- The new `--level` flag can be set on the command line and will override all other levels, even non-default levels
specified in a `--profile` flag when running Statick.
The expectation is that a user setting the `--level` flag will explicitly want that level for the entire Statick run
(single package or multiple packages in a workspace).
If separate levels are desired per package then the user should not use the `--level` flag. (429, 436)
- Ubuntu 22.04 is now included in the main test environment matrix when running GitHub Actions. (444)
- The `--timings` flag will print timing information to the console after a Statick run.
Timing information is available for file discovery, for each individual plugin, and for overall duration. (443)
- Default behavior for Statick will now run all available discovery plugins, and run all tool plugins where
their desired source files are available, then output results only on the terminal.
The old default behavior was to run the "sei_cert" profile, this is still doable via either of the
following arguments: `--profile sei_cert.yaml` or `--level sei_cert`. (432, 435)
- When running unit tests with tox, Statick uses pytest-flake8.
A recent upstream bug causes issues when using the latest version of pytest-flake8.
Statick is now pinning the version of pytest-flake8 to the previous major version.
Details of the upstream issue are at tholo/pytest-flake887. (440)
- Updated configuration files that come with Statick to use the recommended list format when specifying plugins on
the `inherits_from` setting. (427)
- CMake discovery plugin and cmakelint tool plugin handle files with .cmake extension. (434)
- This follows the CMake manual at <>.
> CMake input files are written in the "CMake Language" in source files named CMakeLists.txt or ending in a
> .cmake file name extension.
- Support latest PyPI version of mypy.
Required removing a mypy ignore comment. (437)
- The ROS discovery plugin was setting the file type of the package to a boolean value rather than a string describing
the actual file type.
Mixing types between packages caused bugs in tool plugins.
The ROS discovery plugin now acts consistently with other discovery plugins. (439)
- Usage of `inherits_from` flag in configuration files as a string is no longer supported.
The levels specified in `inherits_from` must now be in list format.
The string usage has been deprecated since v0.7.1. (427)