Introduced the ``Batch``, a lazy, parallel processor of groups of ``Frame``.
``Index`` and ``IndexHierarchy`` ``intersection()`` and ``union()`` now accept ``*args``, performing the set operation iteratively on all arguments.
Revised default aggregation function to ``Frame.pivot``.
Fixed issue in writing SQLite stores from ``Frame`` labelled with strings containing hyphens.
Added `include_index_name`, `include_columns_name` to ``Frame.to_delimited``.
Added `include_index_name`, `include_columns_name` to ``StoreConfig`` and ``Frame.to_xlsx`` interfaces.
Added `index_name_depth_level` and `columns_name_depth_level` to `Frame.from_delimited` and related methods.
Added `index_name_depth_level`, `columns_name_depth_level` to ``StoreConfig`` and ``Frame.from_xlsx`` interfaces.