite some of you who do this without issues, so the error message
will also document a flag "enable_typechecks=False" to disable this
checking. But be aware that bi-directional relationships in
particular become fragile without this check.

.. change::
:tags: extensions
:tickets: 472

options() method on SelectResults now implemented "generatively"
like the rest of the SelectResults methods. But
you're going to just use Query now anyway.

.. change::
:tags: extensions

query() method is added by assignmapper. this helps with
navigating to all the new generative methods on Query.

.. change::
:tags: ms-sql

removed seconds input on DATE column types (probably
should remove the time altogether)

.. change::
:tags: ms-sql

null values in float fields no longer raise errors

.. change::
:tags: ms-sql

LIMIT with OFFSET now raises an error (MS-SQL has no OFFSET support)

.. change::
:tags: ms-sql
:tickets: 509

added an facility to use the MSSQL type VARCHAR(max) instead of TEXT
for large unsized string fields. Use the new "text_as_varchar" to
turn it on.

.. change::
:tags: ms-sql

ORDER BY clauses without a LIMIT are now stripped in subqueries, as
MS-SQL forbids this usage

.. change::
:tags: ms-sql
:tickets: 480

cleanup of module importing code; specifiable DB-API module; more
explicit ordering of module preferences.

.. change::
:tags: oracle

got binary working for any size input ! cx_oracle works fine,
it was my fault as BINARY was being passed and not BLOB for
setinputsizes (also unit tests weren't even setting input sizes).

.. change::
:tags: oracle

also fixed CLOB read/write on a separate changeset.

.. change::
:tags: oracle

auto_setinputsizes defaults to True for Oracle, fixed cases where
it improperly propagated bad types.

.. change::
:tags: mysql

added a catchall \**kwargs to MSString, to help reflection of
obscure types (like "varchar() binary" in MS 4.0)

.. change::
:tags: mysql

added explicit MSTimeStamp type which takes effect when using

.. changelog::


Not secure
:released: Thu Feb 22 2007

.. change::
:tags: sql

the value of "case_sensitive" defaults to True now, regardless of the
casing of the identifier, unless specifically set to False. this is
because the object might be label'ed as something else which does
contain mixed case, and propagating "case_sensitive=False" breaks that.
Other fixes to quoting when using labels and "fake" column objects

.. change::
:tags: sql

added a "supports_execution()" method to ClauseElement, so that
individual kinds of clauses can express if they are appropriate for
executing...such as, you can execute a "select", but not a "Table" or a

.. change::
:tags: sql

fixed argument passing to straight textual execute() on engine,
connection. can handle \*args or a list instance for positional, \**kwargs
or a dict instance for named args, or a list of list or dicts to invoke

.. change::
:tags: sql

small fix to BoundMetaData to accept unicode or string URLs

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 466

fixed named PrimaryKeyConstraint generation courtesy
andrija at gmail

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 464

fixed generation of CHECK constraints on columns

.. change::
:tags: sql

fixes to tometadata() operation to propagate Constraints at column and
table level

.. change::
:tags: oracle
:tickets: 436

when returning "rowid" as the ORDER BY column or in use with ROW_NUMBER
OVER, oracle dialect checks the selectable its being applied to and will
switch to table PK if not applicable, i.e. for a UNION. checking for
DISTINCT, GROUP BY (other places that rowid is invalid) still a TODO.
allows polymorphic mappings to function.

.. change::
:tags: oracle

sequences on a non-pk column will properly fire off on INSERT

.. change::
:tags: oracle
:tickets: 435

added PrefetchingResultProxy support to pre-fetch LOB columns when they
are known to be present, fixes

.. change::
:tags: oracle
:tickets: 379

implemented reflection of tables based on synonyms, including across

.. change::
:tags: oracle
:tickets: 363

issues a log warning when a related table can't be reflected due to
certain permission errors

.. change::
:tags: mysql

fix to reflection on older DB's that might return array() type for
"show variables like" statements

.. change::
:tags: postgres
:tickets: 442

better reflection of sequences for alternate-schema Tables

.. change::
:tags: postgres

sequences on a non-pk column will properly fire off on INSERT

.. change::
:tags: postgres
:tickets: 460, 444

added PGInterval type, PGInet type

.. change::
:tags: mssql
:tickets: 419

preliminary support for pyodbc (Yay!)

.. change::
:tags: mssql
:tickets: 298

better support for NVARCHAR types added

.. change::
:tags: mssql

fix for commit logic on pymssql

.. change::
:tags: mssql
:tickets: 456

fix for query.get() with schema

.. change::
:tags: mssql
:tickets: 473

fix for non-integer relationships

.. change::
:tags: mssql
:tickets: 419

DB-API module now selectable at run-time

.. change::
:tags: tickets:422, 481, 415, mssql

now passes many more unit tests

.. change::
:tags: mssql
:tickets: 479

better unittest compatibility with ANSI functions

.. change::
:tags: mssql
:tickets: 415

improved support for implicit sequence PK columns with auto-insert

.. change::
:tags: mssql
:tickets: 371

fix for blank password in adodbapi

.. change::
:tags: mssql
:tickets: 481

fixes to get unit tests working with pyodbc

.. change::
:tags: mssql

fix to auto_identity_insert on db-url query

.. change::
:tags: mssql

added query_timeout to db-url query params. currently works only for

.. change::
:tags: mssql

tested with pymssql 0.8.0 (which is now LGPL)

.. change::
:tags: orm, bugs
:tickets: 441, 448, 439

another refactoring to relationship calculation. Allows more accurate
ORM behavior with relationships from/to/between mappers, particularly
polymorphic mappers, also their usage with Query, SelectResults. tickets

.. change::
:tags: orm, bugs

removed deprecated method of specifying custom collections on classes;
you must now use the "collection_class" option. the old way was
beginning to produce conflicts when people used assign_mapper(), which
now patches an "options" method, in conjunction with a relationship
named "options". (relationships take precedence over monkeypatched
assign_mapper methods).

.. change::
:tags: orm, bugs
:tickets: 454

extension() query option propagates to Mapper._instance() method so that
all loading-related methods get called

.. change::
:tags: orm, bugs

eager relation to an inheriting mapper won't fail if no rows returned for
the relationship.

.. change::
:tags: orm, bugs
:tickets: 486

eager relation loading bug fixed for eager relation on multiple
descendant classes

.. change::
:tags: orm, bugs
:tickets: 423

fix for very large topological sorts, courtesy ants.aasma at gmail

.. change::
:tags: orm, bugs

eager loading is slightly more strict about detecting "self-referential"
relationships, specifically between polymorphic mappers. this results in
an "eager degrade" to lazy loading.

.. change::
:tags: orm, bugs
:tickets: 449

improved support for complex queries embedded into "where" criterion for

.. change::
:tags: orm, bugs
:tickets: 485

mapper options like eagerload(), lazyload(), deferred(), will work for
"synonym()" relationships

.. change::
:tags: orm, bugs
:tickets: 445

fixed bug where cascade operations incorrectly included deleted
collection items in the cascade

.. change::
:tags: orm, bugs
:tickets: 478

fixed relationship deletion error when one-to-many child item is moved
to a new parent in a single unit of work

.. change::
:tags: orm, bugs

fixed relationship deletion error where parent/child with a single
column as PK/FK on the child would raise a "blank out the primary key"
error, if manually deleted or "delete" cascade without "delete-orphan"
was used

.. change::
:tags: orm, bugs

fix to deferred so that load operation doesn't mistakenly occur when only
PK col attributes are set

.. change::
:tags: orm, enhancements
:tickets: 385

implemented foreign_keys argument to mapper. use in
conjunction with primaryjoin/secondaryjoin arguments to specify/override
foreign keys defined on the Table instance.

.. change::
:tags: orm, enhancements

contains_eager('foo') automatically implies eagerload('foo')

.. change::
:tags: orm, enhancements

added "alias" argument to contains_eager(). use it to specify the string
name or Alias instance of an alias used in the query for the eagerly
loaded child items. easier to use than "decorator"

.. change::
:tags: orm, enhancements

added "contains_alias()" option for result set mapping to an alias of
the mapped table

.. change::
:tags: orm, enhancements
:tickets: 468

added support for py2.5 "with" statement with SessionTransaction

.. change::
:tags: extensions

added distinct() method to SelectResults. generally should only make a
difference when using count().

.. change::
:tags: extensions
:tickets: 472

added options() method to SelectResults, equivalent to query.options()

.. change::
:tags: extensions
:tickets: 462

added optional __table_opts__ dictionary to ActiveMapper, will send kw
options to Table objects

.. change::
:tags: extensions
:tickets: 467

added selectfirst(), selectfirst_by() to assign_mapper

.. changelog::


Not secure
:released: Tue Jan 23 2007

.. change::
:tags: general

global "insure"->"ensure" change. in US english "insure" is actually
largely interchangeable with "ensure" (so says the dictionary), so I'm not
completely illiterate, but its definitely sub-optimal to "ensure" which is

.. change::
:tags: sql

added "fetchmany()" support to ResultProxy

.. change::
:tags: sql

added support for column "key" attribute to be usable in

.. change::
:tags: sql

changed "BooleanExpression" to subclass from "BinaryExpression", so that
boolean expressions can also follow column-clause behaviors (i.e. label(),

.. change::
:tags: sql

trailing underscores are trimmed from func.<xxx> calls, such as func.if_()

.. change::
:tags: sql

fix to correlation of subqueries when the column list of the select
statement is constructed with individual calls to append_column(); this
fixes an ORM bug whereby nested select statements were not getting
correlated with the main select generated by the Query object.

.. change::
:tags: sql

another fix to subquery correlation so that a subquery which has only one
FROM element will *not* correlate that single element, since at least one
FROM element is required in a query.

.. change::
:tags: sql
:tickets: 414

default "timezone" setting is now False. this corresponds to Python's
datetime behavior as well as Postgres' timestamp/time types (which is the
only timezone-sensitive dialect at the moment)

.. change::
:tags: sql

the "op()" function is now treated as an "operation", rather than a
"comparison". the difference is, an operation produces a BinaryExpression
from which further operations can occur whereas comparison produces the
more restrictive BooleanExpression

.. change::
:tags: sql

trying to redefine a reflected primary key column as non-primary key raises
an error

.. change::
:tags: sql

type system slightly modified to support TypeDecorators that can be
overridden by the dialect (ok, that's not very clear, it allows the mssql
tweak below to be possible)

.. change::
:tags: mssql

added an NVarchar type (produces NVARCHAR), also MSUnicode which provides
Unicode-translation for the NVarchar regardless of dialect convert_unicode

.. change::
:tags: postgres
:tickets: 424

fix to the initial checkfirst for tables to take current schema into

.. change::
:tags: postgres

postgres has an optional "server_side_cursors=True" flag which will utilize
server side cursors. these are appropriate for fetching only partial
results and are necessary for working with very large unbounded result
sets. While we'd like this to be the default behavior, different
environments seem to have different results and the causes have not been
isolated so we are leaving the feature off by default for now. Uses an
apparently undocumented psycopg2 behavior recently discovered on the
psycopg mailing list.

.. change::
:tags: postgres

added "BIGSERIAL" support for postgres table with

.. change::
:tags: postgres
:tickets: 402

fixes to postgres reflection to better handle when schema names are
present; thanks to jason (at) ncsmags.com

.. change::
:tags: mysql
:tickets: 420

mysql is inconsistent with what kinds of quotes it uses in foreign keys
during a SHOW CREATE TABLE, reflection updated to accommodate for all three

.. change::
:tags: mysql
:tickets: 418

mysql table create options work on a generic passthru now, i.e. Table(...,
mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_collate="latin1_german2_ci",
mysql_auto_increment="5", mysql_<somearg>...), helps

.. change::
:tags: firebird
:tickets: 408

order of constraint creation puts primary key first before all other
constraints; required for firebird, not a bad idea for others

.. change::
:tags: firebird
:tickets: 409

Firebird fix to autoload multifield foreign keys

.. change::
:tags: firebird
:tickets: 409

Firebird NUMERIC type properly handles a type without precision

.. change::
:tags: oracle

*slight* support for binary, but still need to figure out how to insert
reasonably large values (over 4K). requires auto_setinputsizes=True sent to
create_engine(), rows must be fully fetched individually, etc.

.. change::
:tags: orm

poked the first hole in the can of worms: saying
query.select_by(somerelationname=someinstance) will create the join of the
primary key columns represented by "somerelationname"'s mapper to the
actual primary key in "someinstance".

.. change::
:tags: orm

reworked how relations interact with "polymorphic" mappers, i.e. mappers
that have a select_table as well as polymorphic flags. better determination
of proper join conditions, interaction with user- defined join conditions,
and support for self-referential polymorphic mappers.

.. change::
:tags: orm

related to polymorphic mapping relations, some deeper error checking when
compiling relations, to detect an ambiguous "primaryjoin" in the case that
both sides of the relationship have foreign key references in the primary
join condition. also tightened down conditions used to locate "relation
direction", associating the "foreignkey" of the relationship with the

.. change::
:tags: orm

a little bit of improvement to the concept of a "concrete" inheritance
mapping, though that concept is not well fleshed out yet (added test case
to support concrete mappers on top of a polymorphic base).

.. change::
:tags: orm

fix to "proxy=True" behavior on synonym()

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 427

fixed bug where delete-orphan basically didn't work with many-to-many
relationships, backref presence generally hid the symptom

.. change::
:tags: orm

added a mutex to the mapper compilation step. ive been reluctant to add any
kind of threading anything to SA but this is one spot that its really
needed since mappers are typically "global", and while their state does not
change during normal operation, the initial compilation step does modify
internal state significantly, and this step usually occurs not at
module-level initialization time (unless you call compile()) but at
first-request time

.. change::
:tags: orm

basic idea of "session.merge()" actually implemented. needs more testing.

.. change::
:tags: orm

added "compile_mappers()" function as a shortcut to compiling all mappers

.. change::
:tags: orm

fix to MapperExtension create_instance so that entity_name properly
associated with new instance

.. change::
:tags: orm

speed enhancements to ORM object instantiation, eager loading of rows

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 406

invalid options sent to 'cascade' string will raise an exception

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 407

fixed bug in mapper refresh/expire whereby eager loaders didn't properly
re-populate item lists

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 413

fix to post_update to ensure rows are updated even for non insert/delete

.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 412

added an error message if you actually try to modify primary key values on
an entity and then flush it

.. change::
:tags: extensions
:tickets: 426

added "validate=False" argument to assign_mapper, if True will ensure that
only mapped attributes are named

.. change::
:tags: extensions

assign_mapper gets "options", "instances" functions added (i.e.

.. changelog::

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