New nucleosynthesis method
- Time step is now constant on ``log(t)``
- New settings to add limits on stellar mass: ``[m_min, m_max]``
- Added setting for number of time steps: ``[total_time_steps]``
- New stellar lifetime method from *Raiteri C.M., Villata M. & Navarro J.F., 1996, A&A 315, 105-115*
New Delay Time Distribution setting
- Added setting ``dtd_sn`` to select Delay Time Distribution tu use with supernova rates
- Added DTD from *Mannucci, Della Valle, Panagia (2006)*
Q-Matrix changes
- Q Matrix values are calculated now without adding a 10e6 factor
- Accuracy increased to ``15.10f``
- Supernova rates are 0.0 for masses > 8 solar masses
New unified integration method
- Supernova rates, IMFs and Q integrals are now resolved with Newton-Cotes degree 6
Bug fixes
- Fixed out-of-limits error ocurring when interpolating to 100 stellar masses
- Fixed over-adding supernova rates to Q matrix in each integration step
- Fixed matrix size when mass was invalid
`All v1.0.0 commits`_
.. _`All v1.0.0 commits`: https://github.com/xuanxu/starmatrix/compare/v0.1.0...v1.0.0