- SuperNova rates are now computed accounting for the total number of stars created per unit of stellar mass
- Added new DTD option: Greggio, L. 2005
- Added dataset of solar abundances from Lodders et al. 2019
- Added ``two_steps_t`` option for ``integration_step`` setting: The integration will use two time steps: [half the lifetime of a 100 solar masses star for the given metallicity] as time step for stars bigger than 4 solar masses, and 100 times that for less massive stars. If this option is selected the `total_time_steps` setting is ignored
- Added ``fixed_n_steps`` option for ``integration_step`` setting: The integration will take exactly the number of time steps specified in the next two settings (``integration_steps_stars_smaller_than_4Msun`` and ``integration_steps_stars_bigger_than_4Msun``)
- Removed DTD from *Mannucci, Della Valle, Panagia (2006)* (was deprecated in v1.2.0)
- Deprecation warnings can be silenced setting ``deprecation_warnings`` to False (it is True by default)
- Added correction of abundances data for CRI-LIM yields set
- Element production refactored: removed special case for massive stars
- Updated CNO cycle calculations
- Added ``yield_corrections`` setting to allow custom corrections for the ejections data
- Project renamed to Starmatrix