- Add docs on config, environments & translators [GH-157]
- locked output changed to debug [GH-159]
- Multi-output parameter doc [GH-160]
- Remove spaces from multi-item parameters [GH-161]
- Remove blueprints & configs in favor of stacker\_blueprints [GH-163]
- Clean up plan/status split [GH-165]
- Allow s3 server side encryption [GH-167]
- Support configurable namespace delimiter [GH-169]
- Support tags as a new top-level keyword [GH-171]
- Update to boto3 [GH-174]
- Interactive AWS Provider [GH-178]
- Add config option for appending to sys.path [GH-179]
- More condensed output [GH-182]
- File loading lookup [GH-185]
- Handle stacks without parameters [GH-193]
- Implement blueprint variables & lookups [GH-194]
- Fix traceback on interactive provider when adding resources [GH-198]
- kms lookup [GH-200]
- Compatible release version dependencies [GH-201]
- add xref lookup [GH-202]
- Update docstrings for consistency [GH-204]
- Add support for CFN Parameter types in Blueprint Variables [GH-206]
- Deal w/ multiprocessing library sharing ssl connections [GH-208]
- Fix issues with slashes inside variable lookups [GH-213]
- Custom validators for blueprint variables [GH-218]