SB3 Contrib (more algorithms):
RL Zoo3 (training framework):
To upgrade:
pip install stable_baselines3 sb3_contrib rl_zoo3 --upgrade
or simply (rl zoo depends on SB3 and SB3 contrib):
pip install rl_zoo3 --upgrade
> **Warning**
> Shared layers in MLP policy (``mlp_extractor``) are now deprecated for PPO, A2C and TRPO.
This feature will be removed in SB3 v1.8.0 and the behavior of ``net_arch=[64, 64]``
will create **separate** networks with the same architecture, to be consistent with the off-policy algorithms.
> **Note**
> A2C and PPO models saved with SB3 < 1.7.0 will show a warning about
missing keys in the state dict when loaded with SB3 >= 1.7.0.
To suppress the warning, simply save the model again.
You can find more info in issue 1233
Breaking Changes:
- Removed deprecated ``create_eval_env``, ``eval_env``, ``eval_log_path``, ``n_eval_episodes`` and ``eval_freq`` parameters,
please use an ``EvalCallback`` instead
- Removed deprecated ``sde_net_arch`` parameter
- Removed ``ret`` attributes in ``VecNormalize``, please use ``returns`` instead
- ``VecNormalize`` now updates the observation space when normalizing images
New Features:
- Introduced mypy type checking
- Added option to have non-shared features extractor between actor and critic in on-policy algorithms (AlexPasqua)
- Added ``with_bias`` argument to ``create_mlp``
- Added support for multidimensional ``spaces.MultiBinary`` observations
- Features extractors now properly support unnormalized image-like observations (3D tensor)
when passing ``normalize_images=False``
- Added ``normalized_image`` parameter to ``NatureCNN`` and ``CombinedExtractor``
- Added support for Python 3.10
- Fixed a bug in ``RecurrentPPO`` where the lstm states where incorrectly reshaped for ``n_lstm_layers > 1`` (thanks kolbytn)
- Fixed ``RuntimeError: rnn: hx is not contiguous`` while predicting terminal values for ``RecurrentPPO`` when ``n_lstm_layers > 1``
[RL Zoo](
- Added support for python file for configuration
- Added ``monitor_kwargs`` parameter
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed ``ProgressBarCallback`` under-reporting (dominicgkerr)
- Fixed return type of ``evaluate_actions`` in ``ActorCritcPolicy`` to reflect that entropy is an optional tensor (Rocamonde)
- Fixed type annotation of ``policy`` in ``BaseAlgorithm`` and ``OffPolicyAlgorithm``
- Allowed model trained with Python 3.7 to be loaded with Python 3.8+ without the ``custom_objects`` workaround
- Raise an error when the same gym environment instance is passed as separate environments when creating a vectorized environment with more than one environment. (Rocamonde)
- Fix type annotation of ``model`` in ``evaluate_policy``
- Fixed ``Self`` return type using ``TypeVar``
- Fixed the env checker, the key was not passed when checking images from Dict observation space
- Fixed ``normalize_images`` which was not passed to parent class in some cases
- Fixed ``load_from_vector`` that was broken with newer PyTorch version when passing PyTorch tensor
- You should now explicitely pass a ``features_extractor`` parameter when calling ``extract_features()``
- Deprecated shared layers in ``MlpExtractor`` (AlexPasqua)
- Used issue forms instead of issue templates
- Updated the PR template to associate each PR with its peer in RL-Zoo3 and SB3-Contrib
- Fixed flake8 config to be compatible with flake8 6+
- Goal-conditioned environments are now characterized by the availability of the ``compute_reward`` method, rather than by their inheritance to ``gym.GoalEnv``
- Replaced ``CartPole-v0`` by ``CartPole-v1`` is tests
- Fixed ``tests/`` type hints
- Fixed ``stable_baselines3/common/`` type hints
- Fixed ``stable_baselines3/common/`` type hints
- Fixed ``stable_baselines3/common/`` type hints
- Fixed ``stable_baselines3/common/`` type hints
- Fixed ``stable_baselines3/common/`` type hints
- Fixed ``stable_baselines3/common/vec_env/`` type hints
- Exposed modules in ```` with the ``__all__`` attribute (ZikangXiong)
- Upgraded GitHub CI/setup-python to v4 and checkout to v3
- Set tensors construction directly on the device (~8% speed boost on GPU)
- Monkey-patched ``np.bool = bool`` so gym 0.21 is compatible with NumPy 1.24+
- Standardized the use of ``from gym import spaces``
- Modified ``get_system_info`` to avoid issue linked to copy-pasting on GitHub issue
- Updated Hugging Face Integration page (simoninithomas)
- Changed ``env`` to ``vec_env`` when environment is vectorized
- Updated custom policy docs to better explain the ``mlp_extractor``'s dimensions (AlexPasqua)
- Updated custom policy documentation (athatheo)
- Improved tensorboard callback doc
- Clarify doc when using image-like input
- Added RLeXplore to the project page (yuanmingqi)