This release adds some breaking changes to the use of Statick, but all of the old functionality can still be accessed
using the new approaches.
To scan a ROS workspace with multiple packages there used to be a separate executable named `statick_ws`.
That same functionality is now accessed via the main `statick` executable by passing in the `-ws` flag.
Anywhere that you used to use `statick_ws <workspace_directory/src>`, change that to `statick <workspace_directory/src> -ws`.
When scanning a ROS workspace all of the packages in that workspace will now be scanned in parallel.
The default number of packages to scan in parallel is half the number of CPU cores on the current computer.
This was selected as a compromise between running Statick on continuous integration servers and for local developers.
To get back to the previous behavior of scanning a single package at a time, use the flag `--max-procs 1`.
To have Statick figure out the number of available CPU cores and use all of them, use the flag `--max-procs -1`.
To use a specific number of CPU cores (`N`) up to the maximum available, use the flag `--max-procs N`.
Statick switched from raw `print()` statements to using the Python built-in logging module.
Most output is now suppressed by default.
To get back to the previous amount of output verbosity use the flag `--log INFO`.
Previously, the `--show-tool-output` flag was used to add even more verbosity.
That flag will work for the v0.5 releases, but will be removed for v0.6 releases.
Instead you should now use the flag `--log DEBUG`.
- Allow `statick_ws` to scan packages in parallel using the multiprocess module. (Alexander Xydes, xydesa)
- Make `statick_ws` a `-ws` flag on the main statick executable instead of a standalone executable. (Alexander Xydes, xydesa)
- Convert use of print() and show tool output flags to the built-in Python logging module.
- Add support for yml extension to yaml discovery plugin. (Alexander Xydes, xydesa)
- Apply docformatter to format docstrings. Add that tool to the list to run at the self-check level.
- Add reporting plugin to output issues to the console in JSON format. (Alexander Xydes, xydesa)
- Add mypy to requirements.txt.
- Remove trailing colon from filename when adding issues for black tool.
- Add parsing of black's internal parse error syntax. (Alexander Xydes, xydesa)
- Check for a valid plugin context before accessing plugin context variables related to the existence of an output directory.
- Remove unused files that are duplicated by CI files that show how to install packages.