API change: ``Bus`` no longer accepts a ``Series`` on initialization; use ``Bus.from_series()``.
API change: ``Batch`` no longer normalizes containers after each step in processing; use ``Batch.via_container`` to force elements or arrays to ``Frame`` or ``Series``.
API change: ``Index`` objects can no longer be created with ``np.datetime64`` arrays; such labels must use an ``IndexDatetime`` subclass instead. If this is happening implicitly with an operation, that operation should expose a parameter for ``index_constructor`` or ``index_constructors``.
API change: ``IndexAutoFactory`` is no longer accepted as an ``index_constructor`` argument in ``Series.from_pandas()`` and ``Frame.from_pandas()``; ``IndexAutoFactory`` should be passed as an ``index`` or ``columns`` argument instead.
Minimum Python version is now 3.7
New implementation of ``IndexHierarchy``, offering significantly improved performance and removal of the requirement of tree hierarchies.
Added ``Batch.to_series()``.
Fixed issue when using ``Frame.from_npz`` with an NPZ created with a ``FrameGO``.
Fixed issue when supplying overspecified mappings to ``Frame.astype``.