Breaking Changes:
- ``evaluate_policy`` now returns rewards/episode lengths from a ``Monitor`` wrapper if one is present,
this allows to return the unnormalized reward in the case of Atari games for instance.
- Renamed ``common.vec_env.is_wrapped`` to ``common.vec_env.is_vecenv_wrapped`` to avoid confusion
with the new ``is_wrapped()`` helper
- Renamed ``_get_data()`` to ``_get_constructor_parameters()`` for policies (this affects independent saving/loading of policies)
- Removed ``n_episodes_rollout`` and merged it with ``train_freq``, which now accepts a tuple ``(frequency, unit)``:
- ``replay_buffer`` in ``collect_rollout`` is no more optional
SB3 < 0.11.0
model = SAC("MlpPolicy", env, n_episodes_rollout=1, train_freq=-1)
SB3 >= 0.11.0:
model = SAC("MlpPolicy", env, train_freq=(1, "episode"))
New Features:
- Add support for ``VecFrameStack`` to stack on first or last observation dimension, along with
automatic check for image spaces.
- ``VecFrameStack`` now has a ``channels_order`` argument to tell if observations should be stacked
on the first or last observation dimension (originally always stacked on last).
- Added ``common.env_util.is_wrapped`` and ``common.env_util.unwrap_wrapper`` functions for checking/unwrapping
an environment for specific wrapper.
- Added ``env_is_wrapped()`` method for ``VecEnv`` to check if its environments are wrapped
with given Gym wrappers.
- Added ``monitor_kwargs`` parameter to ``make_vec_env`` and ``make_atari_env``
- Wrap the environments automatically with a ``Monitor`` wrapper when possible.
- ``EvalCallback`` now logs the success rate when available (``is_success`` must be present in the info dict)
- Added new wrappers to log images and matplotlib figures to tensorboard. (zampanteymedio)
- Add support for text records to ``Logger``. (lorenz-h)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug where code added VecTranspose on channel-first image environments (thanks qxcv)
- Fixed ``DQN`` predict method when using single ``gym.Env`` with ``deterministic=False``
- Fixed bug that the arguments order of ``explained_variance()`` in ```` and ```` is not correct (thisray)
- Fixed bug where full ``HerReplayBuffer`` leads to an index error. (megan-klaiber)
- Fixed bug where replay buffer could not be saved if it was too big (> 4 Gb) for python<3.8 (thanks hn2)
- Added informative ``PPO`` construction error in edge-case scenario where ``n_steps * n_envs = 1`` (size of rollout buffer),
which otherwise causes downstream breaking errors in training (decodyng)
- Fixed discrete observation space support when using multiple envs with A2C/PPO (thanks ardabbour)
- Fixed a bug for TD3 delayed update (the update was off-by-one and not delayed when ``train_freq=1``)
- Fixed numpy warning (replaced ``np.bool`` with ``bool``)
- Fixed a bug where ``VecNormalize`` was not normalizing the terminal observation
- Fixed a bug where ``VecTranspose`` was not transposing the terminal observation
- Fixed a bug where the terminal observation stored in the replay buffer was not the right one for off-policy algorithms
- Fixed a bug where ``action_noise`` was not used when using ``HER`` (thanks ShangqunYu)
- Fixed a bug where ``train_freq`` was not properly converted when loading a saved model
- Add more issue templates
- Add signatures to callable type annotations (ernestum)
- Improve error message in ``NatureCNN``
- Added checks for supported action spaces to improve clarity of error messages for the user
- Renamed variables in the ``train()`` method of ``SAC``, ``TD3`` and ``DQN`` to match SB3-Contrib.
- Updated docker base image to Ubuntu 18.04
- Set tensorboard min version to 2.2.0 (earlier version are apparently not working with PyTorch)
- Added warning for ``PPO`` when ``n_steps * n_envs`` is not a multiple of ``batch_size`` (last mini-batch truncated) (decodyng)
- Removed some warnings in the tests
- Updated algorithm table
- Minor docstring improvements regarding rollout (stheid)
- Fix migration doc for ``A2C`` (epsilon parameter)
- Fix ``clip_range`` docstring
- Fix duplicated parameter in ``EvalCallback`` docstring (thanks tfederico)
- Added example of learning rate schedule
- Added SUMO-RL as example project (LucasAlegre)
- Fix docstring of classes in which were inside the constructor (LucasAlegre)
- Added SB3-Contrib page
- Fix bug in the example code of DQN (AptX395)
- Add example on how to access the tensorboard summary writer directly. (lorenz-h)
- Updated migration guide
- Updated custom policy doc (separate policy architecture recommended)
- Added a note about OpenCV headless version
- Corrected typo on documentation (mschweizer)
- Provide the environment when loading the model in the examples (lorepieri8)